
Chapter 413 Demonization

Chapter 413 Demonization
The magic energy gathered on the whole island, the closer to the central area, the stronger the magic energy.Flying all the way from the mid-air, Yi Tian can see that many animals here have been demonized to reveal their ferocious nature. It should be because of these demonic auras that the ferocious side of their nature is fully exposed.

After finishing the matter at hand, he heard the sound of magic attacks in the central area. It should be that someone from the other roads arrived first, and he was fighting the real master.

After a while of running fast, he quickly approached the area where the demonic energy was soaring in the center. After flying close to three miles, the concentration of demonic energy in the sky was too high, forcing Yi Tian to give up flying decisively, and ran quickly from the ground to approach the central fire.

The surrounding demonic energy is constantly eroding the intruders, so Yi Tian had to put away the true flame armor and use a protective cover instead. In addition to avoiding the invasion of aggressive demonic energy, he had to keep conserving spiritual power to deal with the next Face the unexpected.

After running wildly on the ground for a quarter of an hour, he finally came to the place where the flames splashed. Looking carefully, he was the last one to arrive. Elder Wen Xin, Master Zhi Ying and Ying Xiao had all arrived.

Sweeping the opponent in front of him again, this surprised Yi Tian, ​​besides Vulture, Shangguan Wufeng was standing on his side.But at this moment, Shangguan Wufeng's body was covered with magic patterns, and his aura could firmly suppress the Great Elder Wen Xin.

Seeing Yi Tian's arrival, the vulture laughed fiercely and said, "Boy, we meet again, this time you will not be so lucky."

After hearing this, Zhiying and the others also glanced at Yi Tianhou, and locked their consciousness on the vulture in front of them.

Yi Tian finally settled down after sweeping the other party with his spiritual sense, and then said with a cold snort: "Everyone, don't be afraid that Tu Lie, the vanguard officer of the demon clan, is incomplete. Now there are only two souls and two souls, and the rest are one soul. The five souls seized the body of Lu Linsheng from the Lihuo Sect. It's a pity that the body was not completely seized after being guarded by the Niwan Palace, so he couldn't exert his full strength."

The vulture roared angrily: "If you hadn't been a hindrance back then, how could I not be able to regain my soul. Today, I have recovered [-]% of my strength, and everyone who comes here will die."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and called Shangguan Wufeng and said: "You are the first monk in this world to surrender to me, as long as you kill that kid, your kingly way will belong to you."

Then Shangguan Wufeng's blood-red eyes flashed, and then he abandoned the great elder Wen Xin and locked his consciousness directly on Yi Tian in front of him.

As a result, the situation on the scene began to change again, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Yi Tian's heart.

Looking at Shangguan Wufeng in front of him, it was obvious that his strength had skyrocketed after being empowered with magic energy.If it is about fighting alone, I guess I am definitely not his opponent, but I don't know what weakness he has after his strength soars.

Then Yi Tian briefly breathed out the slaughter situation in front of him with the other three, and they discussed tactics in an instant.Then Yi Tian confronted Shangguan Wufeng alone, while the other three slowly formed a siege against the slaughter.

With a sound of 'bang', all five of them immediately exerted their strength together, and Yi Tian and Shangguan Wufeng in front of him directly faced each other.The hands on the chest were quickly sealed together, and within three breaths, Asura's real body appeared.

At this time, I heard the voice of slaughter coming from the side: "I didn't expect you to hide something. It must have been not easy to kill you back then. But even if you become an Asura, it may not be me. The opponent of the demons."

Shangguan Wufeng, who was in front of him, was surrounded by demon energy all over his body and then protected his whole body. After the black energy dissipated, he revealed his naked body.The skin of the whole body is dark gray, and the dark golden magic lines seem to be engraved on the skin.

Then an inch-long horn grew in the middle of his forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after Shangguan Wufeng adjusted his breath, the strength of the spiritual pressure of the whole person was directly comparable to that of Great Elder Wen Xin.

Yi Tian groaned secretly in his heart, but his hands didn't stop and directly used the three moves of King Ming's hand, and immediately condensed into a one-foot-sized cyan light ball.But Shangguan Wufeng, who was in front of him, saw the opponent's movements in his eyes, but imitated the same pattern and sacrificed two black and red light balls one after another.

Yi Tian's cyan ball of light directly hit one of them after the three spells were shot directly, while the other struck from behind around an arc.

Although the ball of light was invincible, Yi Tian was prepared for it, and teleported back more than ten feet with a dodge.Then he took out the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel, and opened the barrier to block the incoming black light ball.

After the spell dissipated, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. Shangguan Wufeng failed to get a single blow, so he was not discouraged, and directly cast his escapism to chase Yi Tian.

Yi Tian also smiled when he saw that he was leading people out. He discussed the tactics with Wen Xin and others just now, and he led the demonized Shangguan Wufeng away, so the three of them can let go.What's more, Zhiying came prepared this time, and brought the spirit-locking bottle that sealed the massacre, but the casting time of this spell is long and must not be disturbed, so the four of them made this plan.

After leading Shangguan Wufeng away for about a mile, Yi Tian suddenly turned his head, with a look of solemnity in his eyes.Afterwards, the right hand controlled the Moon Flame Wheel and directly used the move of Biyue Sacrifice, quickly pulling away the magic energy within three feet around the spiritual weapon to form a small sterilization space.

All of a sudden, a vacuum-like cyan light spot suddenly appeared in the area covered by black magic energy, and then this light spot was controlled to fly straight towards Shangguan Wufeng.

This move is also a move that Yi Tian has practiced in recent years after he has thoroughly mastered the details of covering the sun and closing the moon. Recruited.

Seeing the hot move coming, Shangguan Wu let out a roar, then punched his chest three times, and spit out a cloud of red blood mist, and then made a seal with his hands on his chest, and directly atomized the blood into a blood-colored armor to wear on the surface of his body.Then when the hands were put together, the part below the forearm suddenly swelled up a circle, becoming twice as thick as before.

Immediately, Shangguan Wufeng clenched his fists tightly, gathered a large amount of black devil energy, and then slammed towards the incoming cyan light wheel.

There was a chaotic sound of "clicking", and the moon flare wheel seemed to hit hard metal, and the entire flywheel seemed to be unable to break through the opponent's defense at all.

Yi Tian pointed at the moonlight wheel and took it back, turned his head and swept Shangguan Wufeng, only to see two deep scars on his fists.But under the nourishment of the continuous devil energy, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only two small scars on the back of the hand.

(End of this chapter)

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