
Chapter 403 Misleading

Chapter 403 Misleading
After a quarter of an hour of fighting, Shi Ningjun and Shangguan Wufeng are now waiting beside Qian Lingyuan and Elder Wen Xin. Although there is no distinction on the surface, Yi Tian relies on his pupil skills to see real.

Shi Ningjun's last move was the second of the three unique skills in Yaojian's swordsmanship, "Shocking Sword", if it wasn't for the blessing of the mother-child imaginary sword that he had just refined, it would not have been so powerful.

There was a sword mark one inch deep and three inches long on Shangguan Wufeng's defensive alchemy stove. It seemed that the five-inch alchemy stove was about to be scrapped.

Elder Wen Xin whispered a few words to Shangguan Wufeng, and the latter was overjoyed when he heard it, and then stepped aside to adjust his breath.

After Yi Tian saw it, he deeply admired the great elder's way of employing people. He slapped a jujube with a slap in the face, and he would definitely be rewarded heavily after he became a leader for the holy religion.

On the contrary, Shi Ning Jun now has an intoxicated look on his face, maybe he never thought that he would give a big surprise by changing hands temporarily.After silent transmission with Qian Lingyuan, the latter also showed a rare smile on his face.

Immediately, Qian Lingyuan asked: "I have always admired the Kings and Daoists of the Ming Dynasty. How is this a tie?"

"Alright, fellow daoist, you and I don't need to compete, we are all over a thousand years old," Elder Wen Xin replied tepidly.

"That's that, that junior doesn't dare to boast in front of the Great Elder, let's just let go of the discussion," Qian Lingyuan said, and saw that Bo Yunzi's lips moved, and then Qian Lingzong said thoughtfully. He asked: "We came all the way from Zhongzhou to Southern Xinjiang, but we haven't seen the real face of the Holy Son yet, so I wonder if the Great Elder can recommend one or two, so that we can see how powerful the Holy Son of King Ming who dominated Southern Xinjiang was. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone remained silent, but Elder Wen Xin replied: "The Lord Sheng Zizun is currently retreating and practicing, and I am afraid that the infinite clone will come to see you."

"I've heard that the Holy Son is good at the Dharma body, even so, can you please share with us and ask the Holy Son to show the Dharma Body in the air?" Qian Lingyuan continued to ask.

I saw Le Qingtong shouting coquettishly, "Fellow Qianling Daoist, why bother to be so aggressive, how important it is for the holy son of this religion to show his Dharma body, how can he reveal it at will."

Elder Wen Xin was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "Since fellow Taoist insists on this, please wait for the old man to summon the Holy Son, but this time is not an example." After finishing speaking, there was impatience in his tone.

Qian Lingyuan hastily stepped forward to apologize and said, "Thank you, senior Haihan, for relying on the disturbance of the Holy Son."

Afterwards, Great Elder Wen Xin took out the messenger jade tablet and said a few words into it, then raised his head to look at the sky.This time even the rest of the people raised their heads suspiciously and looked into the sky.

Half a moment later, there was a gust of wind, and then the clouds and mist in the air suddenly seemed to be fiddled with, and then a [-]-foot three-headed and six-armed holy son dharma body appeared faintly.

Qian Lingyuan and the others below opened their eyes wide and stared at the dharma body for a while, and less than a quarter of an hour later, the dharma body dissipated into the air.

Then Qian Lingyuan cupped his hands and confessed: "Ming Wangdao, we are bothering you this time, let's leave after a while and set off for Zhongzhou."

Elder Wen Xin returned the salute: "I also hope that the two factions will avoid entanglements from now on and live in harmony."

"It must be," Qian Lingyuan replied, and took out the Shenxing boat of Qianlingzong, and turned the flying boat into a [-]-foot-sized boat floating in the air with a touch of magic in his hand.

Afterwards, the four of them bid farewell to the kings of Ming Dynasty one by one, and then boarded the flying boat and galloped towards Zhongzhou.

