
Chapter 426

Chapter 426
The good Ten Thousand Monsters Conference did not expect that the original agreement reached by the three parties would collapse instantly after the Soul Eater Mouse King joined.The leaders of the three parties present, Qin Fei, Yingxiao, and Banlanhou, the three big monsters in shape, all looked unkind when they heard the screams from the sky.

Originally, there were at least three coins in the account, and now anyone would feel dissatisfied with the side effects, but now there is no way around the situation. According to the agreement of the four demon kings, the Soul Eater Mouse King will definitely get a share.

I only heard Yingxiao opened his mouth and shouted: "It turns out that General Baimao, under the command of the Shu King, is in front of you. Please come on stage quickly." After speaking, a white light fell from the sky, and then three people appeared on the other side of the platform The figure, headed by a white-haired monster with pointed mouth and ears.

A soft sound transmission floated into Yi Tian's ear and said: "This is a white-haired rat, the number one master under the command of the Soul Eater Rat King."

Following the sound, I saw two human monks standing behind the white-haired rat, both of them were around the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

The other one had reddened skin all over his body, as if he had practiced some extremely powerful martial arts.Ke Yitian scanned him with his spiritual sense, and felt that this person's exercises seemed to be similar to those he had seen in his memory. It seemed that they were the same Taoism as a monk who had fought against him before, and there was a burst of fragrance from a big man. It always looks kind of weird.

The white-haired rat came forward to exchange ideas with the big monsters who were the leaders of the three parties, and then went forward to collect a piece of Jianmu fruit that belonged to the Soul Eater Rat King.

All the monsters around saw that their eyelids twitched a few times, but no one dared to go up and stop. This is originally a title, so it's no wonder.

Then there were only two Jianmu fruits left on the entire high platform, and the situation began to become tense.But it's only limited to those transformed monsters. As for the human monks, they talked freely. Anyway, everyone just negotiated in private, and they won't make a deal if they can't get a big deal.

As for the ownership of the remaining two jianmu fruits, they were directly mentioned. After discussing for a while, the four leading monsters came up with a plan, and then returned to their camps.

After walking all the way back, Qin Fei showed a little anger on her face, and then said to the two through voice transmission: "There is a change this time, so the last two will be decided by gambling."

Yi Tian nodded, which was expected, but for some reason, Qin Fei had a face of anger, and replied, "Is there any other additional conditions?"

"The white-haired mouse suggested that every family should give a little bit of money this time. After all, they suffered a loss for not coming last time. They want to find some interest to go back this time." Qin Fei said helplessly.

"What prize?" Tiger Tooth asked hastily.

"I want one level-[-] material, or three pieces of level-[-] treasure material or spiritual weapon as a prize," Qin Fei said after looking at her luggage, "Level-[-] material is rare, and I can't get it for a while. If there are three sixth-level treasures or spirit weapons, it’s hard to pass that necklace on.”

Yi Tian glanced at Qin Fei's reluctance to comfort her, and then expressed his thoughts.At the beginning, the two demons were suspicious when they heard it, but after listening to it, they were happy, and then Qin Fei asked: "Whether what the Holy Son said can be confirmed, so I can agree with this approach."

Yi Tian took out the whole book of Beast Control Jue in his hand and copied the pill formula of "Spiritual Beast Crossing Tribulation Pill" with a jade slip and handed it to Qin Fei, who read it carefully after getting the pill formula. After a while, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.After putting away the jade slips, he turned to Yi Tian and said, "It's enough to have this alchemy recipe, so let's follow the method of Shengzi."

Immediately, I saw the white-haired mouse running forward and said to everyone: "Everyone, let us be the first to fight for the first fruit. The next prize is a dragon fang made of a seventh-level material. I believe you will not be disappointed."

After speaking, he took out a three-foot long and five-inch thick white slender tusk from the close-fitting brocade bag.The dragon power attached to the dragon's fangs immediately shocked all the monks present.

At this time, Yi Tian's eyes were full of extreme desire after seeing it for a while.

And looking at the remaining dragon power on the dragon's tooth, it is estimated that only the Soul Eater Mouse King can subdue the dragon and take out such a complete fang by himself.

But even though something is good, you have to be able to get it. Yi Tian swept away all the people present. Although the transformed monsters were somewhat in awe of this thing, they didn't show much willingness. On the contrary, they were present The five human monks all seemed to be interested, and even the eyes of the two who were standing behind the white-haired mouse showed greedy expressions that stopped for a moment.

Before Qin Fei could open her mouth, she heard Ban Lanhou scrambling to say: "This is the first match we agree to, and I will offer a level [-] treasure." After finishing speaking, he carefully took out a one-foot-large porcelain bottle , with a seal on it.

But the white-haired mouse frowned when it saw this thing, but it was hard to say anything, it just shook its head and said, "Banlanhou, you take out all the golden-haired demon king's things for gambling, aren't you afraid that the old man will blame you if he finds out?"

Ban Lanhou replied indifferently: "Stop talking nonsense, if you draw a line, I'll take it. Don't you dare to compete with me?"

Seeing Banlanhou as if he had eaten the white-haired mouse, Yi Tian also felt strange, and when he was about to ask the reason, he suddenly heard the white-haired mouse sigh: "You beat me to death with your innate magical powers, What's the point of us betting, let the fellow Daoist King of Power behind me play this one, don't bully the small with your big ones."

After finishing speaking, the white-haired mouse stepped aside, and the burly, fierce-faced monk behind stepped forward and cast provocative glances at Situ Ruiyu and Ximen Kuaoao behind Ban Lanhou.

Ban Lanhou was also at a loss for words for a while, seeing this situation, she had to go back and discuss with the two people around her, and then she saw Situ Ruiyu slowly walking forward to salute King Nali.Then the two jumped into the air at the same time and confronted each other.

In an instant, a thunderous cracking sound resounded above Jianmu, and everyone below stretched out their consciousness to scan the situation in the sky.Yi Tian found that Situ Ruiyu's sword moves were fierce, and he could gain the upper hand for a while relying on the Gengjin sword box he refined back then.

However, King Nali had extremely strong defensive power, holding a mountain ax to protect himself completely, and it turned into a war of attrition in the long run.

While the two were fighting in the sky, Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to Qin Fei and said, "What is that thing coming out of that Banlanhou? It seems that you all should know a thing or two."

Qin Fei nodded, hesitated to speak, and then just replied lightly: "That is a high-level fire starter, if you want to directly refine spirit weapons or Danyang of level [-] or above, you must have help Just firepower."

(End of this chapter)

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