
Chapter 430 Hiring

Chapter 430 Hiring
The alchemy city in the southern border is a special existence. The monks stationed in the city are said to be sixth-level alchemists sent by the Zhongzhou Pharmacist's Mansion.Because of the abundance of products in southern Xinjiang, many alchemists from other regions also came to buy precious materials, and a neutral force was formed over time.

In southern Xinjiang, there are many intersections with Ming Wangdao, the largest sect in the area, and there will be a certain amount of requests for refining, but the price is not cheap.

This time, Yi Tian went to Dancheng with Shengxingkun's invitation. It was a coincidence that Dancheng was going to hold a medium-sized alchemist competition this year.At that time, alchemists from all walks of life will be invited to gather together to discuss alchemy skills, and Ming Wangdao has provided a lot of middle-level and low-level materials for this conference to show the friendship of the landlord.

On the other hand, Sheng Xingkun was in charge of the matter in the fourth department of Ming Wang Dao, so the city lord of Dancheng sent someone to send an invitation to the lord of Brahma Mantra Heaven to express his affection, and this invitation fell to Yi Tian without hesitation. hand.

Under the banner of Ming Wang Dao Brahma Curse Heaven Department, Yi Tian suppressed his cultivation base in the middle stage of Golden Core, and rushed to Dan City in a hurry. The monk in charge of reception compared the invitation with Yi Tian himself for a long time before reporting to the city lord.

After a while, the city lord of Dan City came to greet him in person, and Yi Tian took a good look at it. The city lord is said to be Ji Danxing, a direct disciple of Zhongzhou Pharmacist's Mansion, a sixth-level alchemist.

Although the opponent's cultivation base is only at the mid-stage of Golden Core, his skill should be superior to his own, and Zhongzhou Pharmacist's Mansion is also said to be the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and disciples of the direct line must cultivate at the same time as Dan Yi to get the sect acknowledgment.

At the moment, Yi Tian also directly reported his real name, but changed his identity to be a disciple of King Ming Dao Brahma Mantra, Ji Danxing didn't have any doubts after hearing this.Fortunately, there were no other people who had seen the true identity of the Holy Son of King Ming in Southern Xinjiang except for the high-ranking Ming Wang Dao and a group of monks of the same rank, so these low-level monks would not associate with the identity of the Holy Son of Ming King.

After entering the City Lord's Mansion, Ji Danxing personally received Yi Tian to the main hall, and after the disciples who were waiting to serve him finished serving tea, Ji Danxing waved his hand to shield him from the left and right.

Then he said to Yi Tian with a smile: "You Daoist Yi can come to Xiacheng to watch alchemists discuss, I am really honored to meet you."

Yi Tian was not too polite, and continued the topic: "I still want to ask the city lord to help me when I come here this time."

"Is it some kind of high-level elixir that Taoist friends need to refine, or some kind of treasure from heaven and earth?" Ji Danxing replied.

"Neither, in fact, there are some alchemists in the holy religion that can be driven. I came this time to invite a female alchemist to the holy religion. First, I came to train a group of disciples, and second, I also needed to obtain alchemy pills." Medicine."

Now Ji Danxing looked a little worried, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Actually, there are several female alchemists in Dan City, but they are all fourth-level alchemists. I wonder if Yi Daoyou thinks it is available?"

"It's a little troublesome like this. Shengjiao needs to hire a fifth-level female alchemist, and the remuneration and treatment are not a problem. I also ask City Lord Ji to think of a way," Yi Tian said.

Ji Danxing thought for a while before answering: "This matter is really difficult to handle. Most of the fifth-level alchemists have a teacher. If you enter the holy religion rashly, you don't know if they are willing, and most of the alchemists are high-minded. Those who are arrogant will definitely not be moved by anything that is not trivial."

