
Chapter 401

Chapter 401
The visiting members of Qianlingzong in Hongde Hall also sat down one by one, and later introduced the people who Qianlingyuan would bring. The middle-aged monk at the beginning of Yuanying was his disciple named Shi Ningjun.And the black-robed monk is naturally Bo Yunzi, but except for Yi Tian and Elder Wen Xin who knew the inside story, everyone else didn't know.

When Shi Qianwei was introduced, Yi Tiancai knew that she was the granddaughter of Shi Ningjun, and he wanted to follow the customs of southern Xinjiang this time.

After Qian Lingyuan's introduction, Elder Wen Xin also revealed the identities of the people around him one by one.However, when introducing Dao Yitian, it was obvious that there was doubt in Qian Lingyuan's eyes, but Shi Qianwei returned to normal after a flash of astonishment, but her mood at the moment was unknown.

After exchanging pleasantries, Qian Lingyuan spoke first: "Elder Mingjian, the despicable sect and your sect have intersected thousands of years ago, and the ancestors of the sect Zeng Yun had a set of child-mother phantom spirit swords that were taken by the elders of your sect. I think I came here to redeem this treasure, I wonder if the Great Elder can accommodate me."

As soon as this remark came out, all the members of Ming Wang Sect also looked at the Great Elder Wen Xin with puzzled faces, and the people present did not know about these things that happened thousands of years ago.

Elder Wen Xin fell into deep thought after hearing this, then nodded and said: "It's true, but it's a long time ago, and this spirit weapon is also in disrepair for a long time, I'm afraid that even if you find it, you may not be able to recognize it."

"It doesn't matter, as long as the thing is still there, I can take it back and refine it again. I just want to fulfill the last wish of my ancestors," Qian Lingyuan said with a smile.

So Elder Wen Xin couldn't shirk anymore, after thinking for a while, he got up and said, "Fellow Daoist, please wait a moment."

Then he turned his head to Yue Qingtong and said: "Junior Sister greets the distinguished guests for me, don't lose your courtesy." Then he pointed to Yi Tian and said: "You and I go to the warehouse to search for the relics of the Shangzong."

Everyone hurriedly stood up and said: "Respect the decree of the Dharma."

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian and Wen Xin rushed to the warehouse of Gonglitian, opened the door and went in.Elder Wen Xin hurriedly opened the sound-proof barrier and said, "What does the Holy Son think about this?"

Yi Tian pondered for a while and replied: "This Qianlingyuan came with bad intentions, just ask for the relics of the ancestors, even if it is snatched by the seniors of the Holy Cult, it should belong to the Holy Cult, but I don't know if this child-mother phantom spirit sword really exists what?"

Elder Wen Xin nodded and pointed to a pair of unremarkable spirit swords in the corner of the guest room: "There are things, and things are true, but Qian Lingyuan made a fuss about it, I'm afraid there will be other things in the future." Something happened."

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is that the soldiers will come to cover the water and the earth. The elder will keep in mind that our target this time is that Bo Yunzi. Now Qian Lingyuan is by his side to protect him, so he can't do anything. We have to wait for them to come out of the holy religion." Let’s make another calculation. Xiao Linhang has already laid out the formation and waited for a long time, and I don’t want to disappoint him,” Yi Tian said.

Then Yi Tian strode forward and took out the two phantom spirit swords of child and mother to have a look. This set of spiritual weapons can be regarded as a treasure. Senior Jiao broke the aura, and in addition, it has been abandoned in the warehouse for many years without repairing, and the rank of the spirit weapon has dropped to the fifth level.

If such a thing is taken out, the other party must not even take a look at it. Although buying back the spiritual weapon is just a pretext, Yi Tian feels that there is still a lot to be done in it.

Then he turned to Elder Wen Xin and said, "I'll quickly refine this thing so that I can get away with it, and you will protect me."

"I would like to obey the Holy Son's instructions," said Elder Wen Xin, then walked to the warehouse door and sat up cross-legged, and strengthened the soundproof barrier in the room by three points.

With a thought, Yi Tian took out the two flying swords from the air, and then a purple flame popped up from his finger to ignite the spirit sword, and then took out two pieces of seventh-level pure gold of hundred-refined black iron and melted them in.

A quarter of an hour later, when the flames were withdrawn to reveal the two ice peak blades, there was a wave of spiritual pressure in the whole room.Even Elder Wen Xin, who was sitting at the door, couldn't help but turned his head to take a look, and then praised: "His Royal Highness is really good at craftsmanship, and in just a short film, he brought a defective product of the fifth level to life." Upgrading to a sixth-level mid-level spiritual weapon, presumably Qian Lingyuan will have nothing to say in this way."

With a cold snort, Yi Tian replied: "It's not just that there is nothing to say, these spiritual weapons can be used by Qian Lingyuan, why don't the Great Elder take the opportunity to cheat him for a fee?" Then the two looked at each other and chattered for a while Hearty laughter.

Later, Elder Wen Xin put away the Illusory Sword of Mother and Child, and then the two hurried back to the hall of Hongde Hall.As soon as he entered the door, he heard some voices, and it turned out that Qian Lingyuan and Le Qingtong were sitting and discussing.

Elder Wen Xin stepped forward with a smile on his face and said to Qian Lingyuan, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. I finally found the spiritual weapon of the ancestors of the noble sect in the storage of the holy religion." The passed spirit sword appeared in his hand, and then gently raised his hand and sent the two spirit swords over.

Qian Lingyuan didn't show surprise on the back of the spirit sword, but just scanned the set of spirit sword up and down with his spiritual sense, and then handed it to Shi Ningjun and said: "This thing should belong to you, Take it."

The latter hurriedly stood up and kowtowed to Qian Lingyuan, and then put away the things without any excuses.Then Qian Lingyuan and Elder Wen Xin communicated a few words in private, and the people next to him realized that the two big men were negotiating the price, so they remained silent.

On the contrary, Yi Tian stared at Shi Qianwei without hesitation, looked up and down, and was in a daze for a while, as if recalling the absurd things he did in Xihuang back then.

Seeing the other party looking at each other, they didn't back away, the two of them had already met each other, but it was just too difficult to say a thousand words.I thought back then that I had promised Shi Qianwei to go to the Qianlingzong to propose a marriage, but I didn't do it afterwards.Even if he has cultivated to the early stage of Yuanying, he has never set foot in Zhongzhou.

Later, I saw that after the two big bosses had made an agreement, Qian Lingyuan then took out a storage bracelet and ordered some supplies to go in to pay for the purchase of the Phantom Spirit Sword of Mother and Child. Everyone was happy, and the atmosphere also changed ease.

Suddenly, Bo Yunzi who was sitting on the side made a hoarse voice and said, "Su Wen Ming Wang Dao is the leader in southern Xinjiang. I, Qian Lingzong, also want to discuss and prove each other when I come here this time."

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere on the scene became colder by three points, but Bo Yunzi kept saying that he was from the Qianling Sect, which made everyone present in Ming Wangdao suspicious.

Only Elder Wen Xin asked Qian Lingyuan: "Is this junior's words meant by a fellow Taoist?"

Qian Lingyuan laughed aloud and said, "It's enough for peers to learn from each other, and the Great Elder must not lose his spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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