
Chapter 416

Chapter 416
Yi Tian on the South China Sea did not rush to attack after intercepting Tulu, but just used some tricks to hold him back. Anyway, Ambassador Zhiying is about to arrive, and when the two join forces, Tulu will only be able to catch him without a fight.

After the sun, moon and Huilun sacrificed to cut off the slaughter's retreat, Yi Tian also avoided the heavy hand, and every time he saw the red and black magic ball sent out by the heavy hand of the slaughter, he stayed away a little, or cast the sun and moon to close it. Use up.

The spells in his hands didn't stop after Yi Tian appeared behind the real Ashura, and he kept taking out pills for recovery in wartime.

Not a moment later, seeing a gleam of light flashing in the sky, Yi Tian cheered up instantly, and the moves in his hands also secretly increased the output of aura.The massacre on the other side also knew something was wrong, but every time he wanted to escape quickly after staggering Yi Tian's attack, he often had to face the oncoming fierce killing move.

Even if he could fly away by relying on escapism, he would have to take a hit, so he didn't dare to make mistakes easily.

But seeing the Zhiying flying to the slaughter, he was also anxious, and immediately looked at Yi Tianhou, and he was also heartbroken, and directly sacrificed the black magic bullet with both hands to block the Japanese and Huilun, and then the whole person was about to show his blood. Blood Escape Technique escaped again.

Seeing the slaughter, Yi Tian wanted to repeat the same trick again, directly sacrificing the vine veins in his hand, interweaving them into a vine net in front of him and covering him down.If he had been entangled in these rattan nets before, he would have backed down temporarily. After all, it would not be a good thing to be entangled in these vine nets, but this time he took the risk and broke through directly.

These Yi Tians were also taken aback by the opponent's actions, and then cast spells in their hands repeatedly to hit the ghost-faced flower seeds directly on Tu Lu's body through the vine veins, instantly beating him into a bloody man.

But even this couldn't stop him from fleeing desperately, only a bloody light flashed, and Tu Lu rushed out with the vine net of ghost face flower.

As soon as he left Ambassador Zhiying, he arrived on the back. After trying each other, the two rushed to catch up again in the direction where the blood light was going away.

The blood escape technique of this massacre was obviously not that strong, and the blood light stopped after flying not far away, and Yi Tian and Ambassador Zhiying hurriedly speeded up by three points to catch up with joy on their faces.

At this time, the slaughter stripped off all the vines wrapped around his body, revealing a hideous face covered in blood.Seeing that the two men were attacking and did not run away anymore, he put his hands together in front of him and sacrificed a huge black magic bullet, and saw that he was spitting blood into it recklessly, and the power of this spell suddenly increased by three very strong.

Seeing the opponent jumping over the wall in such a hurry, Yi Tian didn't dare to step forward easily. If he survived a hit, he would lose his skin.Ambassador Zhiying sneered, then quickly approached and lifted the cap of the spirit-locking bottle in his hand, and then uttered a series of spells.

Immediately, Zhiying pointed the mouth of the one-foot bottle directly at the slaughter, and then a multicolored light shot out from the bottle to cover it.Then I heard Zhiying yelling: "Slaughter Primordial Spirit, quickly take it in," the face of that slaughtered person twisted immediately, and then a black halo emerged from his head, and was directly sucked in by the spirit lock bottle. And the spell in his hand also lost control and gradually began to collapse.

After Zhiying covered the bottle cap, Tu Lu's body sank like a suffocated balloon, and then the last out-of-control black magic bullet exploded in the air.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian and Zhiying quickly retreated to one side.

After everything in the air calmed down, Zhiying took out the spirit lock bottle and slightly lifted the cap to check it with his spiritual sense.Then there was an angry look on his face, and after sealing the bottle, he said to Yi Tian, ​​"This demon general is very cunning, he even knows how to divide souls."

"What is the art of dividing the soul?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"The two souls and two souls of the massacre were originally banned in this bottle, but now only the 'Ghost Spirit' out of his three souls was collected, and the most important main soul 'Two Light' cooperated with the other two souls to run away for him It's gone," Zhiying said angrily.

Yi Tian has already experienced this soul-dividing trick before. The slaughtered one soul and five souls took Lu Linsheng home, but now the main soul escapes with the other two souls.Regarding this, Yi Tian also wondered in his heart how the other party slipped away under his nose.

"Then it's good to be born like this?"

Zhiying thought for a while and then said: "I will go back and report to the King of Eagles, when the entire Tianlan Continent will be wanted for massacre. I believe he will never let his soul be in our hands. When he accumulates strength and comes to look for it We'll take it down together."

This can be regarded as an old-fashioned strategy. Although he is a little passive, as long as he holds the spirit lock bottle in his hand, he is not afraid that the other party will not come to ask for it.

After solving these matters, Yi Tian and Zhiying, one person and one demon, went back together in the original direction. After chasing them for a long time this time, they still don't know how the elder Wen Xin and Ying Xiao's affairs are handled.

Not long after the two left, a huge demon pill floated out of the sea area below, inside it turned out to be a miniature version of Slaughter, looking very weak.After floating on the sea for a while, it was found by a fourth-grade shrimp essence, and then swallowed it without saying a word.Then the whole body of the shrimp shivered, and then the outer carapace quickly blackened, and its eyelids also drooped.

A moment later, the whole black shrimp opened its eyes again, and their eyes were red, and there was a stream of magic energy coming out of its body, and then it glanced at the southern border continent, and then its whole body slowly sank into the water Gone.

When Yi Tian and Zhiying returned to the small island, they found Shangguan Wufeng's body lying on the ground, next to him were Elder Wenxin and Zhuge Jidian sitting cross-legged recovering, while Yingxiao was Sit on the other side and rest.It seems that several people have suffered a little dark loss, and the blood on their faces is not good.

As for Zhuge Jidian, although he seems to be a little bloody, he is fine. I believe he can recover after going back to retreat for a while.

Seeing Yi Tian and Zhiying coming back, they also hurriedly stood up to ask questions.After Zhiying explained the cause and effect of this matter clearly, everyone's faces were also unkind.

Now there is another secret enemy, and he is also a person from the upper world. Anyone who encounters this will have trouble sleeping and eating.In the end, it was Elder Wen Xin who broke the silence and said: "Well, let's seal off the southern sea area, and then send people to strictly investigate the merchants in the sea area. In my opinion, the devil will only have one soul and two souls to restore the original state." I'm afraid it won't work for three to five hundred years."

Zhiying nodded and replied: "The Great Elder is right. This demon general is originally a remnant soul cultivator, and it is bound to be more difficult to cultivate in the sea where the demon energy is not abundant. Now our advantage is time. At least three to five hundred years is not a big deal. questionable."

Yi Tian spoke from the side, "I'm not worried about the one soul and two souls of the slaughter, but the one soul and five souls that seized Lu Linsheng. Even if we can't completely seize the body, this is our serious concern."

After hearing this, everyone was also surprised. It was the first time they heard this from Yi Tian, ​​and everyone was thinking about something in their hearts.In the end, it was Elder Wen Xin who expressed his willingness to form an offensive and defensive alliance with the King of Eagles. In the future, whenever there is such a situation, both sides will definitely take action together.

(End of this chapter)

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