
Chapter 421

Chapter 421
The territory south of Baoyuan City is under the jurisdiction of King Ming, but at this time, two sparks collided violently in the air a hundred miles away from Baoyuan City, causing a wave of spiritual pressure, which even affected Baoyuan. city.

Immediately, the city guard hastily issued an order of martial law, temporarily stopping everything in the city, and then opened the contact to send a message to the headquarters of Ming Wang Dao to report what happened here.But the response he got was dumbfounding. The jade plaque of the summons only said to guard the gate of the city, and wait for the monk Yuanying to finish fighting.

Needless to say, it is Ming Wangdao's protector, Xiong Batian, who can send out the news. At this time, he is hiding in his bear's den, silently cheering for Yi Tian.

If Yi Tian knew that he was beaten by the old bear, he would probably fight him hard later.But at this moment, she couldn't care so much anymore. The Qin Fei in front of her would fight if she disagreed with her. She was definitely more ferocious than the old bear, probably at the level of Ambassador Zhiying.

When Qingyu appeared just now, he was resisted by the other party, and the two monsters were old acquaintances.Originally, Yi Tian didn't go too far to wade into this muddy water, but Qingyu yelled that he had sex with Fat Dog, and that idiot actually admitted it with his big tongue, now Qin Fei was so angry that she flipped her hands and said A red ball of light hit Fat Dog.

Now Yi Tian can't sit still anymore, it depends on the owner to beat the dog, not to mention that this fat dog with a big tongue can't speak clearly, making a mess of things.

Seeing the opponent's spell attacking, Yi Tian pointed to Fat Dog and Qingyu without saying a word, and put the two monsters back into the beast sack, then swung his right hand and ran out of the Rihui Wheel, turning into a spherical defensive net to enclose himself .

The red ball of light exploded outside the golden defensive net, shaking Yi Tian's chest tight.And the other party, Qin Fei, still had to make an inch of her spells, and she didn't stop throwing the red light ball at Yi Tian.

Faced with such an aggressive opponent, Yi Tian also felt that he couldn't bear it any longer, so what about Qingtian Demon King's maid, at least not himself.What's more, the Qingtian Demon King is nothing more than the guardian beast of the Lihuo Sect. If he sees himself as the authentic head of the lineage in terms of status, he has to show his favor.

Immediately, with a wave of both hands, he put away the sun glow wheel, and then took out the moon glow wheel and held it in his hand.Sweeping the red light ball thrown by the opponent, Yi Tian just twitched the corner of his mouth and pointed towards the moon flare wheel, and the flywheel spinning at high speed immediately faced the red light ball with a dazzling green glow.

I only saw one red and one blue spell collide in the air, and the green light instantly swallowed the opponent and flew towards Qin Fei.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the distance, was also irritated. Under the repeated manipulation of both hands, the moon casted by Yueyaolun was like a blue whirlwind constantly devouring the spells in front of him.

After all the spells in Qin Fei's hands were devoured, she showed a hint of fear. Looking at the cyan halo that looked like a tornado in front of her, she took out the necklace hanging on her chest with a flick of her hand.Then, after the demonic energy in the hand was poured into it, the entire necklace pendant emitted a burst of light that was even brighter than the scorching sun.

The Moon Flame Wheel wrapped in a cyan whirlwind was as powerless as if piercing into cotton in front of it, and after the flash, a flame shot out from the necklace pendant and hit the Moon Flame Wheel directly, making a piercing buzzing sound, The mountains and rivers with a radius of a hundred miles seemed to tremble.

After taking back the Moon Flame Wheel, Yi Tian found that there were still some flames on the spiritual weapon, as if it was constantly eating away at the surface of the Moon Flame Wheel.However, these flames are not unfamiliar, or they are very familiar. That necklace should be the spirit weapon refined by the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect for the Qingtian Demon King.

Since it was the same goal by different routes, Yi Tian just accepted it with a smile, and then flicked a wisp of purple flame with his finger, which instantly swallowed up the remaining spiritual fire on the Moon Flame Wheel.After taking back the purple fire, Yi Tian hurriedly refined it, and in less than ten breaths, he had completely integrated it into his own Thunder Flame Purple Fire.

Then he turned his head to look at Qin Fei, and then Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and formed seals with both hands at the same time, showing the true form of Asura, and then the Japanese and Huilun in his hands raised up and attacked Qin Fei from left to right.

Qin Fei knew that this move was powerful, and this time, the power of the two-wheeled simultaneous manifestation was even stronger than before.She raised the necklace in her hand, and the evil spirit in her hand poured into it desperately.In less than three breaths, a flame burst out from the necklace pendant to wrap Qin Fei's body into a sealed ball.

There were two sounds of 'bang bang', and the sun and moon wheels hit the fireball at the same time, and it just stayed for a while before being bounced away.Yi Tian, ​​who was watching from a distance, was startled. He didn't expect the fireball's defense to be so strong that it could bounce off his own spells.

After a glance, he was not discouraged, and he directly tied his hands together and muttered: "The mirror of Haotian appears." After a bright light flashed, the two hands on the right joined forces to hold a one-foot-large mirror.

Then, after chanting words from the mouth on the right side of the skull, a golden flame sprayed up to activate the 'Haotian Mirror', and after three breaths, a white light shot out from the mirror and directly shone on Qin Fei's defensive fireball.

Suddenly, the world seemed to be static. Qin Fei, who had turned into a fireball defense, suddenly seemed to be unable to breathe. The entire necklace lost its demon power and continued to pay attention, and immediately put away the fire defense.

But at this time, I was also feeling uncomfortable, I didn't expect to use the Haotian mirror once in a long time, and the spiritual power on my body rushed out like a flood that broke the embankment.Although his own cultivation is far superior to the same level, it can't keep up with such consumption.

Taking advantage of the opponent's loss of control for a while, Yi Tian teleported to Qin Fei's side, then pulled the necklace with one hand, and hit her with a restraint to bind it like a zongzi.

After doing this, he waved his hand and put away the Haotian mirror, and turned his head to make a face at Qin Fei.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei started screaming as if seeing a ghost. There were three parts of begging for mercy in the words, and seven parts of crying: "The unknown suzerain is coming, the little demon Qin Fei greets the suzerain on behalf of the master, please look at the suzerain For the sake of Li Huo, let me let this concubine go."

Hearing the sound of her constant crying, I felt a little annoyed.After knocking her out with a touch of his hand, he led the unconscious Qin Fei straight to the Brahma Mantra Headquarters in the north of Ming Wangdao.

It's a bit interesting now, this Qin Fei clearly recognized Haotian Jing, so she can't let her go for the time being.If she was asked to go back and report a letter to the Qingtian Demon King, then she didn't know what would happen next.

Moreover, it would be troublesome to bring it to the headquarters of Ming Wang Dao. At least it is difficult to explain in front of Elder Wen Xin and Lao Xiong. It is better to kidnap people directly to Sheng Xingkun. Eyes and ears.

(End of this chapter)

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