
Chapter 402

Chapter 402
Since Qian Lingyuan in the Hall of Merit has said so, it is considered a final word when Elder Wen Xin agrees.

But right now, let's take a look at the four people who came from the other party. The cultivation bases are the early and middle stages of the Nascent Soul, and there are two monks at the Jindan stage.Although Nabo Yunzi is a late Jindan monk, Tianyunmen's skills are definitely not suitable for fighting with others, so Yi Tian excluded him, and now he is worried about Shi Qianwei.

Sure enough, Qian Lingyuan spoke first: "I have a granddaughter, Qian Wei, who can be regarded as the leader of the Golden Core of Qianling's lineage. I would like to ask the golden core monks of your teaching to give me some advice."

As soon as the words came out of the mouth, Shi Qianwei stood up and saluted the seniors, and then waited for the Ming Wangdao side to leave the station.

In fact, everyone who was present knew the kingly way, and everyone knew that at this moment, only Le Tongxuan from Blissful Heaven had a slightly higher level of cultivation than her.But the other party is a powerful descendant of the spiritual world, who is good at fighting in martial arts, and everyone does not know whether Le Tongxuan can withstand the pressure.

On the other hand, she herself was downplaying and only looked at Shi Qianwei with extreme jealousy in her eyes. Although Yi Tian who was present was aware of these clues, she was at a loss.

Just listen to Elder Wen Xin said indifferently: "Tongxuan, you should discuss with nephew Qianwei, and remember to stop."

After the two thanked each other, they stepped out of the hall and came into the air, and the people inside also followed them leisurely and raised their heads to look up.

Yi Tian followed behind the crowd, but he was still thinking about something in his heart. Suddenly, Le Qingtong's sweet voice came from his ear: "Who do you want to win?"

Smiling to hide his embarrassment, Yi Tian also replied via voice transmission: "Of course the Holy Cult won."

"But I think your lord seems to want Shi Qianwei to win."

After hearing this, Yi Tian replied indifferently: "How is it possible, the other party came to provoke my Holy Cult and is about to forcefully suppress it."

Le Qingtong shook her head disdainfully, and then asked after Yin Chuan, "I guess this Shi Qianwei has a lot to do with Your Honor, right?"

"How do you know?" Yi Tian was taken aback and frowned as he lost his words.

"It's a woman's intuition, not to mention that Blissful Heaven is serving the superior, how could she not investigate these matters deeply, I believe Tongxuan has also noticed it in her heart, your little Taoist partner should be careful," Le Qingtong said. Instead, he looked back and smiled at Yi Tiandao.

After seeing her blankly, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly, and then saw two auras of light, one white and one yellow, sticking to each other in the sky, and they made a series of dry noises.

After a while, I saw the two of them falling down slowly. Although they didn't suffer any injuries, Shi Qianwei's complexion was normal, while Le Tongxuan's face was flushed, obviously she had suffered some dark losses.

Everyone in Ming Wangdao also looked unhappy at this time, Le Tongxuan's cultivation level was obviously higher than the other party's, but she was still forced to suffer.

After Yi Tian saw it, he quietly sent a voice transmission to her and said: "You should step back and have a rest." The latter only showed a little joy after hearing this.

Shi Qianwei on the opposite side also looked over quietly at this time, but focused all her attention on Yi Tian, ​​and stared at Le Tongxuan with an angry face after seeing the scene just now.

Although he didn't know the little Jiujiu between them, at this time Yi Tian still had 12 spirits in his heart.Since the mid-stage monks of the Qianlingzong Jindan can leapfrog the challenge, then it will be too much to discuss in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Sure enough, before Qian Lingyuan opened his mouth, Shi Ningjun beside him stood up and saluted Elder Wen Xin: "The younger generation lives in Zhongzhou, and has never had the opportunity to discuss with Silu monks. I would like to take this opportunity to invite you Teach an expert to teach you."

"Oh, then who do you want to ask for advice?" Elder Wen Xin said flatly.

After hearing this, Shi Ning Jun glanced back and forth at the rest of the people several times, and then said: "Su Wen Di Yutian is the department of the holy religion to pass on the method of harmony, and I would like to ask the Emperor Yutian to give me some advice. "

As soon as these words were said, Shangguan Wufeng's face twitched twice, and Yi Tian realized that the opponent had come prepared, and now he, Xiong Batian, Leqing Tong and Shangguan Wufeng were able to fight.

In terms of strength, Shangguan Wufeng is stronger than Leqing Tong, but the opponent doesn't have to fight with women, and he can't see through himself and Xiong Batian, so after some consideration, it is a good plan.Even the leapfrog challenge of a tie can be regarded as a victory, but everyone has tacitly understood it.

Shangguan Wufeng's face was solemn, and then his figure scattered afterimages. Three breaths later, his response came from the sky: "Teacher and Taoist friend, let's have a few hands."

Shi Ningjun was not polite, he just kicked his feet and his body turned into a white light to meet him, and in an instant, there were bursts of thunder from the sky.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing at the door of the store, hastily used his pupil technique to see the fight in the sky clearly.

I saw Shi Ningjun holding a spiritual sword that turned into thousands of sword threads and then attacked Shangguan Wufeng.Although he didn't achieve the effect of combining the three moves into one, he greeted the opponent one after another because of the power of the three moves.

The movement of these two people fighting was much more shocking than Le Tongxuan and Shi Qianwei just now. Looking up, the whole sky instantly became a place where one yellow and one white spiritual energy clashed.

Yi Tian nodded at this time and looked at the elder Wen Xin who was in the middle. Both of them seemed to have decided the end of this confrontation. If there is no accident, Shangguan Wufeng can maintain the situation in a tie with the advantage of his cultivation base. realm.

It seems that Shi Ningjun, who was in the air, also realized the gap between himself and his opponent. Although the first move was a sword-like trick, Shangguan Wufeng responded calmly, not only seeing through the opponent's thoughts, but also taking every step. The furnace comes to cover itself completely.

Even if Shi Ningjun's silky sword energy pierced through the obstruction of the spell, it could only leave small traces on the pill furnace.

After the fight between the two sides lasted for a quarter of an hour, Elder Wen Xin said to Qian Lingyuan, "How about a tie, fellow Daoist?"

But Qian Lingyuan waved his hand with a smile and said: "Please wait a moment, the elder, the villain has not used his last move."

As soon as the words fell, I saw Shi Ningjun backing away quickly, and took out the mother-child phantom sword from the storage bag, muttering something in his mouth.I saw the two spirit swords, one large and one small, merged into one in an instant, and then Shi Ningjun took it with one hand and lightly tapped on the spirit sword.

In an instant, the sword body rapidly swelled up and turned into a white halo ten feet long and one foot wide.Then with a change of wrist, the white light was controlled to hit the opponent directly.On the opposite side, Shangguan Wufeng also twitched his face, and without stopping, he directly turned the pill furnace into a four-foot light shield and blocked it in front of him.

After the loud bang of 'bang', the two of them held each other for tens of feet and slowly fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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