
Chapter 424

Chapter 424
Three months later, on the way from Southern Xinjiang to Xihuang, a sky survey boat was flying at full speed. It was Qin Fei who controlled the sky survey boat, while Yi Tian was practicing in seclusion in the main warehouse.

At this time, Yi Tian's eyes were all fixed on the flashing fire in the Zixiao lamp in front of him. This fourth real fire enhancement started as early as two months ago, but unfortunately the progress was very slow, and it was the same as the previous third enhancement. The time progress is only one or two out of ten.

After agreeing to Qingtian Yaowang's three things that day, the other party also generously asked Qin Fei to serve Yi Tianlai directly, saying that the young suzerain always needs someone to take care of him.

In fact, Yi Tian knew exactly what Qingtian Demon King was playing, so he declined directly on the spot.Then Qingtian proposed to ask Yi Tian to help him attend the upcoming Ten Thousand Monsters Contest.

Speaking of the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, Yi Tian was surprised that humans could also participate, and then Qingtian Demon King explained the matter in detail.It turns out that among the 500 mountains, there is a towering sacred tree replaced by "Jianmu", which will bear ten Jianmu fruits in every [-] years.This tree is jointly guarded by the four demon kings. Originally, none of the demon kings needed it.

So everyone decided to divide the fruit evenly, but the four families divided into ten, no matter how you look at it, it was not evenly divided, so it turned into a fight in the end.

Moreover, I heard that the Gold Digger Rat King in the north seems to have not appeared in the past thousand years. He is also different from the training of subordinates by the three big demon kings.

Now there are only three out of four families, and the competition has become more intense.In addition to the two fixed shares of each family, the extra two coins and the Shu King's share were all used for gambling.

Moreover, the Western Soul Eater Tiger King Shidan Ligu invited human monks to assist him in the last gathering, which broke the balance, and then all the demon kings tried their best to send the strongest subordinates or Go ask foreign aid to help.

Fortunately, the strength of the participants is also limited to the mid-Yuanying stage, so Qingtian Demon King asked Yi Tian for help this time.

And Qingtian also listed a reason why Yi Tian had to agree. Although this Jianmu fruit is not very helpful to human monks, it can increase the success probability of crossing the catastrophe after those monster race juniors eat it.

Thinking that the other party promised Fat Dog and Qingyu's good deeds before, Yi Tian couldn't push it this time.But it would be a waste to let the fat dog Qingyu eat Jianmu fruit directly.After reviewing the complete animal breeding book, I found a pill called Spirit Beast Barrier Breaking Pill. After eating the spirit beast, it can greatly increase the chance of success in crossing the catastrophe, which is twice as strong as taking it directly.

Moreover, this elixir is recorded in the second half of the Spiritual Beast Art, and it is also written that the Jianmu was originally a thing in the backyard of the Lihuo Sect's Royal Beast Temple. 'Guardian.

It's just that the time has passed too long, and I don't know if this 'Golden Retriever Roar' has now become the Great Sage of the Western Demon King.

This time it was Qin Fei who led the way, so Yi Tian didn't care about controlling the flying boat and directly handed over the control hub of the flying boat to him, but he was focused on cultivation.

After flying for a period of time, the flying boat gradually slowed down, because Qin Fei said that she would pick up another helper during the period, so Yi Tian also let her go.

Moreover, Qin Fei also knew the seriousness of the matter under Qingtian's reprimand before, and when she met Yi Tian in private, she called him the young suzerain, and if there were outsiders, she would call him the prince of Ming.

On the way, an old acquaintance came up on the Xuntian boat. He was the first monster tiger tooth that he saw when he first arrived in southern Xinjiang. Sixty years later, he was still the same.

Although Yi Tian was sitting in the secret room, he stretched out his spiritual consciousness and scanned it, but found that Tiger Tooth's cultivation was basically not much improved compared to then.At the moment, I can't help but sigh that it's no wonder that human monks can control this world, and the speed of cultivation alone is much faster than that of monsters.Although there is a slight deficiency in longevity, it can't withstand the crushing of cultivation base.

To put it bluntly, Yi Tian basically can't last an hour when he uses Lingbao against Tiger Tooth.Immediately, Yi Tian closed his eyes and practiced silently to continue the step of strengthening the spirit fire in his hand.

Three days later, as the sky survey boat slowly reduced its flying speed, Yi Tiancai woke up from his slumber, looked at the erratic flame in the Zixiao lamp in front of him, and shook his head helplessly.After taking the flames into the body casually, he took Zixiaozhan back into Runiwan Palace, then opened the hatch and walked out.

Tiger Tooth in the main control room was notified by Qin Fei early in the morning and knew that someone was coming to help him this time, and when he saw Yi Tian coming out, he greeted him politely and said: "The Holy Son is here, I think we will Qingtian this time." The odds of winning the first branch are also much higher.”

Yi Tian was excited after hearing this, and immediately asked: "Why are the other two demon kings who came this time all mediocre?"

Tiger Tooth smiled and said: "That's not true, it's just that there will definitely be human monks coming to help. At that time, I would like to ask the Holy Son to take action. As long as you can defeat this monster race, you can choose the natural materials and earthly treasures."

Looking at Tiger Tooth's anxious face, he understood that this Jianmu fruit should also be helpful to these monsters, and their strength can only grow rapidly after being baptized by heaven and earth again and again.

A monster like a tiger tooth that still retains its tiger head and tail after being transformed into a monster is considered to be at the bottom of the ranks. If it wants to evolve into a monster king, it will have to go through a catastrophe.

Back then, I fought once in Beijiji, when I had just entered the Nascent Soul stage, but relying on my skills to be strong, no one could help me.

After time passed, Yi Tian looked at Tiger Tooth again with a feeling of calmness, and then he replied: "This matter is easy to handle, but I want a transformed peacock tail feather. I wonder if you can get it."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he immediately turned back what Huya wanted to say next, and saw that he opened his mouth and didn't say anything, then he frowned and said: "This is a bit difficult, can you change it?" something else."

"I don't need the others for the time being, but now I only lack this and Lingyu," Yi Tian replied.

At this time, Qin Fei, who was controlling the flying boat, lowered her head and asked Yi Tian through voice transmission. After getting the answer, she also looked surprised, and then shook her head to mean that she was helpless.

From Qin Fei's words, Yi Tian knew that there were not many peacocks that could transform into forms at this time, and that this kind of bird clan was all under the command of the King of Eagles.I heard that the only monster of the Peacock Clan is the concubine of the King of Eagles. If I were to pluck out one of her tail feathers, it would be a pain in the feet of the King of Eagles.

After hearing this, Yi Tian just smiled and said that he was determined to win this peacock tail feather, but now it seems inevitable that he will have to use some means.

(End of this chapter)

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