
Chapter 417

Chapter 417
The southeastern part of the southern border has always been controlled by several neutral sects, and the plain under the Chao Phraya River in the southern border has not been controlled by the forces of the Ming Dynasty after decades of mergers within a radius of about a thousand miles.

The reason is also simple, the sects of cultivation here are not big and they are all affiliated to the Ministry of Utilitarianism, so the general orders of Ming Wangdao are directly issued to the local sect leaders, and Ming Wangdao's direct lineage forces have not extended too much here .

After the Battle of Nahai Island, the Emperor Yutian Department suffered a heavy blow. The former suzerain Shangguan Wufeng fell into the demon way and was willing to accept the demon energy empowerment for the demon vanguard's slaughter tendency.Later, he was defeated and died under the combined efforts of the Great Elder Wen Xin and the transformed monster Ying Xiao, while the elder Emperor Yutian Zhuge Jidian was seriously injured in this investigation, but fortunately he still kept his Lingtai clear and did not accept the demon in the end. Air empowerment.

Since returning from the South China Sea, Zhuge Jidian has sat on the position of Emperor Yutian Sovereign with the permission of King Ming Shengzi and Elder Wen Xin, which can be regarded as fulfilling his little wish.

After that, Zhuge Jidian entrusted the affairs of Emperor Yutian to Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi respectively, and he began to retreat and cultivate himself.

A month later, led by Ming Wangdao and the forces of King Wanying jointly issued a statement that the South China Sea would be banned, and all monks who went ashore and went to sea had to go to Wanghai City to register.

All the monks who went to explore the South China Sea had to wear special detection tokens to determine their respective positions, so as to facilitate the monitoring of King Dao and Yaozu.

All of a sudden, the whole southern border was in panic. Everyone was speculating that something important might have happened in the southern waters, and even the Sea Clan was involved.

However, Yi Tian didn't care about these things anymore, and at this time he was walking leisurely alone in Nanyue City, the capital of the mortal country in the eastern part of southern Xinjiang.Now there are more and more things, especially after joining forces with the Yaozu, all the big and small things have to be reported, so that I don't have any free time.

In the end, Yi Tian had to use the rogue Dafa, kicking the ball to Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi, and asked Le Tongxuan to assist.He also stated that these things will be used as the basis for his future promotion to Emperor Yutian Sect Master, so the two of them are also very concerned about this.

After arranging all these, Yi Tian became the hands-off shopkeeper and slipped out alone. During the period, Elder Wen Xin and Xiong Batian summoned him to ask questions.However, Yi Tian typed out a sentence, and the content of the reply was very simple, 'Look for Qin Mingyue's reincarnation'.

Both of them remained silent about this. Although Yi Tian is now the Son of God, the senior officials of the Holy Cult still have sacred feelings for Qin Mingyue, so they stopped asking.

Yi Tian asked Xiao Linhang to calculate the reincarnation place of Qin Mingyue before, and the result was gratifying. Xiao Linhang used the stone lock as a guide to measure the approximate location.

In the end, I just told Yi Tian that it can be found in the southeast of Southern Xinjiang, but the specific location cannot be determined.So Yi Tian took Qin Mingyue's stone lock all the way to the capital of Nanyue, only to find that the little lock had some reaction, but the reaction was intermittent.

This time Yi Tian paid attention, since the direction was correct and the stone lock also responded, it meant that it should be very close.After this, Yi Tian began to circle around the capital of Nanyue Kingdom, but unfortunately, the reaction of the stone lock turned out to be sporadic.

Yi Tian also had a bitter face after taking this stone lock away, since the stone lock had been beeping for a while three days ago, it had completely lost its fire.There were two uninterrupted reactions on the way before, and the sustainable time was not very long, and it stopped in less than half an hour.

After arriving at the capital of Nanyue Kingdom, Yi Tian wandered around a few times during the day to find nothing, and took a rest in the air.It's no problem to wander the streets during the day, but it's troublesome if the monks in the city find something strange if they do this at night.

Although I have checked the capital of South Vietnam early in the morning, there are only a few strong spiritual pressures in the palace, and the strength should be a monk in the Jindan stage. I guess this is also the mortal world of some cultivation sect. It is a place of enshrining, so there are Jindan monks sitting in the town.

At dawn, Yi Tian vaguely heard the sound of monks chanting scriptures coming from the Nanyue King City, and there seemed to be quite a few people chanting scriptures.Just when he was feeling bored, the stone lock in his hand suddenly moved again.This time it was no longer a beep, but a real vibration.

Then Yi Tian dodged and fell directly to the cloud head, sneaking into the royal city.After falling to the ground, it was found that palace maids and eunuchs were constantly shuttling back and forth in the corridor.

After quietly applying invisibility, he followed the reaction of the stone lock and searched for it in the inner garden of the deep palace.After walking through a few palaces, they came to a magnificent hall, looked up at the three words "National Teacher Hall" written on it.

But there were waves of monks chanting sutras inside, which made Yi Tian a little puzzled. The Tianlan Continent only knows that there is a Prajna Temple in Zhongzhou, so how come there are monks here in Southern Xinjiang, and there are still Became the guest of honor of the king of South Vietnam.

After quickly going through the map of Southern Xinjiang in his mind, Yi Tian sighed. In the southeast corner of Southern Xinjiang, the Buddhist sect of Baolian Temple was clearly marked. It seems that these people should be in it.

Just as he was about to enter the National Teacher Hall, Yi Tian realized that the bursts of golden light from there sweeping over his body distorted the space around him.The heart screamed for a second, and the fluctuations in thought power produced by these monks when they chanted sutras could actually shield outsiders from prying eyes, and then they dodged to the corner of the lower steps.Looking around for a while, Yi Tian appeared in his original body, and then cast a thousand faces to transform himself into a young monk, and transformed his clothes into cassock and monk robes.

Then he walked in through the side door of the National Teacher Hall in a big way, and the reaction of the stone lock stopped as soon as he entered.Yi Tian glanced sideways at the entire main hall, there were hundreds of monks sitting below chanting sutras, and in the middle there was an eminent monk leading everyone to chant sutras.

Yi Tian didn't want to interrupt, anyway, Qin Mingyue's reincarnation should be mixed among these monks, as for which one it is, we have to wait for later screening one by one.

On the contrary, the abbot and old monk sitting directly above has reached the middle stage of Jindan, but the Buddhist sect cultivates relics, which is still qualitatively different from the Taoist practice of refining Qi.

At this time, Yi Tian also followed suit in the last row, and directly took a scripture book by the wall and put it in front of him, pretending to be buried in the scriptures.

Half an hour later, I heard the great monk get up and say: "You wait for a while again, I will invite the great master to come to your seat." After speaking, he slowly went down the steps and walked towards the apse.

Yi Tian was also taken aback for a moment, this archmage must have a more superb cultivation level, it is impossible to see that there are two golden core stage monks in this small Baolian Temple, and they are all medium-sized monks in other places in southern Xinjiang. It's sect.

Not long after, a burst of hearty laughter was heard from the apse, and a young man in a yellow cloth monk's robe came out led by the great monk from before.Yi Tian was startled when he heard that person's voice, it seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it in his eagerness.

(End of this chapter)

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