
Chapter 420 Stalking

Chapter 420 Stalking
Returning to the border of Zhongzhou from Nanyue Kingdom must pass through Baoyuan City, the largest town in the northern part of southern Xinjiang. In fact, the whole town is jointly controlled by the Yaozu and Ming Wangdao, and the monks stationed in the city are mainly Jindan monks from Ming Wangdao. Those monsters in form are basically too lazy to deal with these things, and they don't seem to be haunted by monsters on weekdays. Only on certain trading days will there be monsters in the territory of the Qingtian Demon King come to participate in the transaction .

This time, Yi Tian and Xiong Batian escorted Monk Huiyuan and Zhihai all the way here, just taking advantage of the time when the Baoyuan City Market was open to go to the city to find some things that are not commonly seen in ordinary times.

It is said that it is an escort, but it is actually because the old bear is reluctant to bear Zhihai, so he called Yi Tian to help take care of him.On the contrary, it was the monk Huiyuan who dissuaded him, saying that monks have to experience the hardships of time before they can immediately become a Buddha.

However, the old bear couldn't stand to overwhelm others with his power, so he had to endure it all the way, anyway, he reached the edge of southern Xinjiang.The rest of the way is to take the flying boat to the Banruo Temple in Zhongzhou, but there is no need to worry about the old bear making trouble.

The good two-day journey took the old bear two months to get there, and Yi Tian was also full of anger and had nowhere to go, but he had to endure it for the sake of not being able to beat the old bear.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief after entering Baoyuan City, since this was the last stop anyway.After accompanying monk Huiyuan and Zhihai to sweep the goods in the market in the whole city, Xiong Batian actually helped Zhihai pack five storage bracelets.

Now the send-off turned into a big purchase, but Yi Tian had no choice but to let him go.After staying in Baoyuan City for three days, Monk Huiyuan couldn't hold back no matter how patient he was, and finally had to negotiate with Yi Tian to return to Zhongzhou as soon as possible so as not to delay Zhihai's practice progress.

Xiong Batian also waved goodbye to Zhihai with tears all over his face under Yi Tian's rebuttal.

But after Monk Huiyuan left Baoyuan City in a flying boat, Xiong Batian immediately changed his appearance again and directly told Yi Tian that he still had something urgent to do, then turned his head and set up a black wind to fly towards Mingwangdao headquarters. It was so fast that Yi Tian was speechless.

Inseparable from so many things, after stopping, Yi Tian also wanted to appreciate the scenery of Baoyuan City. Although he stayed here for two days, he was stopped by Xiong Batian, and he didn't have any leisure time for a while. Take a good look.

But after walking around in Baoyuan City, Yi Tian faintly felt thorns on his back, and there was always a pair of eyes in the dark that seemed to be staring at him.Looking back and thinking about the performance of the old bear, I was shocked. The emotional coward found out that the wrong way early in the morning, and ran away in such a hurry by himself.

After realizing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian didn't dare to stay any longer. Now it's a state where the enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear. The ghost knows who he has provoked. Even the old bear wants to stay away, so he will definitely not be able to bear it. look.

Thinking about it in my heart, it is not easy for someone who dares to openly stand up to the Holy Son of King Ming on the territory of King Ming in Southern Xinjiang. After careful calculation, there are only two demon kings in Southern Border besides the other half clone slaughtered by the demon vanguard officer. The forces dared to do this.

It's useless to think too much, and then Yi Tian hurriedly left the city from the main road of Baoyuan City in a big way, and then flew slowly in the air on the clouds.

Anyway, it's good to have a preparedness in mind, if you can't fight, you can escape.

Sure enough, less than half an hour after leaving the city, there was a group of colorful lights chasing towards him, and the speed was comparable to that of the old bear.At the moment, I was also shocked. From this point of view, if I want to escape, I have to use Ziyan Dun.

It didn't take a moment for the multicolored light group to land steadily on Yi Tian's way back, and then a young girl appeared in the light group.

Yi Tian scanned the person in front of him with his spiritual sense and was secretly surprised. This person's cultivation base was around the middle stage of Yuanying, but when he faced her, he felt like he was facing Qianlingyuan. It seemed that the other party came with bad intentions. It's not easy to maintain a high level of self-cultivation.

After the two sides stood still in the sky, they looked at each other for a while, and then the girl said: "My seat, Qin Fei, your companion Xiong Batian runs fast, but it saves me a lot of trouble. "

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help shaking his head. It seems that the old bear knew this person early in the morning.The other party didn't dare to show up before because he was afraid that the two would join forces, but now he probably has confirmed his order, so he stepped forward to rob with confidence.

Ke Yitian thought about it and didn't expect that he had provoked such a person. The other person looked like a human race, but he exuded a strong monster aura, which was clearly a transformed monster.Moreover, the transformed monsters are usually divided into three, six or nine grades, and most of them will retain some of their original form. It seems that although Xiong Batian has become a human, his fangs still remain.

And the monster in front of him didn't retain its original form after being transformed, so it can be seen that it is definitely a high-level transformed monster.From this Yi Tian frowned and said: "I have never met Your Excellency, so I don't know what is blocking my way?"

Qin Fei looked at Yi Tian calmly and said: "Seeing that your bone age is less than [-] years old, you have such a cultivation level, and only the Li Huo Sect in the entire Tianlan Continent has such and such monks. "

When the other party mentioned Lihuozong again, Yi Tian was also startled. It seems that this person has some understanding of Lihuozong, so could it be the old hen Qingtian among the four demon kings?

Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly felt cold sweat running down his back. If it was really under the face of Qingtian Demon King, he probably would not be his opponent.But when I savor the other party's words carefully, I feel that they don't seem to be the same.If Qingtian Demon King came in person, he would care whether Xiong Batian was there or not.

Maybe even if the two join forces, they may not be the opponent of the Demon King, so how can they confront each other here.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian also calmed down and smiled: "I don't know if it's in front of Qingtian Demon King, I'm rude, I don't know why the Demon King is looking for you?"

Qin Fei on the opposite side sneered and replied: "It is said that you human monks have many etiquettes, which are not as straightforward as those of the monster race. Sister Qingtian is sleeping in the cave, and I am her personal maid. But you can't take away the young master. Let me worry a lot, since you saw it, send the young master back."

Upon hearing it, it turned out that the other party was the maid of Qingtian Demon King, but the level of this demon is high enough, so I don't know how strong it is.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian patted the spirit animal bag on his waist, and two halos, one red and one blue, flew out of it instantly, and then saw two monsters, Fat Dog and Miss Qingyu, appearing in front of them.

When Qingyu came out and saw Yi Tian, ​​he snorted coldly for no reason: "You interrupted our rest again", and then hurriedly hid behind Yi Tian when he saw Qin Fei in front of him.

I only heard Qin Fei yelling sharply: "Miss, how long are you going to play, why don't you go home with me quickly," and after she finished speaking, she was about to come up to grab Qingyu.

(End of this chapter)

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