
Chapter 419

Chapter 419
The imperial nectar in the National Teacher Hall is over, but nothing unusual has happened yet, which instead made Monk Huiyuan secretly anxious.

When he was at his wit's end, Abbot Yuanshan came forward and asked, "There are about a dozen young monks in this monastery who haven't been baptized with nectar. I wonder if the great master intends to let them all soak in the rain and dew?"

One sentence made Monk Huiyuan heave a sigh of relief, and after calming down, he replied lightly: "Since we are all monks of Baolian Temple, let's also come forward, the most important thing for me to choose disciples in Prajna Temple is the word 'Fate'." .”

Abbot Yuanshan hurriedly stepped off the stage when he heard the great joy, and after a while, he brought more than a dozen young novice monks to Huiyuan one by one.

Suddenly one of the young novice monks received the chanting water, and his whole body glowed with colorful brilliance, which immediately illuminated the hall extremely brightly.At this time, Yi Tian and the two sitting in the back found that Shisuo in front of them began to beep softly, and the sound became louder and louder, echoing the brilliance of the little novice, like an old friend they haven't seen for many years.

At this time, Xiong Batian stared at the little novice in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a few hearty laughter.This smile directly resounded through the entire National Teacher Hall, fortunately Xiong Batian, as a transformed monster, didn't take these things seriously because of his deep cultivation, but this was a pain for Monk Huiyuan, who didn't know how to end it.

Then Yi Tian hurried forward to stop Lao Xiong's stupid behavior, and then hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Huiyuan to let him settle the matter.Then, a peaceful Buddhist voice was heard from Huiyuan's mouth, suppressing the rest of the voices in the hall.

After nearly a quarter of an hour of reading, Huiyuan stood up and said to the monks: "Just now what I read was the beginning of the Banruo Temple's unique school of "Tianlong Bayin". Quickly go back to the room to study, as for how much I can gain, it depends on everyone's good fortune, so let's all retreat."

Only then did all the monks come back to their senses from the state of intoxication just now like a thunderbolt, and then, under the leadership of Abbot Yuanshan, they all saluted and bid farewell to Monk Huiyuan.

As for the little novice monk who just wanted to turn around, he was grabbed by monk Huiyuan, and he said in a pleasant manner: "You have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, so the poor monk will directly accept you as a personal disciple. What is your Dharma name?"

After hearing this, the little novice showed a surprised face, and bowed his head and said: "Disciple Zhihai, see the master."

After this cry, Monk Huiyuan obviously gained confidence, and after everyone left, he raised his hand and sealed the National Teacher Hall.Then he turned his head to the curtain behind him and said, "What do you two fellow Taoists think?"

With a cold snort, Xiong Batian came out angrily, and Yi Tian behind him looked helpless.

Then I heard Old Xiong say with a displeased face: "Little monk, what do you mean? You didn't ask us what you mean by directly enrolling Qin Mingyue's reincarnation into the Buddhist sect."

"Oh, this little monk is being rude. I just saw that Zhihai is extremely intelligent and wants to lead him into Buddhism to practice penance. I think his future achievements will not be inferior to poverty. I hope that the senior will be successful." Huiyuan also replied with a sincere face. road.

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, looked up and down the little novice in front of him, then ignored the two of them and walked forward directly, saying: "I have something for you," and then gently handed over the stone lock .

Zhihai hesitated a little, but after seeing the stone lock, his eyes lit up, as if he had a tacit understanding, he took the stone lock in his hand and played with it non-stop.

Then Yi Tian said softly: "This thing is originally yours, and I have engraved everything that originally belonged to you, you can try to open it."

Zhihai little novice nodded after hearing this, and then picked up the stone lock with both hands and kept chanting sutras. Immediately, the stone lock was radiant, and then the lock suddenly opened, and then a long string of words flew directly into the lock amidst the golden light. Zhihai's forehead, and left a lotus mark on his forehead.

Seeing this, Huiyuan clasped his hands together and said in admiration, "It really is a predestined relationship with my Buddha, I believe Daoist Yi also thinks so?"

Seeing the troubled expression on the old bear's face, Yi Tian said directly: "When Qin Mingyue passed away, I promised him to lead him back to the path of cultivation. Although he suggested going to the Chiyang sect at the time, it may not be the best option now. s Choice."

Xiong Batian was dissatisfied and said: "Then you broke your promise and got fat."

Huiyuan said to Xiong Batian with a smile on his face: "Your Honor doesn't need to worry too much, I think Fellow Daoist Yi must have his own difficulties."

"What consideration?"

Yi Tian paused for a moment, then sighed and said: "My Chiyang Sect was originally the direct branch of the Shangzong, and now it seems to be calm, but the Zhongzhou Lihuozong branch is aggressive, and there is bound to be a big shock in the future. I also didn't want Zhihai to be involved in this dispute, so I acquiesced in Huiyuan's acceptance of him. Besides, I have engraved the unique knowledge of the Holy Son's Dharma Body in the stone lock, and now it has been recorded in his mind. I believe that in time Zhihai will definitely be able to rebuild the Asura body."

After hearing this, Huiyuan showed a gleam of joy on his face, and bowed to Yi Tianjishou and said: "You Daoist Yi can send King Ming's unique learning to Banruo Temple, such kindness is unworthy of me."

"It's not a complete gift. Only Zhihai and I have this skill. I believe he can make good use of it after studying Buddhism. Maybe he can become the Ming King of Buddhism." Yi Tianda replied meaningfully. road.

"No matter what, I still want to thank Fellow Daoist Yi for his support. From now on, whenever Fellow Daoist has any appeals, I, on behalf of Banruo Temple, will accept them within my ability," Huiyuan said.

In this way, Xiong Batian was helpless, looked at Yi Tian and Hui Yuan, stared at Zhi Hai for a while, and suddenly laughed and said: "I was wrong, Qin Mingyue has long been dissolved and does not exist here In the world, the little monk Zhihai is in front of me now. Everyone can choose their own path, and no matter how much others force it, it will not help."

Seeing the old bear weeping with joy, Yi Tian also stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't pay too much attention to this matter, Zhihai will have to bear his own choice, you and I still have things to deal with. From now on From now on, you will no longer have the shackles of your soul, you can have your own thoughts, and you don't have to stay in Ming Wangdao for Qin Mingyue, you decide whether to go or stay."

Unexpectedly, the old bear wiped away his tears and turned to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "You can't understand the delicious food and drink I eat in Mingwangdao. I've been hanging out in the human world for a long time, and it's not smooth to return to the demon world."

"Well, you are still in Ming Wangdao. I will ask them to offer you food and drink. Anyway, I can rest assured that you are here. There are still many places that need your help in the future."

Huiyuan also said at this time: "My Banruo Temple can form an alliance with Ming Wangdao secretly, and in the future, everyone can advance and retreat together if there is anything to do."

After hearing this, the old bear just said disdainfully: "You have taken advantage of all the advantages, and you still do this with me," he turned around and went directly to Zhihai to start a chat with him.

(End of this chapter)

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