
Chapter 431 The Truth

Chapter 431 The Truth
Since entering the Nascent Soul stage, Yi Tian has seldom forged weapons. With the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel and Zixiaozhan and other magical weapons in his hands, it is not so necessary to refine spiritual weapons by himself.

But this time is different, there are really not many things that want to impress a fifth-level alchemist. Fortunately, this pill furnace is always needed, not to mention that not all fifth-level alchemists have sixth-level alchemists. The bait is still very attractive.

In addition to refining the alchemy furnace this time, there is also the 'Sword of Killing God' obtained in the forbidden area of ​​the Qianlingzong in the Western Wilderness that also needs to be dealt with.This sword is said to be the spiritual weapon of Qian Lingzi. Yi Tian tried to take this sword for his own use many times before, but failed without exception.

The reason is that the spiritual inscription on the sword is blessed, and it shields the mana from the outside world.There is a treasure mountain in the sky, but you can't enter it. Nearly a hundred years have worn Yi Tian's mind almost.

Fortunately, after learning the spiritual world text with Ming Yaohui, I got the handbook of the ancestors of the Lihuo Sect, and learned a lot of the spiritual world inscriptions in it. Looking back at the inscription on the 'Sword of Killing God' Nor is it invulnerable.

After purchasing enough precious materials, he directly suggested to Lishui Lan that he want to use Qibaozhai's refining room, and the latter did not doubt it, so he explained that all the alchemy rooms here are alchemy rooms, although they can also be used for refining. It is expensive to use.

After listening to Miss Li's asking price, Yi Tian didn't say much, and directly took out [-] spirit stones as a deposit, and said that if there was any damage, it would be deducted from it.In the end, Lishuilan left Qibaozhai after removing the access control token amidst a burst of surprise in Lishuilan's eyes.

The most buildings in this alchemy city are alchemy rooms. Fortunately, this city is built on the south side of Kunyu Mountain, and these alchemy rooms are all opened on the south side of the cliff.

The location of Qibaozhai's alchemy room is not bad, it is more than three miles away from the other rooms, and it is on the quieter side, so there are few people to disturb it.

According to Yitian's current cultivation base, it is completely unnecessary to use the real fire in the center of the earth to refine the weapon, but the problem is that using the real fire of the natal fire to refine the spiritual weapon has a high requirement for precious materials, basically, it needs materials above level [-] to be able to withstand it. Live the calcination of Lei Yan Ziyan.

In desperation, he could only use the old method to refine the sixth-level spiritual weapon. After entering the alchemy room, he closed the door, and then the whole person floated directly to the center of the alchemy room.

The dharma body image appeared after the hands were formed in front of the chest. Today, the dharma body still has not achieved six eyes, and among the three poems, except the wisdom on the right side.
The eyes on the top of the head are always squinted, and the rest of the tranquility and peace are practiced to the extreme.

There is nothing Yi Tian can do about it. I have heard Old Xiong say before that I am still one step away from the great achievement of Asura Dharma Body, but it is this bottleneck that has stuck Yi Tian for nearly a hundred years.

Because of this, although the efficiency can be increased by three times with one mind and three tasks, it can only last for a month at most, and you need to meditate for a period of time before you can continue.

Fortunately, the competition in Pill City is half a month later, so it is enough time to calculate.Then he took out all the materials for refining the alchemy furnace and placed them beside him one by one, and began to use the spiritual consciousness on the left to guide the selection of materials for refining.

However, the main consciousness took out the 'Sword of Killing God' at this time, and sprayed a ray of purple flames of thunder from his mouth to envelop it.In this way, after a whole day, the refining of the alchemy furnace has been carried out step by step to the stage of melting and shaping, and the edge of the spiritual world inscribed on the 'Sword of Killing God' in front of me has turned purple after being burned. red.

This is the appearance produced by the spiritual power penetrating the spiritual world text. Yi Tian was overjoyed and directly increased the power output. After an hour, the original inscription on the God Killing Sword completely changed from gold to purple.

Immediately, his hands formed several seals non-stop again to remove all the inscriptions on it one by one.Without the blessing of the inscription, the entire 'Sword of God Killing' revealed its bright white blade, and after scanning it with divine sense, it was found that its raw material was definitely not any kind that should exist in this world.

Overjoyed, he directly re-calcined and reshaped it, and then engraved a spiritual inscription on the sword body with Leiyan Ziyan.This inscription can be regarded as the only one that Yi Tian can inscribe so far after studying the spiritual world. After being inscribed by the inscription "Mirror", the aura of the whole sword has also changed accordingly.

Just as the saying goes that a sword is like a person, the "Sword of Killing God" was filled with an incomparably domineering spirit before, and some of it was mixed with a bit of killing intent.But now, there is a long and peaceful air in the whole sword body, which is somewhat similar to the breath on Yi Tian's body.

Originally, the sword is the symbol of the king's benevolence, which is different from the sword master's killing. If the sword is full of hostility, it is definitely a low-grade route.

In this way, Yi Tian also has some objections to Qian Lingzi's behavior. From this point of view, although he is a great power in the upper realm, his strength will definitely not be the opponent of Luo Que, because the number of paths he walks is comparable to that of the sword. Disharmony cannot exert the greatest power of Yao Jianshu.

From this, it can be seen that Zhongzhou Qianlingzong has also gone the wrong way. Although Qianlingyuan has practiced Yao swordsmanship to the extreme, under the wrong guidance of his predecessors, he has ignored the most important point of swordsmanship.Then the corner of his mouth smiled, isn't the mistake made by the enemy just his luck.Think about how Bo Yunzi's last divination to Qian Lingyuan back then was just thinking about how to deal with him, but in the end it turned out to be a trick, so the opponent didn't mention it.

On the contrary, Yi Tian is also quite excited about Yao Jianshu, after all, it is also a skill handed down from the upper world, as long as it is used properly, it can have unexpected effects.

However, the title of 'Sword of Killing God' is too fierce, and the title of king is better for swordsmanship.Then, taking advantage of the fact that the fire had not completely faded away, he stretched out his index finger and pointed at the word 'Killing God', and in an instant the words on the blade were wiped off.Then he sacrificed a sliver of flame and slowly wrote a few strokes towards the root of the sword body.

A moment later, the purple flame of Lei Yan on the whole sword was retracted again, and now a bright white sword body was revealed, and the word 'Taiyuan' was written on the root of the sword body.

Holding the three-foot long blade in one hand, Yi Tian found that the sharpness on the sword is restrained now, and it seems that it is not as domineering as before, but instead inherits the awe-inspiring spirit of heaven and earth.

Overjoyed, a drop of blood popped out of his left hand and pointed at the Chengtian Sword to try to recognize its owner. The blade of the sword suddenly flashed a dazzling white light after touching the blood.After the light faded, the Taiyuan sword radiated aura as if alive, and Yi Tian was not polite and tried to put it in the Niwan Palace.

Unexpectedly, this time the seal did not have the slightest intention of repelling it. After the Taiyuan sword was completely submerged in the forehead, the sword appeared on the right hand of Yuanying.

Now Yi Tiancai understood that this seal would not reject the spiritual weapon re-smelted by his own spiritual fire, but it was a pity that the sun, the moon, and Huilun had to hide in the lower dantian to warm up, and the effect was much worse.

(End of this chapter)

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