
Chapter 425

Chapter 425
The sacred tree Jianmu grows in the [-] mountains, but it is located at the junction of the southern border and the western wilderness. This place belongs to the rear of the monsters. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary human races to approach without the permission of the monster king.

After Yi Tian and others arrived in the flying boat, they discovered that the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference had already opened. Before that, the little monsters below had come together to exchange supplies or gamble. Will sit with them.

After the three of them got off the flying boat, groups of butterfly monsters greeted them outside. These butterfly monsters were more human-like, but the tentacles on their heads and the wings on their backs hadn't completely degenerated.

Sitting on a sedan chair carried by a team of barbarian wrestlers, the three of them had a good time.After a while, the three sedan chairs were carried to the platform on one side of the Jianmu Sacred Tree.

Looking around, there is a radius of thirty feet, and the monk Yi Tiandao who is standing on the platform at this time also knows a few.The Wanying King's team arrived early, and the leader was actually Ying Xiao, who had cooperated with him before.

And when he saw Yi Tian mixed in the Qingtian Demon King's team, his face twitched. Others didn't know Yi Tian's strength, but he had seen the power of King Ming Shengzi early in the morning.Afterwards, he bowed his head and said a few words to the two attendants, the yellow-spotted leopard and the manticore, and the two attendants looked over nervously.

Yi Tian is also generous, since the two parties are now in an alliance relationship, he simply stepped forward and chatted with Ying Xiao generously, which gradually made the other party feel relieved.

At this time, a tiger-toothed cry came from my ear: "The man from the golden-haired demon king is here," and then he turned his head to look at the road he was on, and saw another group of barbarian warriors carrying three sedan chairs on the platform.

After the three people on the sedan chair got off, Ying Xiao felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and said solemnly: "Why is he leading the team, the golden haired demon king is really relieved to let him fight."

Yi Tian immediately looked directly at the leader, a middle-aged man with sallow skin, except for his golden hair, the rest of his body was the same as that of ordinary people, and he belonged to those monsters with relatively complete transformation.He also thought secretly in his heart, obviously the leader should be at the same level as Qin Fei, and listening to Ying Xiao's words, it seems that the other party's background is not simple.

Then looking back, the two people behind were all human monks, and one of them was wearing the Excalibur School costume and veil, and it should be a female swordsman.The other person has seen it before, Ximen Kuangao of Tianmomen.Back then, I almost fell into his hands. After seeing him this time, I have to find an opportunity to settle the old score.

Suddenly, the sound transmission of tiger teeth came from my ear: "The one at the head is the adopted son of the golden-haired demon king, called 'Banlanhou', despite his famous name, he is a tiger like me, but he is lucky It's just being taken by the golden-haired demon king."

Looking back at Tiger Tooth, he also looked disdainful, and it was funny in his heart. You are all of the same kind, so shouldn't you be sympathetic to each other? Why do you feel a little bit jealous.

Afterwards, Yi Tian confided his information to Ying Xiao and Qin Fei. Except for Ximen Kuoao from Tianmomen, the other female sword cultivator from the Excalibur School should have taken away the Gengjin Sword he made back then. Situ Ruiyu in the box is gone.

Although I haven't met her face to face before, I believe that according to my reputation in Xihuang, the other party must have seen Huaying Graphics.Sure enough, I saw Situ Ruiyu walking slowly, stopped in front of Yi Tian, ​​and then Jishou saluted: "Master Yi, the number one alchemy master of the Western Wilderness Golden Alchemy, is really powerful, and he became a Nascent Soul after disappearing for less than a hundred years. Come to this Ten Thousand Monsters Conference."

"Don't you dare? It's just a coincidence that I'm living in the Western Wilderness. But now that I hold an important position in Southern Xinjiang, I'm afraid that it will be a rare opportunity to go to the Western Wilderness Sword Sect to pay respects to Senior Beiming and Fellow Daoist Situ," Yi Tian said. He replied calmly.

After hearing this, Situ Ruiyu's face remained unchanged, but she turned her head and slowly walked back to her formation, but a word came from Yi Tian's ear, and after hearing it, she shook her head with a wry smile.

It turned out that Situ Ruiyu secretly asked himself why he missed his appointment for the trip to Sword Art Online, and it turned out that Huo Chilian, a duplicitous guy, reaped the benefits.

After savoring it carefully, it was because I said goodbye without saying goodbye that caused the Excalibur faction to lose to Tianmomen in the trip to Sword Art Online. I don’t know how the duel between Beimingkongjing and Ximen brothers was. I am still very confident in the 'True God's Demon Blade'.

After a while, I saw Ximen Kuangao coming forward to look at Yi Tian, ​​and then said with a smile: "It's really you, the boy, and you have a good crafting skill."

"What do fellow Taoists say?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"My younger brother held the 'True Heavenly Demon Blade' that you refined and fought the old man Beiming to a draw in Sword Art Online. It finally relieved my years of grievances," Ximen said arrogantly.

"How can a tie be regarded as venting your anger on fellow daoist?"

Ximen rolled his eyes proudly and said: "My younger brother's cultivation base is inferior to that of old Beiming, but he has taken advantage of the spirit weapon, so a tie is considered a win. I believe that old Beiming will definitely win when he goes back. Get mad in the hole."

Yi Tian couldn't laugh or cry like this, no wonder Situ Ruiyu treated him like this just now, his feelings were mixed in Xihuang.

After the expiration of the three parties, the leaders also communicated with each other, and gave the general distribution process of Jian Mu Guo this time, and then saw everyone looking up at the top of the platform.

Following the eyes of everyone, Yi Tian also looked up, and saw an arm-thick fork deep above the platform, with ten emerald green fruits hanging on it.

Qin Fei's voice came from beside her ear and said: "This is Jianmu fruit, which will fall naturally when it is ripe, but it must be stored in a metal tray, otherwise the aura will quickly dissipate."

After nodding, Yi Tian stood aside and watched carefully, and saw a butterfly demon flying over the platform, holding ten gold plates and slowly placing them under the Jianmu fruit.

As time passed slowly, suddenly the first ripened fruit fell with a 'pop', and fell right into the golden plate.The butterfly demon dragging the plate below slowly descended and gently placed the golden plate containing the fruit in the center of the platform.

The rest of the fruits then fell step by step and were dragged by the gold plate and placed in the middle of the platform.

After all the ten fruits were placed, the transformed monster beasts led by the three parties stepped forward to collect two in turn.In the end, the remaining four were kept.

Yi Tian really admires Yaozu's promises, so he won't suddenly rob them because of this.On the contrary, Tiger Tooth whispered something, these are the rules set by the four demon kings, and no one dares to violate them.

At this time, the golden retriever roared and said: "The next step is to see everyone's ability, how do we compare this time?" As soon as the words fell, he heard a roar from the air not far away: "You three families are divided like this. Jianmuguo, don't you think the Soul Eater Mouse King is too low?"

As soon as the words came out, all the people present were also stunned, and the faces of the three leaders showed inconceivable expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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