Yi Tian knew about this matter before, fortunately, he was prepared for it, but he still lacked some gimmicks.Seeing that the other party seems to be in trouble, he no longer insists on it: "You don't have to make things difficult, City Master Ji. It's up to you. I heard that this alchemist competition is also held in a small area. I want to visit it at that time and see if there are any suitable candidates. "

"Of course, how about asking Fellow Daoist Yi to evaluate the pill together?" Ji Danxing asked instead.

"This matter is as I wish," Yi Tian asked carefully about the time and place of the next alchemist's exchange, and then said that he wanted to take a walk in the Dan city to see the style of the lower city, so he said goodbye to Ji Danxing.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, Yi Tian calculated that the time would be enough, and he had some decent materials, so he could go to a big store in the city to buy some accessories.

Then he inspected the shops in Dan City alone, and according to the information given by Sheng Xingkun, the largest trader in Dan City is the branch of Zhongzhou Qibaozhai.

After thinking about it, he came to the door of Qibaozhai's shop unknowingly, and at first glance, there was an endless stream of customers coming and going inside.When Yi Tian walked up, a young man in the Qi refining period came forward and took him to the VIP room on the second floor.

After looking at the layout of Qibaozhai, Yi Tian waited quietly in the hall, and after a while, a shopkeeper knocked on the door and came in, and checked that his cultivation was only in the late stage of foundation establishment.Therefore, Yi Tian directly engraved all the things he needed on the jade slip without too much fuss, and then handed the jade slip to the other party.

After the shopkeeper took the jade slip, he immersed himself in it and looked at it, and then his whole face became unnatural.After a while, he asked: "Some of the things that are objectively needed are materials controlled by Dancheng. I'm sorry to ask you one more question. What do you need these precious materials for?"

Yi Tian snorted coldly and replied: "The store owner seems a little rude. It seems that there is no need to tell me what I need for everything."

Seeing that the customer was a little angry, the shopkeeper hastily explained that the various materials in it need to be inspected by the owner of Qibaozhai before they can be traded.

Yi Tian couldn't say anything about this, but just said lightly: "Then find someone in your store who can talk to you," and then stopped making a sound.

The shopkeeper said, "Guest officer is later," and hurried out.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian sensed a few people walking towards this place from outside the hall, and it seemed that the other party had found Fangzhu to receive him.

When the door opened, a twenty-eight-year-old woman in purple shirt came in. The woman was stunned at Yi Tian as soon as she entered the door, and then ordered the servants to leave first.

After the woman in the purple shirt came forward and sat opposite Yi Tian, ​​she hurriedly asked, "Is your Excellency really a Taoist fellow Yi Tian of Dongao Chiyang Sect?"

After being asked by the other party, Yi Tian also said softly "Oh", and then sat up and stared at the woman in front of him carefully, and quickly matched the appearance of this person with the person he had seen before in his mind. Next, the person who came was Lishuilan whom I had seen in Dongao Qibao Zhai back then.

After a while, Yi Tian sneered and said: "It turns out that it was Miss Li from Qibaozhai back then. It was a coincidence that I met you today. It's really a destiny. I don't know if Lingmei is here?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi will be disappointed. My sister is still in the main store in Zhongzhou, and I will be in charge here." Li Shuixiang also behaved properly, and after taking out the jade slip, she continued: "The big one that fellow Daoist needs Some materials are easy to deal with, only the six-level meteorite iron, boring gold sand and magic copper are all controlled by this pill city, and the quantity is a bit large, so I’m afraid it’s not easy to handle.”

"Oh, would you like to hear more about it?"

Lishui Lan frowned and said: "Gein these things are high-grade treasures for casting alchemy furnaces, the City Lord's Mansion ordered that anyone who sells more than one catty must be reported, so if you want such a quantity, you need the City Lord's warrant. "

"It's okay," Yi Tianbian then showed the invitation.

After scanning the invitation, Lishui Lan turned her brows loose and said, "This concubine is being rude, and I don't need a warrant from the city lord when I have this invitation. I just ask Fellow Daoist Yi to leave a handwritten letter. You can do business with the city lord."

(End of this chapter)

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