
Chapter 436 Demon Dragon

Chapter 436 Demon Dragon
Yi Tian directly encountered the fugitive Lan Feng who was let go when he was in the East China Sea at a hundred feet above the crater of the seabed.

But I didn't expect to meet here after more than a hundred years. Yi Tian was also annoyed in his heart. Back then, his own strength was not good enough for Lan Feng to escape. Now it is very difficult to deal with the other party because of the unfavorable realm. of.

And now that both parties have been recognized, the next step of making fire will definitely be difficult.Immediately after Yi Tian scanned for four weeks, he hurriedly urged the sepak takraw ball to float to the surface of the sea. It was impractical to deal with the opponent in the deep sea, so leading him to the surface of the water was the right way.

Lan Feng, who was on the opposite side, also seemed to have discovered Yi Tian's attempt, and immediately flicked his tail and swam diagonally upwards.Then, after waving the trident in his hand without stopping, a spiral water wave rolled out and directly blocked Yi Tian's ascent.

As soon as they fought, Yi Tian found that if he wanted to run up, he almost had to stare at the opponent's onslaught.Immediately, the figure paused, and then sank down again. If you can't go up, then do the opposite.

The Lan Feng on the opposite side was also stunned for a moment, then his eyes were fixed and he also dived towards the bottom of the water, and his expression became more and more nervous.

After seizing the opportunity, Yi Tian was also surprised, why Lan Feng behaved like this, so he extended his consciousness down and directly explored the crater of the seabed.

But after scanning around with his spiritual sense, he didn't find anything special. When he was wondering, he suddenly found that the speed of Lan Feng's body not far behind him suddenly accelerated by three points after a blue light flashed across his body.

It was obvious that the other party was determined not to let him get close to the crater, and Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, and Qingguang Dasheng also accelerated his dive speed.

Fortunately, what I am using now is the evasion technique driven by the wood spirit energy, and there is no restriction in this seabed environment, and after being affected by the environment, the wood spirit energy seems to have infinite vitality, and the speed of escape is no less than Lan Feng's swimming speed.

It was only at a distance of more than 30 feet above the submarine crater that Yi Tian was able to extend his consciousness effortlessly, only to find that there was a crater with a radius of [-] feet below.

Because it is at the bottom of the water, the hot magma overflowing from the crater was instantly cooled by the icy seawater nearby, and then formed solid volcanic ash accumulation.

And there is still churning magma in that crater, which obviously raises the surrounding temperature a lot.In the very center of the lava in the crater, there is a raised platform with a radius of about one foot, on which there is a stubborn stone that is more than one foot and half a foot high.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw this, this is really the ultimate goal of this trip, there must be a trace of fire in that stubborn stone.

But thinking about the fact that Lan Feng was behind him, most of the joy he had just had was extinguished under the desperate pursuit. If he didn't get rid of the trouble behind, he couldn't get the stone smoothly.

But after looking at this stubborn stone, Yi Tian obviously felt a sense of crisis in his heart. According to the usual situation of this heaven, material and earth treasure, there will at least be guarded by monsters, but there is no sign of monsters haunting here at all. .

Looking back at Lan Feng behind him, he couldn't help but think in his heart that this is the Guardian Monster Beast. Although Lan Feng's cultivation is almost the same as that of the Nascent Soul in the early stage, it doesn't look like this, and this sense of crisis is not It came from behind, but from the magma swamp below.

No matter so much, after continuing to sink for more than ten feet, I heard Lan Feng roaring from behind: "You idiot, do you want us all to die here?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a group of bubbles start to emerge from the tumbling magma below, and then a spiritual pressure comparable to that of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul came out.

Yi Tian was also overwhelmed by this spiritual pressure, and when he looked carefully, a dragon's head suddenly protruded from the magma, the color was fiery red like a flame dragon.

Before he could react, there was movement in the magma again, and another head protruded from the side of the flame dragon, its color was dark blue, it was obviously a water dragon.

But they were all hiding in the magma at the same time, which really surprised Yi Tian. If they went down to get the treasure recklessly, it would definitely become their food.

The two dragon heads, one red and one blue, raised their heads at the same time, and immediately the magma in the entire submarine crater began to boil.But when Yi Tian was young, his scalp felt numb. It turned out that these two dragons were combined from the neck down to a water and fire double-headed dragon. No wonder they like to hide in the magma of the crater on the seabed.

He only heard two deep dragon chants resounding throughout the seabed and said, "Whoever disturbed my sleep, you will pay for it," said the dragon and swam out quickly after flicking its tail.

Seeing this situation, Lan Feng turned around and left immediately. The two-headed dragon could spit out people's words and the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body were stronger than both of them.

Unexpectedly, the two-headed dragon abandoned Yi Tian, ​​turned around and swam above Lan Feng to seal off his retreat, and then the two heads stared at the two uninvited guests in front of them, with some blisters spouting from their noses from time to time.

If Yi Tian was not afraid at all on land or in the air, he would be able to run at worst, but now he is trapped in the deep sea and used up to [-]% to [-]% of his power. After rolling his eyes, he turned his head towards the submarine volcano His mouth sank quickly.

The two-headed dragon also had a good plan, directly blocking the retreat of the two of them, and then relying on the advantage of the location to forcefully break through.

But what I didn't expect was that the person below did not follow the common sense to make moves, but seeing Yi Tian sinking, the two-headed dragon didn't think its tail intended to shoot a few curls towards Lan Feng.

At this moment, Lan Feng also complained secretly, the supposed hunter is now the prey, and they are both deep-sea aquariums, Naga has a natural fear of Longwei.The two-headed dragon's roar just now made Lan Feng feel extremely uncomfortable. If it wasn't for his thousand-year-old cultivation, he would almost be unable to stand on the spot.

Seeing the water splash in front of him, Lan Feng also gritted his teeth and waved the trident with both hands, rolling up the same water spout and attacking the two-headed dragon.

Hearing the sound of beating from above, Yi Tian speeded up and swam towards the stubborn rock without looking back, and within ten breaths he entered the range of the crater, and then suddenly removed the vine net The swimming speed of the whole person increased by three points again.

Hearing a "click", a cyan figure quickly passed the stone platform in the middle of the submarine crater, and then the stubborn stone on the stone platform was held by Yi Tian with both hands.

Then I saw the cyan figure start to run away, and at this time the two-headed dragon on the high place seemed to have discovered Yi Tian's movements, and the two heads roared at the same time: "The ignorant human race stole my secret treasure, your death is coming, "After speaking, I saw two powerful spiritual pressure fluctuating in the water, one blue and one red two flashes emerged from the two mouths and shot directly at Yi Tian who was running away in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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