
Chapter 437 Escape

Chapter 437 Escape
In the South China Sea submarine crater, Yi Tian just took advantage of the double-headed dragon entangled Lan Feng to sneak into the crater quickly and pocketed the stubborn stone that contained fire in the stone.

But the result of doing so was to directly offend the double-headed dragon, and in the blink of an eye, two ice and fire bombs arrived at the same time.After hearing two muffled sounds in the water at the same time, the entire submarine crater was shaken.

There were a lot of hot red flames in the magma pool, and when they touched the sea water, they were cooled down rapidly and emitted a lot of foam.

After Yi Tian suffered a blow from the double-headed dragon, he was directly driven into the magma below.

After the double-headed dragon saw Yi Tian completely swallowed by the hot magma, it turned its head and stared at Lan Feng intently, saying: "Your accomplices are finished, and you will be next."

After speaking, he flicked his tail and rushed towards Lan Feng. At the same time, the four dragon claws saw the timing and slashed fiercely towards Lan Feng's head.

At this time, Lan Feng no longer had the vigor he had just now. After the previous magic confrontation and seeing the double-headed dragon's ice and fire double bullets, Lan Feng had already given up.

Even though the two monsters belonged to the Aquarium, they were not fighting at the same level at all. Lan Feng's magic was completely suppressed by the two-headed dragon.

Sure enough, when the two demons fought again, after Lan Feng was blocked by the demon dragon, the battle situation was one-sided. Seeing that Lan Feng was retreating steadily, he was about to be forced down into the crater of the undersea volcano.

Suddenly, a magma column erupted from the crater again, facing the direction of the two-headed dragon in an unbiased direction.The latter saw the situation and was not afraid to face the difficulties directly. The magma hitting the scales of the demon dragon could not cause substantial damage to it at all, on the contrary, it directly angered it.

I saw it swimming above the crater and said to the bottom: "I didn't expect you, a human monk, to have some skills. You can't die even if you fall into the magma. It's your fate. But none of you can run away."

After hearing this, Lan Feng looked into the magma, only to see a bunch of bubbles coming out of it, and then a white protective cover was exposed.And Yi Tian was hiding in it, there was no longer the stubborn stone on his right hand, but instead he was holding a ball of yellow flames.

Then Yi Tian said: "Lan Feng, if we continue to work alone, no one will be able to run away. Why don't we join hands to deal with this demon dragon first?"

Lan Feng looked at the current situation and nodded and replied: "Okay, let's do our best or we will explain everything here."

Immediately, Yi Tian directly put the Shi Zhonghuo in his hand into the Niwan Palace, and then took out a handful of ghost face flowers and held them in his hand.After injecting spiritual power, it bounced around the crater, and after three breaths, it only saw vines as thick as arms protruding from the place where the seeds took root.

Although it can't be fully cast in water, as long as there is soil, wood spells can be cast.

Although Lan Feng didn't know the purpose of Yi Tian's doing this, but after seeing the monster dragon attacking again, he had to swing the trident again and roll up a waterspout with a size of one foot to attack the opponent.

When the monster dragon saw the blue head opened its mouth, it directly sprayed three blue light bullets towards Yi Tian and Lan Feng.

After having the previous experience, Yi Tian didn't panic, he opened his mouth and shouted: "Lan Feng advanced into the crater, and I will defend." After speaking, he urged several ghost-faced flower vines around to stretch out huge flower buds .

After the buds opened, they were about two feet in size, and then they were layered on top of each other, directly covering the entire crater.

After three breaths, I only heard three ripples of violent vibration centered on the crater after the flower buds on the head were bombarded by light bombs.

Yi Tian and Lan Feng, who were staying below, also saw three two-foot-sized deflated sacs appear on the buds on their heads, and they were terrified when they saw it.

Then I heard a 'tearing' sound, and saw several dragon claws stretched in after the bud defense burst in response.

Seeing that, Yi Tian made seals with his hands again, and then pointed at those flower buds, and then saw those vines entangled towards the four dragon claws as if they had eyes.

The wood spells in his hands are not very aggressive, but fortunately, the limited functions are okay.After a few swishing sounds, the demon dragon's four paws were entangled by the ghost-faced flower vines protruding from below and couldn't move.

Lan Feng was not polite when he saw it, he directly manipulated the steel fork in his hand, circled it a few times, and stabbed towards the base of one of the claws, there was a 'click' sound, and then some red oozes out of the water.

Seeing that the demon dragon was hurt by one move, the two were also mentally exhausted, and then Yi Tian kept imprinting, manipulating the vines to tightly entangle the demon dragon's limbs.

But in less than ten breaths, they heard the roar of the monster dragon from above, and the sound of the dragon's chant directly shook the two of them dizzy.Then there was a sound of gnawing.Then I saw two huge holes exposed on the protective cover of those flower buds, and then I saw two heads protruding through them.

The red head roared angrily: "Both of you must die," and after speaking, he opened his mouth and sprayed a flame directly into the magma.Then the surrounding magma suddenly boiled up, and after less than three breaths, the entire undersea crater began to erupt.

As a result, Yi Tian and Lan Feng could no longer rely on their geographical advantage to carry out defensive counterattacks, and then they looked at each other for a while, and took advantage of the eruption of the volcano to flee in opposite directions.

Now both of them are hoping that the monster dragon will not come after them, and Yi Tian can't use it in the water, and he is still much slower than Lan Feng under the full force of the escape technique.After the water flowed quickly around him, he realized that the situation was not right. This two-headed dragon was also a ghost. He knew that the persimmon had to be picked softly. Obviously, the other party came to the door directly because he saw that he was not fast in the water.

Moreover, the Shizhonghuo bred by the stubborn stone in the crater was also taken away by him, how could the demon dragon let him go so easily.

He wanted to go back, but in the water, he raised his speed to the maximum and rushed straight to the surface of the water.Fortunately, it was difficult to sink and easy to float up. It took Yi Tian less than ten breaths to float up to a distance of a hundred feet from the water surface.

But for some reason, the two-headed dragon behind him didn't catch up, which made me a little puzzled.Extending the divine sense down to explore, it turned out that the monster dragon turned its head and swam back.

As for Lan Feng, he didn't know where he fled to. To be honest, he was unambiguous in the water as an aquarium, and his escape speed was not a little bit faster than Yi Tianlai's.

After sighing, Yi Tian secretly rejoiced that he had escaped, and then quickly swam to the surface of the sea.After reaching the air, he finally settled down, and then he took out the stone from the fire and held it in his hand, and looked at it with a happy smile on his face.

But after ten breaths, the whole sea boiled up, and then two high-pitched dragon chants sounded from the bottom of the deep sea, scaring the aquariums in the nearby hundred-mile sea area and turned around and ran away.

Immediately, a [-]-foot-large vortex formed in the sea level under Yi Tian's feet, but the sky was covered with dark clouds, which made Yi Tian feel hairy.

(End of this chapter)

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