
Chapter 423 The Covenant

Chapter 423 The Covenant
A few dazzling red lights suddenly flashed in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain of Snake Valley. Yi Tian simply sealed off the place early in the morning, but those who revealed the spiritual pressure almost burst the restriction here.

Looking at Qin Fei's face, Yi Tian really didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. The current Qin Fei might as well be possessed by the Demon King Qingtian, and he was not weaker than himself in terms of spiritual pressure alone.

Generally, in the case of long-distance possession, at most [-]% to [-]% of the body's strength can be displayed, but even in this case, Yi Tian dare not say that he can stabilize the Qingtian Demon King's avatar.

Unexpectedly, this summoning really opened my eyes. I saw Qin Fei with a dignified face at this time, and looked at Yi Tian in front of him, and he was not in a hurry to speak, but kept looking at him.

After a while, he sighed faintly and then said softly: "I originally thought that Qingyu would be by the side of King Ming's Shengzi, so that there would be some kind of support. In the future, it would be more beneficial than harmful to have a relationship with Ming Wangdao, but I didn't expect to meet him again." It's fate to be in the same door."

"It's fate. Let's talk about Qingyu first. She eats delicious food here and abducts my spiritual pet." call out.

The two demons immediately turned into two auras, one red and one blue, and then lined up on both sides.After seeing Qingtian Demon King's avatar in front of him, Qingyu said submissively, "Mother is well."

Qingtian just glanced at Qingyu with his eyes and then nodded, then looked at Fat Dog again, and said after a long while: "Your spiritual pet background and blood power are not enough, don't think that you are higher than Qingyu now , it will be caught up in 500 years, and it will be transformed into jade after a thousand years, but it can only stay at the sixth level."

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "Don't lose sight of Qingtian Demon King, my spiritual pet will definitely take shape before Qingyu."

"Oh, I don't know the subtleties of this, please enlighten me," Qingtian Demon King was not angry, but just replied lightly.

"As far as I know, the transformation of the demon king was also blessed by the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect, and my spiritual pet absorbed a sliver of my original true fire when I was crossing the catastrophe. I also know a thing or two," Yi Tian said proudly.

"Could it be that the Spirit Beast Transformation Pill, Your Excellency is really brave," Qingtian Demon King was also moved by it, and then continued: "In this way, the little girl's transformation will depend entirely on it."

"The words are divided into two parts. The Transformation Pill can be mentioned later, but let's settle the name first. My spiritual pet Fat Dog and your daughter Qingyu are like each other. Let's make this marriage agreement first, and wait for them to transform. We'll do the marriage later," Yi Tian stared at Qingtian Demon King's face after finishing speaking.

At this time, it is also dangerous for the soldiers to recover the Li Huozong by themselves. Now that there is ready help, there will be no next time if you don't miss this shop.Moreover, it is also wise to tie Qingtian Demon King to his chariot. With the bond between Fat Dog and Qingyu, I believe that the other party will do their best to do things.

Qingtian Demon King didn't reply directly, but just lowered his head and fell into deep thought, then glanced at Qingyu and Fat Dog, then turned his head and stared at Yi Tian for a long time, during which he took out the necklace for a while.

Yi Tian didn't dare to urge her, anyway, this matter has to be considered by others.After a while, I saw Qingtian Demon King's face softened a little, and then I heard her reply slowly: "I agree to this matter."

After listening to the one person and two monsters present, they were relieved, and then under Yi Tian's sound transmission, the fat dog opened his mouth and called his mother-in-law indistinctly with his big tongue, and Qingyu also ran forward quickly. Snuggled next to Qingtian and began to act like a baby.

Qingtian didn't take it seriously, but stared at Hui Yitian and said: "Don't be too happy, I still have conditions."

"Please feel free to mention it, the demon king, presumably what you care about is exactly what I will do in the future," Yi Tian said disapprovingly.

"Okay, as the holy son of King Ming and the young lord of the Lihuo Sect, you really have the courage to do great things, and you accepted my conditions without even mentioning them. It seems that you either think highly of yourself or have a lot of promises." I figured it out," Qingtian said.

"It's easy to say, but why is this the young master of the Lihuo Sect?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Qingtian first signaled to take both Fat Dog and Qingyu back, and Yi Tian knew the stakes after seeing it, so he directly made a magic trick to take the two monsters back into the beast-controlling bag, and then nodded to indicate that we can continue talking.

"I have three conditions. One is that you must reorganize the Lihuo Sect and restore it to its former power, and I can help you gather the other three demon kings to return to the sect."

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "This is also in my plan, what else?"

Qingtian then said indifferently: "The second is to completely wipe out the enemies of the sect. I believe you should know something about the robbery of the sect 3000 years ago."

"This matter is a bit troublesome. Even though I know that the power of Asura and the power of the human race are still on Tianlan Continent, no one has been able to find their whereabouts for thousands of years," Yi Tian shook his head and replied.

"You may not be able to do things that others can't do. At least I have confidence in you. Moreover, the power of those who descended is suppressed by the force of the interface, and their strength is at most as low as that of the first stage of transforming gods. It is not difficult to kill them."

"Thank you, Demon King, for your upliftment. This matter will not be feasible until I reach the stage of transformation into a god, and it is still unknown whether I can find it," Yi Tian shook his head.

Qingtian Demon King was not angry either, and continued: "The item just now is an addition. But the third thing is necessary, and the third thing is to rebuild the Ascension Platform, so that we have a place to go in the future."

Now Yi Tian finally understands, these demon kings don’t look at their long lifespan, but sometimes they run out, after staying in this world for a long time, they can basically count down their own lifespan day and night, this torture is overwhelming It is not something ordinary people can bear.

It seems that wanting to ascend to the upper realm is their final idea, and Yi Tiandao just nodded and agreed: "Okay, I can pay attention to this matter. The heart of pursuing the great way is shared by both of you and me. You and I can rebuild the Ascension Taiwan is not only a path for oneself, but also a hope for future generations.”

Later, he asked again: "Why did the demon king call me the young suzerain of the Lihuo sect? I wonder who the current suzerain is? Do you still admit that Lu Jinyuan's orthodox status is not good?"

Qingtian Demon King laughed dumbly and said: "Young Sect Master misunderstood, the Lihuo Sect originally had regulations, but all the direct disciples should practice the Xuanyang True Fire Jue first, and after strengthening the True Fire ten times, they will naturally transform into 'Nanming Lihuo'. Huo', then he can formally succeed the general."

After finishing speaking, he took out the necklace pendant and shook it in front of Yi Tian, ​​and then said: "I think the young master's real fire enhancement has been strengthened more than three times, but there is still a long way to go before the final qualitative change."

More than three times, Yi Tian also had some doubts in his heart after hearing this, and asked directly while Qingtian Demon King was there: "Does it have to be strengthened and purified ten times?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Senior Lihuo once strengthened it six times before producing a qualitative change. Ten times is just a conservative estimate."

(End of this chapter)

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