After the flying boat disappeared into the sky, Yi Tian came out, took out a compass-like spiritual weapon and handed it to Xiongba Tiandao: "I have tracked and positioned the mother-child phantom sword, you can intercept it through the transmission channel." Stay, just hold Qian Lingyuan."

Great Elder Wen Xin also changed his previous amiable expression and said, "Does the Holy Son need the old man to take action to keep Qian Lingyuan in the southern border?"

"No need, this time the goal is Bo Yunzi. As for the Ning Jun, there is nothing to fear. I will fight with him personally and teach him how to behave."

As soon as the words came out, Le Qingtong and Shangguan Wufeng who were standing next to him showed expressions on their faces and said: "Holy Son, don't take personal risks."

But Yi Tian didn't take it seriously and said: "The strength of Qian Lingyuan is almost the same as mine without using the Lingbao, and I also mostly understand the strength of his apprentice Shi Ning Jun."

Turning around and looking at everyone, he said sharply: "I will never fight an uncertain battle. This time, the target of the Tianyunmen traitor, Bo Yunzi, must be eradicated. I have made up my mind, so there is no need to say more. Furthermore, I have sent Xiao Linhang of the Tianyunmen to activate the formation and wait for the opponent to enter the urn, and the arrow is on the string and has to be fired."

"In this case, is it necessary for the old man to take a shot to intercept it," Wen Xin asked.

"The Great Elder represents the entire Ming Wangdao. If you move lightly, it will cause the other party to be alert, and at this time, my Holy Cult does not want to directly fight with the Zhongzhou Qianling Sect. But if Xiong Batian and I come forward, it can be said that it is a private confrontation." If you are not satisfied with the competition and want to ask for advice again, the nature is quite different," Yi Tian explained.

So everyone is relieved, as long as there are no mistakes, this interception should be able to sit on the sidelines.

Afterwards, under Yi Tian's arrangement, everyone also performed their duties and guarded the key points of each checkpoint, while Yi Tian and Xiong Batian hurriedly passed the middle-distance teleportation array in Hongde Hall to Qianlingyuan Intercept on the way home.

Three hours later, since Qianling Flying Boat left the hinterland of King Ming Dao, Qianlingyuan felt uneasy. A cultivator like him would have a three-pointer sense of heaven and earth than ordinary people, and he also had an abnormal sense of crisis. sensitive.

Sitting around the table in the middle of the cabin, Qian Lingyuan said to Bo Yunzi, "What do fellow Taoists think of today's events?"

Bo Yunzi turned down his cloak at this time to reveal his true face, he saw that his eyes were wrapped in bandages as if he had been blind for a long time, and he said with a deep expression, "Senior Qian Ling asked if the Holy Son of King Ming appeared or those two people? "

"Yes, fellow Taoist, please clarify?" Qian Lingyuan asked sincerely. If others saw such a scene, the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would be so respectful to the blind man in the late stage of Jindan, I'm afraid few people would believe it.

"The holy son's dharma is real, but according to the documents I have checked in the Tianlan Continent, even if he has cultivated to the golden core stage, he can condense this kind of dharma. If so, the new holy son's cultivation base is not Gao, Qianlingzong still has a lot of time to train a new generation of sword spirits to fight against it," Bo Yunzi said eloquently.

After hearing this, Qian Lingyuan seemed to be relieved, so the other party might not be called the sect's great enemy.

"As for the transformed monster, which is strong but not of our kind, it is also an existence in the Ming Wangdao like a guardian, so there is no need to worry too much," Bo Yunzi continued: "It's not easy for the Brahma mantra to prevail, I can I feel a strong sense of shock from him, and his strength is no less than that of Fellow Daoist Qianling."

"Fellow Daoist, did you make a mistake? That person is only at the initial stage of Yuanying?" Qian Lingyuan exclaimed.

Before he finished speaking, he felt the entire flying boat shake violently, and heard Xiong Batian's roar from outside: "Qian Lingyuan came out to fight your grandpa Xiong."

(End of this chapter)

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