
Chapter 409

Chapter 409
Qian Lingyuan can also be regarded as an old Jianghu, although he is entangled by Xiong Batian, but if he wants to leave, he can't stop him.What's more, Xiong Batian just held the idea of ​​procrastinating, so Qian Lingyuan found a breakthrough point by accident and hurried away.

But after Qian Lingyuan escaped, he couldn't find any trace of the sect for a while, even with the Zongmen's communication jade token, he couldn't get in touch.At the moment, I couldn't help but feel anxious. There is only one possibility for such a situation, that is, Shi Ningjun and others are isolated by a large formation, and they will not be able to get in touch with the outside world for a while.

Fortunately, in the dark night, the rays of light produced by those two magic spells illuminated almost one-third of the southern border, and even the mortals in those countries on the ground could clearly see the scene of two suns colliding fiercely.

Of course, Qian Lingyuan, who was a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, witnessed the whole process, and then galloped towards this goal without hesitation.

Knowing that the apprentice must be entangled, he sent a message to Shi Qianwei directly on the way to get a general understanding of the situation.Although there are many doubts in it, it is not the time to investigate in detail for the time being, we can only deal with the matter in front of us first.

Yi Tian looked over the sleepy dragon formation and looked at Qian Lingyuan, who had rushed over in a hurry, but also had a headache, and then scanned the surroundings with his consciousness, only to find that the old bear also arrived later.

In this way, our side has a slight advantage in terms of strength. It seems that it is impossible to take people away today.

Simply Yi Tian also waited in the air, anyway, everything will be discussed when the old bear arrives.

And Shi Ningjun on the opposite side took this opportunity to hastily reported Bo Yunzi's departure to Qian Lingyuan in detail.The latter also frowned after listening, and did not forget to stare at Xiao Linhang up and down.

Then I saw Yi Tian blocking Xiao Linhang to protect Xiao Linhang, Qian Lingyuan had no choice but to give up for the time being, turned around and took the blood jade tablet in his hand, thinking about something in his heart.

Later, I saw the old bear arriving in a black whirlwind. Yi Tian looked at Qian Lingyuan. Qian Lingyuan must have something extraordinary.

When I was young, when the old bear arrived, I heard him cursing and saying: "Well, you old bastard, you actually used the mirror image to trick me into following the wrong direction."

Qian Lingyuan didn't change his face and said: "Friend Daoist Xiong didn't know that the mirror-flower and water-moon technique is also my Taoist technique, and your monster race's difficulty in distinguishing the authenticity of this illusion technique is also a pain for you. In terms of speed, it is indeed your opponent, so I had to do this. "

After hearing this, Yi Tiancai realized that it wasn't that the old Xiong couldn't escape, but that he had followed other people's way, and now he couldn't help but have a higher opinion of Qian Lingyuan.

At the same time, I saw Qian Lingyuan cupped his hands towards Yi Tian and said: "Let's get to know again, Qian Lingyuan, the patriarch of the Qianling Sect in Xiazhongzhou, my patriarch is Qianlingzi, I believe His Highness Shengzi should have heard of it."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "My name is Yi Tian, ​​and the Holy Son is just a false name. My skills are passed down from the ancestor Qin Mingyue, the ancestor should be called Luo Que."

"The Holy Son is indifferent to fame and wealth, and it really makes me look up a bit. Compared with your predecessor, his realm is much higher, but I don't know if he is as sharp-edged as Qin Mingyue in terms of strength," Qian Lingyuan replied with a smile.

Xiong Batian, who was on the side, was unhappy when he heard Qian Lingyuan calling Qin Mingyue's name, and was about to go forward when Yi Tian stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Help me protect Xiao Linhang, I fought against him .”

Seeing that Yi Tian was going to make a move, Xiong Batian nodded and said: "Then you be careful, this person is very powerful and is not inferior to me."

"Don't worry about it," Yi Tian then turned his head to Qian Lingyuan and said, "I've heard for a long time that there are three forms of the swordsmanship of the Qianlingzong Town School, and I am very disappointed to see the first two forms today. I hope that Senior Qian Ling's third move can cheer me up, and we will decide the outcome with one move."

Qian Lingyuan didn't get angry after hearing this, but turned around and asked his subordinate Ning Jun about the confrontation just now, after hearing that, his face showed deep worry.But the arrow had to be fired on the string, and then he turned his head and pointed at the sky and said indifferently: "Let's go up, let the doorman retreat to a safe place before making a move, no matter what the result is, the three of us will leave immediately Nanjiang, I hope the Holy Son will not stop you."

"It's a deal. I don't want you to live in southern Xinjiang for a long time. I know what you want to prove. It's fine to fulfill your wish, so you don't have to worry about it." Xiao Linhang, after the two were far away, he flew up to the sky and stood firmly.

Baizhang away, a real shadow flashed and revealed the appearance of Qian Lingyuan, and the two of them took out their respective spirit treasures without saying a word.

Facing the leader of the largest faction in Zhongzhou, Yi Tian, ​​he didn't know what to do, but the two factions have been enemies since ancient times and they would have a deep understanding of each other. In addition, Yi Tian himself had practiced Yao Jianshu, so he dared to make a decision. Recruitment appointment.The purpose is to see the true power of the three thousand spirits. The first two moves have been seen in the hands of Shi Ningjun, but the third move is the key.

After the four people around were far away for more than a hundred miles, Yi Tian finally formed a dharma body seal on his chest without hesitation, and then said something in his mouth, and suddenly the four arms drilled out from the deep hole left under the armpit, and behind the ears, one happy and one worried Come two faces.After the sun and moon imprint on the hand flew out, the left and right hands held it directly and poured mana into it.

According to the records left by Luo Que, his two moves of covering the sun and closing the moon can completely defeat Qian Lingzi's first two moves, but it is unknown whether the third move, Sun and Moon Tonghui, can defeat Qian Lingzi's third move.

The left hand covering the sun turned into a bursting golden ball, and the right hand covering the moon turned into a cyan cold ring. The combination of the two phases combined the two wheels of the sun and the moon into one.

Qian Lingyuan in the distance is also showing embarrassment at this time. When Yi Tian showed his real body, he was alerted in his heart, and after seeing the combined moves of the sun and the moon, Qian Lingyuan's face showed an extremely dignified expression. look.

The opponent's move was also only recorded in the sect's classics, it was the record when the patriarch Qian Lingzi fought against Luo Que.From this point of view, it is really a good idea, but even though the patriarch lost half a chip back then, he didn't get a big deal by relying on the formation to defend the opponent, and in the end he just came back with a feather.Then Qian Lingyuan sacrificed his saber and quickly completed the seal. After the spirit sword turned into a light dragon, it directly attacked Yi Tian.

With a sound of 'catch', the combination of the sun and moon wheels flashed a two-color light and directly faced the white light dragon.

The two spells formed two absolute spaces in the air, as if they were going to swallow everything nearby. When the spells clashed, they refused to give in to each other and became a balance of power, making the night as bright as day.

The entire spell attack lasted for nearly half an hour before it stopped suddenly, and then two figures slowly fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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