
Chapter 432 Old Acquaintance

Chapter 432 Old Acquaintance
The alchemy meeting in Dancheng was held as scheduled, and all the alchemists who participated in the meeting had come to Dancheng to sign up.And all alchemists need to obtain the qualification of at least four alchemists before they can pass the primary assessment.

Yi Tian understood this matter in his heart, although many fourth-level alchemists were not high in cultivation, their unique techniques and proficiency in refining some unorthodox elixir were impressive.

As the moderator of this discussion, Ji Danxing, the lord of Dancheng, came up with two questions and posted them on the plaque in the middle of the alchemy hall.Afterwards, many people couldn't wait to go through the exam questions in their minds in private, and even worse, they started discussing in twos and threes.

Ji Danxing didn't stop this situation. Originally, the purpose of the alchemist sparring was to bring out some problems encountered in alchemy for the alchemists to discuss.As for whether it can be solved, and whether it can be gained from it, it depends on each person's understanding and good luck.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the edge of the judge's seat, silently observed the alchemists in the venue. Although the purpose this time was very clear, it still had to be consensual.

A few days ago, a pill furnace and Chengtian sword were refined in the alchemy room of Qibaozhai. After the completion of the work, the robbery came as scheduled.Fortunately, the current cultivation base is far better than before, so this crossing device robbery did not cause too much loss, but the scene was a bit big.

Moreover, these two alchemy tribulations attracted many people to watch, after all, this kind of catastrophe is not often seen.Ji Danxing, the lord of Dan City, also actively came to observe after hearing about the rewards of his subordinates.But his gaze was like a torch, and he saw Yi Tian's movements in his eyes during the robbery, and only then did he know the true cultivation level of this Ming Wangdaolai.

After this incident, Ji Danxing's attitude became more enthusiastic, and he saw that there seemed to be a pill furnace in the flash of the weapon robbery.This spiritual weapon is at least in the form of a sixth-level elementary level, but as the lord of Dancheng, he only has a bottle of top-level [-]th-level pill furnace in his hand.

Knowing Yi Tianlai's purpose, this thing should be used to recruit alchemists, but Ji Danxing has his own plans, and it is always right to have a good relationship with an alchemist.

After the participating alchemists entered the venue one after another, they sat down in a separate alchemy room below the venue, and then Ji Danxing ordered someone to deliver the medicinal materials for this exam.

In fact, Yi Tian also realized that he had read the test questions given by Ji Danxing. The two questions were sorting medicinal materials and refining a 'Shu Xin Dan'.The effect of this elixir is also strange, it is specially designed to sharpen the mind of those Jindan monks. It is said that this effect is similar to that of the "Heart Pill", but the effect is naturally better at higher levels.

In fact, there are many ways to increase the tempering of the state of mind. It is also a way to escape into the phantom formation when I was in the past, but the experience is more dangerous.If you can't break through the phantom formation, it will damage your Dao heart, but if you break through, the effect will be obvious.

As for the gentler method, it is to go deep into the mortal world personally, and spend 30 to [-] years to personally experience the life, old age, sickness and death of mortals, love and hatred, resentment and parting, and wanting nothing.

Using the power of this elixir is the least effective, but fortunately, it will not cause any harm to oneself, and it saves time.The only constraint is that taking too much of this elixir will produce drug resistance, and the follow-up effect will become worse and worse.

On the other hand, Ji Danxing continued to introduce the situation of these alchemists to Yi Tian, ​​and also mentioned several local alchemists in Dancheng, including his son Ji Ruichang.

Half an hour later, the gate of the meeting place was about to be closed, at this moment, an alchemist wearing a bamboo hat rushed to the meeting place.After the guard inspected the token, he walked directly into the venue, then looked around and found an empty seat on the far side and sat in.

The situation of the whole venue was covered by Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness, and every move of these alchemists was watched.There were not many female alchemists in the audience, including the one who came in last wearing a hat, there were only four in total, of which there were only two level five alchemists.

But the figure of that person at the end made Yi Tian feel a little familiar, as if he had seen him many years ago.But the bamboo hat worn by the other party is obviously a spiritual weapon that can block the prying eyes of the spiritual consciousness.

When I was young, I saw Ji Danxing standing up and directly announcing: "For this alchemy discussion, two questions need to be answered at once, and the additional materials that come with it cannot be used. The time limit is two hours. The prize is a bottle of fifth-level intermediate alchemy furnace," said After finishing, he motioned to the apprentices on the side to send the necessary materials provided by the examination questions.

The more than 20 alchemists present began to finish the questions after getting the medicinal materials. Yi Tian used his spiritual sense to sweep down the prize placed on the stone platform in front of him, a bottle of five-level alchemy furnace.Judging from the appearance of this spirit weapon, it looks like the work of an expert, the furnace body and cover are completely integrated.

In order to make up for the problem of the rank of the alchemy furnace, there are three complementary spirit patterns engraved on the bottom and lid of the alchemy furnace. It can be seen that the skills of the refiners are also very high.

In this way, this bottle of alchemy furnace only looks like a fifth-level middle-level, but it has actually entered the high-level category. It is no wonder that these alchemists are willing to participate in this alchemy meeting. It seems that they are fighting for this. things come.

But the prize in front of him is nothing compared to the newly refined 'Furnace of Furnace' in his storage ring.Although there is only one spirit pattern engraved on it, it is also a low-level spirit world script, and it is unique in this world.If the things were taken out at this time, there would be another commotion.

Moreover, this thing was used by the alchemist he hired. Even if Ji Danxing knew something about it, he didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts in the face of Yuanying monk.

When the water clock ticked down halfway, several fourth-level alchemists withdrew from the competition one after another. They also knew that their strength was limited, but they decisively chose to give up after finishing the first part.

Not only was Ji Danxing not annoyed when he saw this, he went up to inspect the completed materials one by one, and then pointed out some deficiencies.Those alchemists also stepped forward to express their thanks after hearing this, and then they each sat in the observation seats of the venue.

Such a situation was expected, the purpose of these fourth-level alchemists to participate in the alchemy meeting was nothing more than to broaden their horizons and make some friends. It would be great if they could listen to the teachings of the next city lord.

The ones who really want to draw the real chapter are those five-level alchemists who continue the second question on the field. Among them, Ji Ruichang's completion progress is the fastest, and it has reached the stage of melting materials into the furnace.

But Yi Tian's eyes are now completely fixed on the last female alchemist, since she took out the alchemy stove, Yi Tian recognized it as Ning Ning from the alchemy hall of Chiyang School.

It was a coincidence that Ning Ning took out three pill furnaces this time, and one of them was the one that she specially refined for her back then.I saw that at this time, she actually used three prongs, and at the same time put the raw materials for refining 'Shu Xin Dan' into three pill furnaces and refined them.

Now her speed is not faster than that of ordinary alchemists, and at the same time, she has made up for the time spent on reading the exam questions and deduction at the beginning of the period.In this way, he has kept up with the rhythm of No.1 Ji Ruichang at this stage.

(End of this chapter)

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