
Chapter 440 Aftermath

Chapter 440 Aftermath
Two days ago, the lightning and thunder in the South China Sea lasted for almost an hour, scaring away all the aquatic creatures in the nearby [-]-mile sea area.

Moreover, there are still some dragon powers remaining in the area near the center of the thunder cloud, so not to mention those aquariums, even fish dare not approach this area.But now there is a small boat floating in the area covered by thunderclouds on the vast southern border sea, floating aimlessly with the ups and downs of the waves as if no one is in control.

This is Yi Tian's personal assault boat. At the last moment of the demon dragon crossing the catastrophe, fortunately, the falling sky thunder interrupted the spellcasting in time, and at the same time, it knocked the entire body of the demon dragon into the air.

Simply, the Zixiaozhan in his hand is worthy of being the strongest defensive spiritual weapon in the Lihuo Sect. With all his attention to spiritual power, he finally managed to hold back the demon dragon's ice and fire bomb.

After that battle, because the two-headed dragon failed to withstand the final catastrophe, it was then chopped open and torn apart by the falling thunder.After being struck by lightning, the two heads became scorched black on the spot, and exuded a smell of burnt meat that was overcooked.

Yi Tian was there all the way when the final thunder tribulation fell, so it was as if he accompanied the demon dragon through the thunder tribulation.

After the robbery clouds in the sky cleared, he fell heavily into the sea with the corpse of the demon dragon, and finally managed to summon his assault boat and climb in with only [-]% of his remaining spiritual power.Then he took out all the healing pills in the storage ring and poured them all into his mouth.After the elixir entered his stomach, he slowly exercised his energy and began to heal his injuries.

This time is definitely the heaviest injury since my debut. Fortunately, knowing that I have inherited great luck, I can still get through these ups and downs.

After lying on the deck for two full days and two nights, he finally stabilized his injury, and most of the pills he took were transformed into spiritual power to nourish his dry dantian.

At noon on the second day, Yi Tian was able to stand up, but his whole body was so sore. After looking inside, he was glad that he didn't hurt his foundation.For the rest, you just need to exercise your skills to heal your injuries, and use your natal real fire to slowly remove internal injuries.

Then he sat cross-legged on the deck, took out a large number of mid-grade spirit stones to form a spirit-gathering formation, and then slowly sat in it and began to meditate.

It wasn't until three days later that there was a sound in the nearby waters, Yi Tian slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He saw a [-]-meter Longya ship with the flag of Zhongzhou Qibaozhai floating on it.

Seeing that ship approaching his assault boat, Yi Tian had a serious expression on his face and was a little displeased at the moment.After the two boats were separated by nearly ten miles, they heard a deep voice from the opposite Longya boat: "Old man Zhongzhou Qibao Zhaiguming, I don't know which fellow Taoist is driving ahead, please let me know."

At first hearing, Yi Tian's brows also eased, he knew the person who came here, he had assisted the Gu family to hunt and kill the thunder lizard when he was in Dong'ao.Unexpectedly, this Gu Ming had also cultivated to the Golden Core stage. During the short distance of more than ten nautical miles, Yi Tian had already checked the opponent's ship up and down with his divine sense.

The highest cultivation level on this Qibaozhai's boat is Gu Ming, who is at the middle stage of Golden Core, and a monk at the early stage of Golden Core, and the rest are foundation-building monks.

But judging from the direction the dragon-toothed boat was traveling, the other party actually came from the deep sea. Could it be that there is some unknown area in the outer sea.Although he was very curious about Qibaozhai's fleet for a while, Yi Tian also knew that it was not the time to think about these things.

Immediately, a spirit pressure from the Nascent Soul stage quickly dissipated and approached the opponent's Dragon Tooth Boat. Anyway, he didn't want to reply to the opponent's words, as long as he forced him to leave.

After a while, the dragon-tooth boat turned its bow and started to divert its course, and then Nagu Ming's voice came: "Your junior doesn't know that senior is here, please make amends if you offend me. My boat from Qibaozhai is about to But let’s take a detour and rely on disturbing the seniors.”

Two hours later, the dragon tooth boat of Qibaozhai disappeared from the sea level, and Yi Tian stood up and stretched his muscles and bones. After several days of exercise and healing, all the dark things in his body had been eliminated by using the true fire of his life. Illness is gone.

Now that there is no one around, it is time to collect the spoils, and then he jumped into the air, then stretched out his right hand and pointed at the assault boat to put it away.

He snapped his fingers with his left hand, and instantly a wisp of blue flame appeared on his fingertips, and then the flame completely covered his body after a flash.In fact, I haven't thought about how to make good use of the Five Elements True Fire, sacrificed this water-attribute Sunflower Yin True Fire, turned it into a blue True Flame Armor, and jumped directly into the sea.

In the end, it made me very happy, the Sunflower Yin True Fire could actually burn inexhaustibly in the water, and it was obvious that the speed of diving was much faster than before.

After gradually approaching the bottom of the sea, he stretched out his spiritual sense to investigate the corpse of the monster dragon. Although there are many restrictions on the spiritual sense at the bottom of the deep sea, the search range of only ten miles can still be reached.

Not long after, the monster dragon was found in a trench. At this time, the two-headed dragon more than ten feet long was lying quietly on the bottom of the sea with its belly turned upside down.The four eyes on both heads are half-closed.

After stretching out his hands, he manipulated the entire ten-foot-long monster dragon into the storage bracelet, then slowly floated to the surface of the water, and then sacrificed the assault boat.

After getting on the deck, Yi Tian couldn't wait to disassemble the loot. After taking out the dragon corpse, it almost occupied two-thirds of the space.

Looking at the corpse of the monster dragon, I was very happy. Everyone said that the dragon was full of treasures, and the dragon horns, dragon claws, and dragon scales were all high-grade treasures for alchemy and weapon refining.

As for the Yao Pill among them, it is even more precious. Right now, there is still a main medicine missing for Fat Dog to refine the 'Spiritual Beast Transformation Pill', but I don't know if the Yaolong Nei Pill can be used together.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he took out the Taiyuan Sword and slashed a sword towards the foreheads of the two dragon heads, and then stretched out his hand and took out two five-inch-sized demon pills.Looking at the one blue and one red demon pill in his hand, Yi Tian also smiled in his heart, this time it was finally not in vain, it was actually a good deal of buy one get one free.

Use the Taiyuan sword to start bleeding from the neck of the demon dragon. These things are definitely top materials for inscriptions and talismans.Back then, I still remembered that I used some of Xiong Batian's blood to refine a sixth-level spiritual weapon doll, and the amount of dragon blood was also large, so I had to take out all the Haina bottles on my body to cover it in a hurry.

But even so, there were still many, so in the end, he had to take out the spirit purification bottle that sealed Ming Yaohui, and finally contained all the remaining dragon blood.

After that, the dragon's belly was dug open to peel off the entire dragon skin and the outer scales, and after the inner dragon tendons were pulled out, the dragon meat and bones were disassembled.

Finally, it took a whole day to disassemble the demon dragon. Except for the two dragon heads, all the other parts of the body became treasures in Yi Tian's pocket.As for the disassembled dragon meat, they were directly put on the stove for barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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