
Chapter 411 Secret Letter

Chapter 411 Secret Letter
Thirty years later, on the vast South China Sea, the elders of Emperor Yutian, Shangguan Wufeng and Zhuge Jidian, respectively led a group of Mingwang Taoists to search these sea areas in a carpet-like manner.

After nearly a period of time, after the merger of King Ming and Wang Dao, many sects, large and small, in southern Xinjiang have been subdued.It stands to reason that Wang Dao and the great sage of the monster race are on good terms, and there shouldn't be any resisting forces on this land.It's a pity that in the past ten years, incidents of high-ranking monks abducting mortals have occurred frequently near the southern border sea area, and it has become more and more serious.

The disciples guarding the various mortal countries also found abnormal situations from time to time.After a long period of time, after compiling the reports from all parties, the Great Elder Wenxin sent several teams of Jindan disciples to investigate, but only a few escaped afterward.

After hearing the report, Elder Wen Xin realized the seriousness of the problem, so he sent Shangguan Wufeng and Zhuge Jidian, the most powerful emperors in the Ming Wangdao, to investigate.

I thought that if there was a Nascent Soul cultivator who made a move, he would be able to capture it with his hands. Unexpectedly, after three months passed, the entourage brought by the two returned, but the two coaches were nowhere to be found.

Elder Wen Xin was shocked and hurriedly checked the natal lamps that the two of them had saved in advance, and found that Shangguan Wufeng's was still normal, but Zhuge Jidian's natal oil lamp was dim, obviously the main body had suffered a great deal Injury is what makes it look like this.

Now that they can't be contacted, they must be trapped in some kind of formation or Xumi space.

If Ming Wangdao loses the two Nascent Soul monks at the same time, the power of the southern border will be greatly weakened, so this time the Great Elder Wen Xin is also determined to go out to find the traces of the two in person.

Moreover, he directly informed Xiong Batian that he hoped that he could sit in the Holy Cult, and asked Yi Tian to go to the depths of the South China Sea to investigate together.

After receiving the letter from the Great Elder, Yi Tian didn't delay, directly collected the Zixiao lamp on the ground, and hurried out of the customs.After going through several years of retreat, he cleared up the hidden illnesses left by the duel with Qian Lingyuan at that time, and then re-enlightened the 'Asura Dou' technique left by Luo Que.

As for Lihuozong's exercises, he has never stopped practicing. In addition to the strengthening practice of the original two forms, he has also mastered the first transformation of the three transformations of Zixiao, 'Zixiao Domain'.To put it bluntly, it is not easy to defeat Qian Lingyuan, who was in the heyday of the past, but it is not a problem to protect oneself or come and go freely.

This time the incident happened suddenly, and the entourage who followed Shangguan Wufeng and Zhuge Jidian were all given a password by Elder Wen Xin.All the personnel stayed in Wanghai City on the South China Sea and waited for the people from the Holy Sect to come.

Yi Tian and Xiong Batian also passed Ming Wangdao's teleportation array and flew all the way quickly. It took only half a day to rush from Diyutian headquarters to Hongde Hall after receiving the summons.

At this time, Elder Wen Xin was already waiting in the hall, and when he noticed the arrival of the two, he blocked the left and right first.After the three sat down, Yi Tian asked, "I don't know what's going on this time, are there any clues for the two senior brothers, Di Yutian?"

Elder Wen Xin took out a picture jade pendant, and after casting a mana on it, a beam of white light came out from it and shone on Qiang, showing a scene.Then Elder Wen Xin replied: "Please pay attention to this photo, it should be the last investigation of Shangguan and Zhuge with his disciples before they disappeared."

Immediately, Yi Tian carefully observed the mirror image in the photo, and saw that two Nascent Soul cultivators led a team deep into the depths of the South China Sea, and found a large number of human bones on a certain island, and there were many bones in the bones. The existence of monks.

The deeper you inspect the island, the more you will find that the vegetation here seems to have been overinfluenced by spiritual energy, and it grows several times stronger than the normal state.Moreover, those animals that are usually docile on the ground have become extremely violent here, even bloodthirsty.

Even those herbivorous animals grew fangs and began to attack each other.

The image of the photo becomes more blurred as you go in, but it can be generally seen that the aura on the island has begun to be demonized.Every plant has already glowed with a dark luster, and there are also demonized horns on the animals.

Seeing the image here, it stopped, and Elder Wen Xin said directly: "Did His Highness Son see anything?"

"That's demonic energy, very pure demonic energy. All the animals and plants around have been demonized by it and become extremely ferocious. I never thought there would be such a place in the vast South China Sea," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

Elder Wen Xin frowned and said: "It stands to reason that if the devilish energy had leaked out here, there would have been a disturbance in the South China Sea long ago. But this happened only in the past few decades, which is enough to show that someone sabotaged it." To open or introduce this real devil energy, but I don’t know who in the southern border needs such a large amount of real devil energy.”

Hearing the words of Great Elder Wen Xin, Yi Tian's heart tightened for no reason, and when it came to the needers of the real devil energy, he really knew that there were two of them.Immediately he said seriously: "I can roughly guess who it is, but at this time the involvement is very wide, it is best to contact the Yaozu."

After he finished speaking, he told the truth about his guess, and also told the whole story about how he had lost half of Lu Linsheng's body with the vulture and Tu Lie back then.

After hearing this, Great Elder Wen Xin showed hesitation on his face, the whole matter was deeply involved.It's not just about the two races of humans and monsters, but also involves the ancient demon race, which makes the matter more complicated.

After asking Yi Tian repeatedly, Elder Wen Xin closed his eyes and rested, as if he was thinking about something.Later, I saw him take out a white feather and hit it with a mana, and immediately the feather was activated and connected to a demon clan.

Later, I saw that Lingyu turned into a figure after spinning rapidly in the air, and when the figure appeared, it turned out to be a monster clan with an eagle head and a human body.

At this time, only a sharp voice was heard: "What business does Old Wen Xin want to see Ben Sheng?"

Those who can call Great Elder Wen Xin like this believe that there are only a few demon kings in the southern border. Yi Tian squinted at his appearance. He shouldn't be the Qingtian demon king, so he must be the Wan Ying king.

But after a little thought in his heart, he understood that this vulture was under the King of Eagles, who else could he turn to if he wasn't looking for him now.

Elder Wen Xin just saluted the phantom lightly, and then briefly explained what happened in the South China Sea, and also mentioned the vulture matter during the process.

Unexpectedly, King Wan Ying was furious after hearing about Vulture, and he kept scolding the traitor for stealing the spirit lock bottle. He should have been taken away by the evil spirit in the bottle by now.

Hearing this, Yi Tiancai knew that the Wanying King was also lazy. Originally, he was the one who guarded the spirit lock bottle. He didn't expect it to be stolen by his subordinates, and finally stabbed Lou Zi, asking Ming Wangdao to wipe his ass.

With a burst of contempt in his heart, he couldn't help sweating secretly for the four great demon kings. From this point of view, the guardian beasts of the Lihuo Sect all performed their own duties, but it was only because they had been separated from the sect for a long time. Forget about your original responsibilities.

It seems that after leaving Huohezong in the future, these demon kings will have to be tamed.

(End of this chapter)

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