
Chapter 410 Recuperation

Chapter 410 Recuperation
In the forbidden area of ​​Emperor Yutian of Ming Dynasty, Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged in it. There were thick tree roots hanging on the surrounding walls. The entire small secret room was the root of a 5000-year-old tree located in the headquarters of Emperor Yutian.

Similar to the practice place of Beastmaster Sect Beast Lingweng, there are many exotic flowers and plants and thousand-year-old trees in southern Xinjiang.Usually these thousand-year-old trees must be rooted in the depths of the large-scale spiritual springs, so they can last for thousands of years.

The secret room that Yi Tian is staying in now is the special healing secret room for the holy son of King Ming thousands of years ago, and it cannot be used even when the three elders of Emperor Yutian are present.There is no other reason, this secret room still needs to use the magic body secret technique to open it.

Although it has not been used for thousands of years, Yi Tian can feel a spiritual energy that is not weaker than that when the Western Wilderness Qianlingzong sealed the forbidden area of ​​Mingyaohui when he entered the five-foot-square room.The aura in the room has also been atomized, and the aura on the surface of the roots on the ground has crystallized and sparkled.

After the trial with Qian Lingyuan this time, Yi Tian clearly felt the gap between his own strength and the opponent's. Although he forcibly suppressed the disordered breath afterwards, it took a long time for the disordered internal breath to calm down.

After resigning from Xiao Linhang and returning to the Shengjiao Hongde Hall, Yi Tian directly asked Elder Wen Xin about the retreat place of the Holy Son. After careful questioning, he found out that there was a 3000-year-old spiritual tree in the Diyutian headquarters. Qin Mingyue A private forbidden area is opened at the root of this tree, which is specially used for retreat and practice.

Hearing that there is such a good place, Yi Tian took the old bear straight to the forbidden area without hesitation, and let the old bear stay outside after opening it, while he announced that he would go in for retreat and practice.It usually takes hundreds of years for the protectors to sleep, so Xiong Batian found a place outside and dozed off.

Originally, even though he had encountered powerful characters before he became a baby, he was able to overwhelm the opponent in every competition, but the situation has changed in the past few decades.Since Dong Ao, he has been hunted down by Fu Kecheng of the Yin Corpse Sect. After arriving in Southern Border, he was suppressed by the ancient demon clone for the first time, and the second time was the contest with Qian Lingyuan.

It seemed that the two were evenly matched that day, but after calming down and analyzing carefully, they still lost.

First of all, the spirit weapon that I use to perform my tricks is a spirit treasure of level eight or above.Secondly, Qian Lingyuan had already fought Xiong Batian for a period of time that day, and nearly half of his spiritual power had been consumed.

In addition, he did mental calculations without intention, and the effect of using the blind spot of identity to catch people by surprise did take a certain advantage.But just like this, after the last move of the two sides competed, they still ended up in an evenly matched situation.

In fact, the most unfavorable factor is that his cultivation base is one level behind Qian Lingyuan. For monks like Nascent Soul, the further the difference in cultivation base level, if they want to leapfrog to kill, they must rely on Lingbao or kung fu. on restraint.

Now Yi Tian has raised the threat level of Qian Lingyuan to the top, second only to the ancient demon clone.Wu He, Qian Lingyuan, can stabilize himself by relying on a seventh-level spiritual weapon, and this alone is indeed awe-inspiring.

This also made Yi Tian want to retreat and practice for a while again. This time, he used the skills of King Ming Shengzi. If it was replaced by his special skill of Li Huo Zong, I believe the result would be unexpected again.

This time I got a lot of benefits in the secret realm of the sect, but I haven't digested it carefully and confirmed it repeatedly, so I also want to take this opportunity to integrate the two changes of the true flame armor and the spiral magic shield.

Moreover, the cultivation method of Zixiao's three transformations has not yet started to be practiced. It is believed that only the suzerain and the general high-level sects could practice these Lihuo Zong's Zhenzong Gongfa 3000 years ago.

After taking out the skill jade slip, Yi Tian put the jade slip on his forehead and began to understand the mystery in it.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, on the way back to Zhongzhou from southern Xinjiang, the flying boat of the Qianling faction was flying rapidly.In the cabin, it was Shi Ningjun who was in charge of controlling, while Qian Lingyuan was sitting cross-legged on the futon in the middle to adjust his breathing.

At this moment, bursts of flushes also appeared on his face, and it was only after several setbacks that the flush was temporarily suppressed.Qian Lingyuan has been silent about this since the fight in Southern Xinjiang, but only urged Shi Ningjun to return to the sect as soon as possible.

At this time, Shi Ningjun and Shi Qianwei were also serving in front of them. Seeing that the suzerain woke up and was about to step forward to ask questions, he saw Qian Lingyuan waved his hand to signal them to sit down.Then he took out the blood-occupied jade tablet, lifted the talisman on it, and read through the contents.

There were only a few words on the jade card, but Qian Lingyuan couldn't help shaking his head after reading it, and then lowered his head in thought for a long time before he asked, "Did the Holy Son of Ming Wang, Qianwei, ever hurt you?"

Although Shi Qianwei and Yi Tian had a good relationship before, but now the patriarch's questioning can't be dealt with casually, it would definitely not be a good thing to see some clues.Immediately, Shi Qianwei straightened her sitting position and said, "Reporting to Patriarch, it was not too embarrassing for the son of King Ming to kidnap his apprentice and grandson, but he was restrained and used as bait to lure Grandpa and Senior Bo Yun into the dragon formation. "

After hearing this, Qian Lingyuan turned around and asked Shi Ningjun, "You have done two tricks with that holy son, how do you feel about his cultivation?"

Shi Ningjun said with a face full of shame: "The apprentice can't catch up, the holy son is obviously more than capable after the two moves, and"

"If you have anything to say, don't hesitate, just say it," Qian Lingzong gestured.

Only after master's urging did Ning Jun express what was in his mind, "The Holy Son was obviously apprehensive when he fought with me, so he didn't try his best in every move."

"You're right. He didn't even show his real body when he fought with you, so he obviously saved three points of strength. As for the scruples you said, you should be afraid of completely falling out with my Zhongzhou Qianlingzong. But That's fine, he needs time and so do we," Qian Lingyuan laughed.

The two looked at each other without knowing it, and then Shi Ningjun asked: "I don't know what realm the holy son has reached?"

Qian Lingyuan snorted coldly and replied: "After using it with all my strength, I discovered that it has two weaknesses. One is that its birth time is still short, so its understanding and application of the moves is not deep. The other is that its Asura dharma body has not yet practiced. At the level of Dacheng, if he can achieve 'six eyes open', maybe I have to stay away."

"That means we still have a chance to defeat him?" Shi Ningjun said happily.

Qian Lingyuan sighed and said: "There is a chance. I believe that after this confrontation, the Holy Son of King Ming will definitely practice in seclusion. When he leaves the seclusion next time, his first weakness will completely disappear. It is estimated that there are still 200 years left in the realm of "six eyes open". So our time is also very tight. After returning to the sect this time, we will directly select candidates for the sword spirit child. Qianwei, I will accept you as a registered disciple, and you will also participate This is the selection of the sword spirit son."

Shi Ningjun's expression brightened and he said: "Thank you, Master, for your support. As long as the Qianlingzong Sword Spirit Zi comes out, I believe it will be able to rival the Holy Son of King Naming."

Shi Qianwei was shocked first, then happy, and then slowly revealed a trace of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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