
Chapter 442 The Past

Chapter 442 The Past

The topography of Tianlan Continent has not changed much for thousands of years, so when Yi Tian looked at the map on the stone wall, he could recognize it at a glance.In particular, Dongao, Xihuang and Nanjiang have left their own footprints, and some areas of the East China Sea and South China Sea have also passed by.

But the most interesting thing is the towering giant tree in the depths of Beiyuan. It seems that the Soul Eater Mouse King must occupy that piece of geomantic treasure and will not leave.

As for the island groups at the top of the South China Sea, they seem to be lonely overseas places that no one cares about.In fact, after breaking away from the mainland, even on the largest island, the spiritual veins bred underground can only be regarded as second-rate.

After scanning the map several times, Yi Tian obviously found some problems, but he looked carefully at the logo on the boundary of Zhongzhou and thought to himself: "There is no Lihuozong in the logo of Zhongzhou. It is reasonable to say that it was a Zong 3000 years ago." The heyday of the door, but there is no mark on this map. '

After scanning again with his spiritual sense, he found that there are many sects recorded on this map, but except for Lihuo, Qianling and Ming Wangdao, the biggest sects ever and now are not recorded.

In this way, it can be concluded that the author of this map must have drawn it in the Middle Ages, before those powers from the upper world came to this world.

After the engraving was completed, Yi Tian scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and this stone wall sealed off the cave behind it like a gate.

On the left side of the stone wall is a nine-square grid, and beside it is a pile of square stones with the words one to nine engraved on it.But after Yi Tian glanced at it, he became suspicious. These words were all written in spiritual language.

That is to say, if a different person comes, even if it is a burst of everyone, it is impossible to break the formation without knowing the language of the spiritual world.It's easy to do this, just fill in the nine numbers according to the eight trigrams.

Although the previous access control was in the style of innate gossip, it doesn't work here.When Yi Tian filled in the last number, he heard the sound of 'swish', and he hurriedly avoided a distance of more than ten feet with a teleport.Looking back, a few foot-long bone spears were shot out from the corner at the end of the corridor, and the position was directly facing the distance of one foot in front of the Jiugongge.

At the moment, he secretly rejoiced that he didn't let his guard down. The owner of this cave seems to be really careful. Outside, he used innate gossip as the access control, but inside he didn't.If the cultivation base is almost a person, I am afraid that they will really know the way.

Then he went forward and removed the numbers and reordered them according to the use of acquired gossip.After placing it completely, you can see some bright lights on the nine-square grid to directly activate the map on the stone wall.

After ten breaths, only the sound of 'Kaka Ka' came from behind the stone wall, and then the stone wall slowly rose up to reveal a passage with a radius of one foot.

When Yi Tian saw it, he was overjoyed and clapped his hands together to set up a protective cover, then strode towards the inside of the passage with big strides.

After walking forward for about half a quarter of an hour, he came to the big stone room inside. Looking around, this stone room is only ten feet in size, with a stone bed in the middle, and there is nothing on it.

On the other hand, on the round platform on the left, there is a brocade banner protected by white light. If you look closely, the brocade banner is no more than the size of a palm, but if you look at it, you can see that it is not ordinary.

Yi Tian was not in a hurry to go up to get the treasures, the most valuable in this kind of cave might not necessarily be these spiritual treasures, but after scanning the surrounding stone walls, there seemed to be some written records left.

After a spark shot out from between his left fingers to directly illuminate the stone wall, Yi Tian scanned the wall with his spiritual sense and found that there were also some spiritual world inscriptions engraved on it.

After careful reading, I found out the origin of the owner of this cave. It turns out that although the monks here are not from the upper world, they are also the famous late Nascent Soul monks on Tianlan Continent 5000 years ago. They once founded the sect "Yunxiao Pavilion" '.

It's a pity that the good times don't last long, just as the demons invaded and were beaten back and forth. In desperation, they tried every means to communicate with the lower realms of the spiritual world to join forces against the enemy.The great power of the spirit world also cooperated sincerely, and also brought some exercises from the spirit world, and only after many parties joined forces did they uproot the invading demon forces.

Afterwards, the master of Pavilion Yunxiao was lucky enough to ascend to the spirit world, leaving behind only the remnants of his own sect. As for the great master of the spirit world who descended, he also left his own orthodoxy on Tianlan Continent, named "Li Huo Sect" .

After reading this, Yi Tian sighed, and thought, "It turns out that my sect is also an outsider, but this Yunxiao Pavilion is a local aborigine."

From this point of view, it seems that the owner here was at least five or six thousand years ago. On the contrary, Li Huozong reached its peak after it became bigger and unified Tianlan Continent.

However, the principle that prosperity must decline is eternal. 3000 years ago, the spirit world descended again, Asura Da Neng and Qian Lingzi broke the state of Li Huo Zong's dominance of this world, and the two powers eradicated Li Huo Zong's strength. Later, they each left their orthodoxy to form the current situation.

However, the one that interests me the most is the Yunxiao Pavilion. Logically speaking, the founder of Lihuo Sect and the master of this Yunxiao Pavilion are old, and the disciples of the younger generations are not very good at embarrassing them, but I have never heard of it since I entered the world of self-cultivation. A sect like Yunxiao Pavilion.

Even after looking through the travel notes and classics preserved by the major sects, there is no mention of it in a single word.

And since these great powers have left their own orthodox lineages, I don't know if the demons also have lingering veins.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian finally understood that the corpse slaughtered by the demon vanguard officer in his storage ring was the body of the Almighty, and its soul was divided into three, and the three souls and seven souls are now incomplete. At least two souls and six souls are in exile.

These are all hidden dangers that will pose enough threats to oneself. If they cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, it will really make people sleepless.

After reading the spiritual texts inscribed on the walls, Yi Tian directly took out a blank jade slip and sat on the ground, stretched out his index finger to sacrifice the flames, and expanded all the events recorded in this piece, and then used Tianlan Continental The text has been remarked.

This information is the most precious thing here, and it will be kept in the sect for reference by younger disciples.

Half an hour later, after tidying up these things, Yi Tian stood up and walked to the stone platform where the brocade banner was placed to have a look.I saw that there was a roll of animal skin under the brocade banner, with the inscription 'Cloud Sky Ao Jue', and on the short handle of the brocade banner, there were three boys 'Wan Yao Banner' engraved in seal script.

It seems that these must be the township classics and spiritual weapons preserved in the Yunxiao Pavilion. Thinking back to the bones scattered in the corridor just now, they should be for refining the monsters sacrificed by the blood sacrifice of the Ten Thousand Monster Banners.

Thinking that this Ten Thousand Demon Banner is actually formed by the accumulation of the power of so many monsters, it is inevitable to feel a chill in my heart. To refine a spiritual weapon and slaughter so many monsters, it seems that the master of Yunxiao Pavilion was not What a stubble.

(End of this chapter)

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