
Chapter 414

Chapter 414
Facing the demonized Shangguan Wufeng, Yi Tian felt pressured. If he had met 30 years ago, he might have fled. But now, Yi Tian is gradually thinking about the strength of the opponent .

Obviously, being able to withstand such a powerful attack after being demonized has a lot to do with the magic energy absorbed by Shangguan Wufeng.

Looking at the situation of the surrounding Devil Qi branches, Yi Tian decisively evacuated to the outside again, followed by Shangguan Wufeng, who was also chasing Yi Tian tightly.

Fortunately, Yi Tian found that Shangguan Wufeng's strength had improved, but it seemed that after his brain was demonized, the idea of ​​killing and bloodthirsty clearly gained the upper hand, and he secretly applauded at the moment.

After leading him about three miles away, Yi Tian turned around and started to fight back with all his strength.The six hands began to cast spells in pairs of two. Since the opponent's strength is so strong, it can only be outsmarted.

What's more, there is another thing that bothers Yi Tian's mind, as long as it is confirmed, it will definitely be of great benefit to himself.

This time, he used the two moves of covering the sun and closing the moon at the same time, and suddenly, in the dark magic energy, two halos, one green and one white, flickered faintly.Moreover, the other four hands also manipulated the ghost-faced flower vines to drill into the ground under the seal of each other, enclosing all the underground within a radius of one hundred meters.

Not far away, Shangguan Wufeng didn't dare to be careless after learning the lesson from the previous time, so he directly took out a three-foot spirit sword this time.Then the blood spurted out of the mouth, and the slender spirit sword suddenly turned into a blood blade half a foot wide and six feet long, the jagged blade and barbs on it gleamed with a strange blood color.

As soon as the spiritual weapons of both parties were released, Yi Tian realized that something was obviously wrong, and the magic blade turned into a blood-red flash, and even circled the sun, moon and brilliance wheel to attack him.

Knowing what the other party was up to, Yi Tian was shocked. This kind of fight was the last thing he wanted to do, but now there was nothing he could do.He simply bit the bullet and took out a defensive shield, then blessed it with Xuanyang fire and cast a spiral fire shield to cover himself.

After the spell interlacing between the two people, there were three loud bangs. Yi Tian manipulated the shield and was pushed back thirty feet by the huge impact force before he could stabilize his figure.After he settled down, he glanced at the spiral fire shield in front of him, which was firmly holding the spirit sword, and the shield held in the middle was also hit by the sword blade at this time, and the hole in the fist was formed in the depression.

After unloading the spiritual weapon in his hand, Yi Tian hastily swept Shangguan Wufeng not far away with his spiritual sense, and saw that the other party was not happy with the blue veins bursting on both arms, and the palm of the front part was also smashed by the Japanese Tong Huilun. burst.

But the body strengthened by the devil energy is still strong, as the continuous flow of devil energy nourishes the skin and flesh on the hand, it begins to heal again.However, the healing speed this time was obviously much slower than before, and the effect was not good.

Seeing such a situation, Yi Tian hurriedly formed a seal with his four arms together, and then murmured "Get up", and then suddenly shook a few times within the range of [-] sheets under Shangguan Wufeng's feet.

More than a dozen blue vine veins drilled out from the ground and interweaved into a blue vine net to surround Shangguan Wufeng, and above, there were four giant buds of ghost face flowers that opened their bloody mouths and covered him directly. .

Seeing that something was wrong, Shangguan Wufeng was about to pull away when he suddenly found that he couldn't move his body.At some point, a dozen thumb-thick vines protruding from the bottom of his feet had firmly entangled his feet and fixed them to the ground.

Only four "Puff" sounds were heard, and the four ghost-faced flower buds opened their mouths and swallowed Shangguan Wufeng's body directly.

After doing all this, Yi Tian felt that it was not enough, so he directly manipulated the surrounding vines to tie up the buds.

Although I don't know how long these spells can trap Shangguan Wufeng, but at least they bought themselves a lot of time.

