
Chapter 441

Chapter 441
Although the incident of taking the fire has come to an end, there is still a question in Yi Tian's heart that has not yet been solved.Why did this monster dragon on the seabed hide in the lava of the volcano and couldn't repair it? Even though he was also shot into the lava, he didn't dive deep to see it.

Generally speaking, these dragons are all treasures, and they will never occupy this place just for a single stone to be caught in the fire.

After thinking about it for a while, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my mind. I have basically recovered now, and after eating some dragon meat, my muscles and bones are much stronger than before.

Now why not take advantage of the fact that the demon dragon just died and sneak into the crater of the crater to investigate in the depths of the magma.Just do what you think, then turn around and jump from the deck of the assault boat, then put away the vehicle, sacrifice the true fire of Kuiyin again, and then dive into the sea.

According to the direction of the previous dive, you can quickly find the location of the submarine crater. After diving above the platform of the crater, Yi Tian immediately opened a layer of white protective cover to completely wrap himself.At the same time, his hands quickly joined hands in front of his chest and sacrificed a Xuanyang real fire to protect himself, then turned around and jumped directly from the edge of the platform into the hot magma underground.

Fortunately, he changed his exercises in time. After entering the Luodao magma, he only felt that the lava flowing around seemed to increase the burden on his body.It is also more difficult to move in the magma than in the sea water, and the spiritual power required is unknowingly increased by three points in order to dive normally.

Moreover, as the dive got deeper and deeper, the temperature in the surrounding area was much higher than that of the submarine crater, so he took out a large handful of Bu Yuan Pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

It is best to maintain your best condition in a harsh environment, which is also one of Yi Tian's own dogmas.

After diving down for more than [-] feet, I suddenly found that the magma in front of me seemed to have changed a little. The reason for this was that there seemed to be an invisible pressure on the volcanic wall on one side to push the magma out.

After slowly staring at the pressure and swimming over, I realized that there was a one-foot-sized trace of the Jiugongge formation on the stone wall, and a transparent mask was bulged on the stone wall of the formation to protect the Jiugongge.

However, the outward thrust generated by the formation made the magma in the depths of the crater slowly move.

Speaking of formations, I can be regarded as an old expert, but after looking at Jiugongge Yitian in it, he frowned.The words engraved on it are the spirit world pattern, and he wondered in his heart: "Could this be another place where two great masters from the upper realm once stopped? If so, don't miss it if you have been here before."

But it was really unexpected that they were able to open up such a cave on the inside of the submarine crater.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian didn't care so much, and stretched out his hand to arrange the disordered nine-square grid one by one, and then pressed down all the stones on it.

But after waiting, I found that the entire formation was still the same, obviously it hadn't been activated.This time it made me a little puzzled. It was indeed correct to follow the arrangement of the Nine Palaces, but it didn't work.

After resting for a while, he used his spiritual sense to sweep the entire Jiugong grid again, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It turned out that the Jiugong grid engraved on the spirit world is still in accordance with the innate gossip.And the order I arranged is according to the position of the Houtian gossip widely circulated in this world, so it must not be activated.

Then he understood in his heart, and directly took out the original stones marked with numbers one by one, and then put them in one by one according to the established positions of the gossip.

After the last digital stone was embedded, the entire formation was quickly activated, and then Yi Tian saw that the white light in front of the Jiugongge became more and more intense until it completely covered him, and then suddenly opened a one-by-one on the Jiugongge formation. The hole the size of a ruler produced an invisible suction force that directly sucked the whole person in, and then Yi Tian found himself dizzy and his eyes darkened before he lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took before I realized that I seemed to have entered an open space, my feet had already stood firmly on the ground, and the burning feeling of the magma had long since disappeared, replaced by gusts of cold wind. face.

Although he didn't know where he was, it seemed that it was safe for the time being. Yi Tian took out the night pearl to illuminate the surroundings.I saw that there were white bones all around here, walking over and blowing up a little gust of wind would blow those bones into ancient dregs.

After stretching out his index finger to sacrifice a ray of flame to illuminate his surroundings more brightly, Yi Tiancai looked around, as if he was trapped in an unknown cave.In front of me is an endless corridor, and the ground of the corridor is covered with bones of different shapes and colors. According to the weathering of the bones, it is estimated that the time can be extrapolated to the Middle Ages.

As a result, Yi Tian was full of doubts in his heart, looking for time to deduce that the owner of this cave should have come to this world thousands of years earlier than the two upper realm masters.

The bones left here should be the bones of the monsters that the owner of the cave hunted and killed back then. Looking at the unknown corridor in front of him, Yi Tian cheered up and finally walked forward quickly.

The space in this seems to be a bit of a barrier to the exploration of the spiritual consciousness. Even if the spiritual consciousness is extended, it seems that it can only detect a distance of hundreds of feet and then stop.

After walking in this aisle for an unknown amount of time, Yi Tian was surprised to find that there were more and more white bones around him, and some bones were even piled up in the aisle, and he had to take a shot to clear it before he could continue walking.

He took out the water drop timer and looked at it. It has been nearly three days since he entered this room, and he has walked on this long corridor.

After thinking about it for a while, he once again exerted all his strength to use the evasion technique to fly ahead, and when he encountered a skeleton blocking the way, he directly stretched out his hand and swept away all obstacles with a fireball.

After going on like this for a while, Yi Tian finally saw a white bright spot ahead, which should be the end of the corridor.With a smile on his face, he flew towards that place without slowing down.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian stood in front of the three-foot-high wall and sighed. The wall was full of mural patterns.After scanning it carefully, he actually saw the whole picture of Tianlan Continent in the central part of the mural, surrounded by connected sea areas.

There is actually a series of islands at the southernmost tip of the southern border sea area, and the size ratio is more than half of the Dongao land boundary.Recalling the merchant ships of Qibaozhai, it is not difficult to imagine that they must have discovered these places, and then searched for sea routes to trade.

As for the large map, there is a towering giant tree in the middle of the Northern Plains area. In contrast, the positions of three small trees are also marked in the Southern Border area.Looking carefully, two of them, which I have been to before, turned out to be the site of the Spirit Beast Sect and the giant tree of the Yaozu, but compared to the giant tree in Beiyuan, it is obviously much smaller.

So Yi Tian hastily took out a blank jade slip and expanded all the maps engraved on it. This is the most complete map he has seen so far, but he secretly asked in his heart: "Who will The entire landform of Tianlan Continent has been fully described, so who is the owner of this place?"

(End of this chapter)

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