
Chapter 433 Commitment

Chapter 433 Commitment
The final winner of the alchemy conference was undoubtedly Ji Ruichang, the son of the lord of Dancheng. In fact, this is also a fact recognized by everyone. This alchemy conference is nothing more than Ji Danxing's show in order to increase his son's reputation.

Those two questions must have been prepared by Ji Ruichang in advance, so the refining was quite smooth.

There were no accidents in the whole discussion, but the biggest dark horse was Ning Ning's three furnaces, which created invisible pressure on Ji Ruichang.

But it was still half way behind after receiving it. Because of multi-tasking and distracted control of the pill furnace, there was still a slight flaw in the timing of mixing ingredients, so that the final grade of the pill refined was worse than Ji Rui's. A little bit.

The alchemy conference only looked at the results and not the process, so Ji Ruichang's victory was well deserved.As for Ning Ning, she hurriedly left after the match.

But after he left, Yi Tian also bid farewell to Ji Danxing, and then slipped out from the other side of the venue.

I believe that Ning Ning should have recognized them in the venue, and her last voice transmission was to confirm each other's identities.

After leaving the venue, the two walked on the street in a tacit understanding, one in front and one behind, and Yi Tian went directly to say a few words through sound transmission.Ning Ning, who was walking ahead, nodded slightly after hearing this, and the two of them came outside the city after a while.

Then Ning Ning jumped into the air, and Yi Tian smiled and followed after seeing this.After ten breaths, I saw Ning Ning who had been waiting in the air, and then said, "We haven't seen each other for so many years, don't you want to show your true colors?"

After a sneer, Ning Ning lifted her hat to reveal her true face.Yi Tian took a closer look and found that her cultivation base had reached the middle stage of Golden Core, and according to the current progress of her cultivation base, it could be regarded as fast.

Standing in the air, Ning Ning replied with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"I just happened to come to Dan City for a meeting, so I didn't know I would meet you. But why did you come here to participate in the Dan City sparring?" Yi Tian asked.

Ning Ning said: "Ever since my eldest brother failed to advance to the Golden Elixir and his lifespan was exhausted, I have been brooding about it. There is no panacea for increasing lifespan in the alchemy hall, so I want to travel around to see if I can find anything. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian also sighed, if Ning Yuxuan hadn't helped him into the Chiyang Sect back then, he wouldn't have achieved such achievements now.Seeing Ning Ning now reminds me of working with Ning Yuxuan in the Chiyang School back then.

When they returned to the sect back then, master Ning Qingyuan had already passed away. Without the care of the master, the brothers and sisters of the Ning family would not be as beautiful as before.Fortunately, those old friends are still there, so they still take care of each other.

However, when he was in the Chiyang School, he heard that Wu Xing and Ning Ning had formed a Taoist couple, but he didn't know how he was doing now.Then he blurted out and asked, "Where's Wu Xingren, why didn't he come out with you?"

When Wu Xing's name was mentioned, Ning Ning's face changed several times, and then she looked at Yi Tianhou in front of her and replied: "Since you came back as a Nascent Soul, I found that my husband has changed, and the time for cultivation has increased. Now, and my heart to pursue longevity has become firmer."

From Ning Ning's mouth, Yi Tian felt something, it turned out that the young couple had a quarrel, after all, there was some cause and effect in this matter.Back then, his return really caused quite a stir, and everyone in the sect followed suit.

But chance is something that no one can tell. Although Wu Xing has a heart for Daoism, he has no chance to travel and increase his cultivation within the sect for half his life, and now it has become the biggest shackle in his cultivation.Thinking about it, he couldn't help him much, and he had to solve everything by himself.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian directly took out the bottle of 'Rongyan Furnace' from the storage ring and threw it to Ning Ning. After taking it, the latter took it and scanned it carefully with his spiritual sense, his face was stunned, and then he shouted in surprise: "Is this the alchemy furnace you refined?"

Yi Tian blinked and replied: "A good horse is matched with a good saddle, and a pill furnace is matched with an alchemist."

Ning Ning held the pill furnace in her hand and looked at it for a long time, and from time to time, she judged the craftsmanship of the pill furnace, and then she didn't put it away directly, but turned her head and looked at Yi Tiandao in front of her with a smirk: "Did you give me such a high-level alchemy stove as soon as we met? You must know that sister Liu is still waiting for you to go back in the blessed land of Chuying Peak. She doesn't even have a sixth-level alchemy stove. I'm afraid that I will go back. Then there will be misunderstandings."

After hearing this, Yi Tian recalled Liu Piaopiao's coming, and he was really sorry for her, and he delayed going out for decades.Fortunately, I had summoned her before, but after staying outside for a long time, I would inevitably feel homesick.

However, the few thoughts in my mind are fleeting, so let's deal with the matter in front of me first.Then he said with a smile: "I've prepared her gift a long time ago, but I still have some things to deal with in southern Xinjiang in the past few years, and I will naturally go back to Dong'ao when I'm done."

Ning Ning played with this bottle of 'Rongyan Furnace' for a while, then put it away and said, "I will accept this gift, but if you have anything to say, just say it. It must be no good looking at you like that."

Yi Tian was stunned for a moment and said: "This little girl is really rude, the sixth-level alchemy furnace accepts it as soon as it is said."But now I really have something to ask of her, and I still have to rely on her breath. '

Then he opened his mouth and said: "Being courteous, people must ask for something. I have encountered some troubles in alchemy and I want to ask you for help."

Seeing that Ning Ning nodded and did not intend to refuse, Yi Tian then briefly explained the matter of refining the elixir for the Yaozu.

Unexpectedly, Ning Ning didn't refuse directly after listening to it, but after thinking about it, she said, "I can help you this time, but I have three conditions."

Yi Tian replied with joy in his heart: "Okay, if you say it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to you."

Ning Ning didn't pretend and said directly: "I want two grade-six treasure materials and a million spirit stones as a reward for refining the elixir this time."

Hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and agreed without being stingy: "No problem, I will take care of it." Then he took out a storage bracelet and collected all the materials and spirit stones from his collection. Then he threw the storage bracelet to Ning Ning and said, "Click to see if the amount is enough."

Ning Ning put away the bracelet immediately after storing it, and then said with a smile: "I still trust your character, so I don't need to order things, I believe there will be absolutely no shortage. Then let's go to your cave now Well, after I finish the work for you, I have to hurry back to Dong'ao."

It seems that she has stolen a large amount of supplies from herself, and she is in a good mood now.Yi Tian didn't care, anyway, these things were brought from Ming Wangdao's warehouse.

Right now, all we need to do is to refine the Jianmu fruit into the top-grade 'Spiritual Beast Transcending Tribulation Pill', and finally these things can be used to blackmail the batch of monsters under the King of Eagles.

(End of this chapter)

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