After tidying up these things, Yi Tian hurried back to the center of the island. Shangguan Wufeng was just a Nascent Soul cultivator who had been demonized.In the big picture, he is nothing more than a fool who was lured by the slaughter and became his thug.That rightful lord is really worrying, once the massacre absorbs enough magic energy to recover, I believe that the first person he wants to find to settle the score is himself.

In just a few miles away, even if Yi Tian relied on short-distance flying, it only took three breaths to feel it. After joining the battle group suddenly, the expressions of several people present were different.

Elder Wen Xin smiled and shouted: "The holy son came just in time, and we will work together to entangle this carnage, so that Zhiying has time to finish reciting the spirit-locking spell."

After listening, Yi Tian scanned the situation on the battlefield with his spiritual sense. Ying Xiao and Wen Xin, the great elders, were taking turns to attack and slaughter, making it impossible for him to withdraw and attack.

On the other hand, Zhiying was holding a spirit pot more than one foot high with both hands, but he kept chanting incantations to activate the spirit pot.Judging from the current progress, the formation pattern on the spirit lock pot has been activated by about half.

And Tu Lu saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. In this world, there were not many spirit treasures that could threaten him, but there was one in front of him.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Spirit Locking Pot has not yet been activated for rights protection, the slaughter is also going all out. After taking a sudden breath of black air from the ground, his whole body swells up, becoming more than ten feet tall.

Then the feathers on his body also became dark and shiny, and he flapped his wings together a few times, and the fallen feathers instantly turned into thousands of black light spots and attacked the four of them.

This scared everyone to sacrifice their spirit weapons and start defending. The worst thing was Zhiying, who couldn't take care of all-out defense while activating the spirit-locking bottle. An attack of this level would definitely be unstoppable without help.

A gray whirlwind suddenly blocked in front of him, and Yingxiao held a white feather and muttered something in his mouth, and then it turned into a white whirlwind with a diameter of three feet, protecting the two monsters.

Most of the black feather darts landed on the white whirlwind, making a loud 'ping-pong-pong' sound.The Great Elder Wen Xin took out a bowl-like spiritual weapon to cover himself in it, allowing the slaughter spell to hit him, but he remained undisturbed.

Yi Tian, ​​who stood at the farthest distance, faced this move for the second time. Back then, he relied on Zi Xiaozhan's super defensive power to withstand it.But the power at that time was much worse than it is now.

Seeing the black feather attacking Yi Tian, ​​he didn't panic, he ignited the true flame armor all over his body, and then condensed his hand into a one-foot-large high-speed rotating domain space, and directly greeted the attacking black feather.

After a few 'swish' sounds, those incoming black feathers were directly drawn by the true flame spiral, and were smashed into pieces in the one-foot domain space.This is also the trick that Yi Tian has been thinking about for nearly 30 years, for the purpose of confronting the slaughter in the future.

Seeing that he succeeded in defending with one attack, Yi Tian didn't stay idle, he clasped his hands together and sacrificed the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel again, and launched a move of Sun and Moon Tongyao in his hand, pointing directly at the slaughter attack.

Seeing this, Tu Lu just sneered and let go of his arms, then condensed two black and red light balls and was about to fight back.Elder Wen Xin was also shocked after receiving Yi Tian's sound transmission, and then took out a simple jade ring, and activated it after clasping his hands together.Then he said "go", and the jade ring turned into a one-foot-sized golden wheel and attacked towards the slaughter.

After two loud bangs, the two black and red balls of light directly collided with the incoming spells. Before Tu Lu could free his hands to fight back, a sound wave pierced diagonally from above and shook his body.After being absent-minded for a while, Tu Lu hurriedly withdrew his demon energy and retreated ten feet, and began to defend himself. He was also hurt by the onslaught, and his body filled with black demon energy, and then roared violently towards the sky, and then flapped his wings again. , blowing two black whirlwinds towards several people.

Then I just wanted to extract the magic energy to recover, and suddenly found that the magic energy flowing out of the gap in the interface on the ground was not as strong as before. Turning around, I don't know when Yi Tian was standing there, casting a spell with both hands to close the gap. gradually sealed up.

(End of this chapter)

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