
Chapter 438 God Help

Chapter 438 God Help
The sudden situation on the sea caught Yi Tian off guard. At first, he just thought that the demon dragon would give up and dare not come up again, but when he took out the stone in the fire, it caused such a big commotion.

Looking up at the sky, it seems that the clouds of calamity gathered in the sky, covered the head with blackness.But looking around, he couldn't find the person who crossed the robbery.Look at the fire in the stone in his hand, it hasn't changed much since it was taken out by breaking open the stubborn stone, even when it was stored in the Niwan Palace and assimilated with the flames of the other four attributes, there was no accident.

After waiting for a while, I saw that the vortex on the sea below was still there, but the monster dragon hadn't flown out of the sea for a long time.Yi Tian probed down with his divine sense, and found that the demon dragon was swimming around at a depth of about a hundred feet underwater, but he had no intention of coming up.

Looking at the Jieyun that has not yet gathered in the sky, he finally understands that it is the demon dragon below who is emotionally going to overcome the calamity.After taking out the fire from the stone just now, it must have been attracted to it, and this monster dragon must be extremely dependent on the fire of the magma while dormant in the volcanic magma of the seabed.

And the fire in the stone in his hand is the treasure of heaven and earth that he guards, so he is so sensitive to it.Looking at the vortex on the surface of the sea, Yi Tian was also delighted, this ball of fire was the bait, and the monster dragon below must be afraid of the power of the catastrophe if it was too late to swim out of the water.It's okay for a creature like this to hide in the water well, and it's impossible for the sky and the earth to rain down the thunder calamity before its breath is captured.

But once it comes out of the water, the robbery cloud that has been silent for many years will burst out at once. It seems that this monster dragon has not yet made a plan to cross the catastrophe, so this is the most beneficial situation for him now.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian came up with a plan. He had had enough of the dragon's anger just now, so why not take this opportunity to find a way to deal with it.This monster dragon is full of treasures, and has not been baptized by the sky thunder, so it seems that there is a lot to do.

After that, Yi Tian didn't give up much, directly took the stone fire into his body, and then directly fused the flames of the five attributes in the Niwan Palace.Based on the Thunder Flame Purple Flame that he had cultivated, he then fused into it successively the Xuanyang True Fire, Stone Zhonghuo, Sky Fire and Kuiyin True Fire.

It took three hours to fuse the real fire of the five elements into the real fire of life, then lowered his head to see that the vortex was still there, and looked up to see that the robbery cloud above his head had not dissipated.

Then swallow the real fire of the five elements directly into the mouth of Yuanying to refine the real fire of life. After several hours, the Yuanying in the Niwan Palace opened his eyes, and then the whole body of the Yuanying appeared transparent. Fuchsia.

After tidying up all these, Yi Tian stretched out his index finger and sacrificed a ray of natal real fire on his fingertips, then shook it towards the sea below.Then I saw that the vortex suddenly began to spin at an accelerated speed, and then the robbery clouds in the sky gathered rapidly, and a void mouth slowly opened in the robbery clouds.

Immediately afterwards, the two-headed demon dragon suddenly sprang out from the vortex below, hovered in the air for a while, and then flew towards Yi Tian.The mouths of the two faucets opened at the same time and sprayed out two balls of light, one red and one blue.

Yi Tian was not afraid in the air, he made a knot in the hand seal and at the same time sacrificed the sun, moon and brilliance wheel.After that, both hands formed seals again and cast the two moves of covering the sun and closing the moon at the same time, attacking the two spells of the monster dragon at the same time.

Two roaring sounds rang out from the sea at the same time, and then reverberated across hundreds of miles of sea area, and then a wave of spiritual pressure vibrated centered on the sky above the vortex, and the howling gale blew the originally calm sea into waves.

After fighting against the opponent, Yi Tian found out some clues. He was supposed to be weaker than Yaolong, but without the advantage of the water environment, he could still fight to a tie.

After sweeping the robbery cloud above with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian smiled, then put his hands together again and used the third move, the sun and the moon with brilliance, to attack the demon dragon.My heart is settled, as long as the catastrophe cloud falls from the sky, it will be the turning point.

The monster dragon on the opposite side seemed to have sensed Yi Tian's attempt, but the flame in front of him firmly attracted the red head's attention.On the contrary, the blue head was not interested in it at all, and tried to return to the sea.

But the red head obviously took control, and after ignoring the interference next to it, it spit out a few fireballs from its mouth again.

Yi Tian put his hands on his chest and made a knot, then used the flame to display a spiral fire shield on his chest.The incoming fireball was about two feet in size, and it exploded a spark on the spiral fire shield.

After being bombarded by Jielai a few times, Yi Tian struggled to hold on, but the mouth of the void above his head had been opened, but the tribulation thunder did not fall directly.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that the blue dragon head took advantage of the gap and dragged its body to the sea area where it was lowered.

Since it came out, Yi Tian was not prepared to let it go so easily, and then gathered the spiral magic shield into a fist-sized fireball, and then controlled it to blast towards the monster dragon.

The red dragon head tried to fight, but the blue dragon head insisted on going back to the water.After a flash of fire, the inconspicuous fireball bounced to the tail of the demon dragon and exploded directly.

After being bombarded by the fireball, the whole dragon body trembled, and then Yi Tian's face became relaxed.There were bursts of thunder, and when I looked up, a golden tribulation thunder emerged from the gap in the void, striking in the direction of the demon dragon's escape.

Originally, he could still avoid the thunder calamity, but under the obstruction of Yi Tian, ​​the thunder instantly hit the demon dragon that had not dived into the water.

With one blow, the lightning spread all over the dragon and directly shook it into the air. Yi Tian knew in his heart that the demon dragon was hiding in the volcanic magma on the seabed to avoid catastrophe. cross robbery.

This time it was led out by Yi Tian and Lan Feng by mistake, so it was not well prepared to face the catastrophe in a haste.

At this time, Yi Tian was taking advantage of his illness to kill him. After the body of Asura appeared on his body, the six hands cast three spells in pairs at the same time.Immediately, a wooden vine was seen, and the shocking swords unleashed by Sun Moon, Huilun and Taiyuan Sword all greeted the demon dragon.

I only saw three halos appearing on the monster dragon at the same time, and after the spell passed, I saw it crossed its body and made a full defensive posture.

Before the monster dragon could fight back a little later, the thunder in the sky was loud again, and then a blue thunderbolt struck straight at the dragon's head.

After the blue light flashed, the horns on the blue dragon's head became pitch black, and his expression became sluggish.

Yi Tian knew in his heart that there were at most two thunderbolts that could be used behind it, and once it really completed its tribulation, he would definitely become its meal.

Then, with a heart attack, he directly put away the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel and Taiyuan Sword, and then took out the Haotian Mirror, injecting mana into it with both hands, trying to activate and cast spells as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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