
Chapter 443

Chapter 443
After Yi Tian searched the stone room of the seabed cave, he found that there were still a lot of supplies in it, but the elixirs left after thousands of years had been weathered into pieces.

Except for the animal skin classics and the ten thousand demon banners preserved on the stone platform, there are basically no valuable things available.

But Yi Tian is not greedy for money, the biggest gain this time is the things recorded on the stone wall.These things let me have a deeper understanding of the rise of the big sects on Tianlan Continent and the process of turning from prosperity to decline. Presumably this is also an unlimited wealth for the younger generation.

After searching the Wangdong Mansion, he was about to exit from the original road, but when he turned around and held back, he saw that the stone wall behind it was tightly sealed.On the stone walls around the entire secret room, a series of spiritual pattern formations appeared to protect the entire stone room, and there was no mechanism found near the stone wall to open the stone wall again.

Other than that, there is no other way out of this stone room, and now Yi Tian is a little dazed, although the spirit world pattern formation is unparalleled in defense, but he is locked inside and cannot get out.

Thinking in his heart that the master of Yunxiao Pavilion is a monk who has ascended to the upper realm, so this place is just his resting place, it seems that there must be some undiscovered mechanism hidden in this room.

After thinking about it, he finally settled down, and there will be no clues for a while, so it's better to take a break for a while and make plans.

Apart from the stone platform, there is only the stone bed in the middle of the whole stone room, so you don’t have to be polite, just walk up and sit on the stone bed and start to meditate and recover.

I don't know how long it took before Yi Tian woke up from the samadhi, slowly exhaled the Qi of his dantian, and then looked inwardly at himself, and the real fire of the five elements in his body became colorful and radiant after re-merging.

Seeing that there is such a clean place, I am not in a hurry to go out for the time being, so I just took out the Zixiao lamp, then took out a trace of the Five Elements True Fire and put it into it to start strengthening and refining.

Originally, I only knew that Zixiaozhan had the effect of strengthening Xuanyang True Fire, but I didn't know whether it would have an effect on the Five Elements True Fire that I had just fused.This will be put into action after the idea of ​​giving it a try. I didn't expect that the five-element real fire would suddenly start to run around after being sacrificed to the wick of Zixiaozhan.After spinning a few times in the lamp, he stood upright in the center and was nourished by the continuous input of spiritual energy.

Seeing such an effect, Yi Tian did his part and started to perform exercises directly. He took out the hourglass with his left hand and put it aside, while his right hand kept outputting spiritual power continuously.

In this way, the sacrifices are repeated to strengthen the real fire of life until all of the real fire of life has been strengthened once.

I don't know how long it took, Yi Tiancai opened his eyes and glanced at the Five Elements Real Fire in the Zixiao Cup in front of him with a smile on his face. After this intensive sacrificial training, he finally made his natal real fire fully merged.

After putting away the flames, he looked inside, and saw that his Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace was holding the real fire in his hand, and then completely covered the Nascent Soul with the real fire and began to feed himself back.

This process is estimated to last for a long time, but now Yi Tian feels that his cultivation base has reached the peak of the early Yuanying stage, almost touching the threshold of the mid-term, it seems that as long as there is an opportunity, he can let himself His cultivation has gone a step further.

But it's not easy to get a foot in the door. Often, many Nascent Soul cultivators are stuck in the bottleneck for a hundred years.I scanned the hourglass in front of me with my spiritual sense, and this time I was surprised to find that I only used this enhancement for less than ten years.

Originally, I planned to stay here for a long time, but I didn't expect that the strengthening of the Five Elements True Fire was much faster than the strengthening of the single Xuanyang True Fire.

Thinking of the previous Xuanyang Secret Code, it was also mentioned that it is more difficult to strengthen the real fire as it goes to the back. There will be many disadvantages.

In this way, Yi Tian had to re-emphasize the balance of aura attributes, but he turned his head to look at the hourglass and smiled again.I am not yet three hundred years old, but I have already touched the mid-term bottleneck.If this continues, as long as you look for another opportunity, you can break through the Tianguan smoothly, and then return to Dong'ao to reorganize the Xuanyang faction is just around the corner.

After staying in this stone room for about ten years, it was time to find a way to get out, and then he stood up and released his consciousness to start groping along the surrounding stone walls.

A quarter of an hour later, after withdrawing his consciousness, he still had a grim expression and frowned. He didn't find any clues in this investigation, and then he opened his palm and took out the 'Yunxiaoaojue' to slowly study it.

When he was young, Yi Tiantong also sighed deeply after reading this formula. This secret manual can be regarded as a detailed description, including a whole set of exercises from the beginning of Qi training to the Nascent Soul stage.

After savoring it, I realized that the master of Yunxiao Pavilion is really a great talent, able to create such a mysterious exercise.Although at first one practiced with a single spiritual root or double spiritual roots, after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, one still has to lack the spiritual power of the five elements to reach a state of balance before being able to transform oneself into a spiritual realm.

According to the above description, it only took less than 300 years for the master of Yunxiao Pavilion to reach the Nascent Soul stage, but it took nearly 500 years to complete the spiritual power of the five elements.

After continuing to practice for 600 years, he reached the peak of the late Nascent Soul, and then by chance, he became a god and ascended to the upper realm.

But such a powerful person could only solve the predicament at that time with the help of the great power of the upper world. It is conceivable that an unforeseen great change must have taken place in the Middle Ages 5000 years ago.

But these are not things to consider for the time being, Yi Tian sat on the stone bed and caressed the edge of the bed with both hands, then continued to think about how to find an opportunity to get out.

Suddenly his left hand touched a different place on the edge of the bed, and he was overjoyed, it seemed that the mechanism that got out had not been noticed ten years before him.

Then one turned over and jumped out of the bed, carefully inspected the place touched by the left hand just now, and saw that there was no difference between that place and other places, but it was not so cold to the touch.

Press lightly with two fingers, only to hear a 'click' sound from the stone platform not far away.Overjoyed, he walked forward and saw a depression in the place where the 'Yunxiao Ao Jue' was originally placed.

After a spiritual force in his hand shot upwards, he saw that the stone wall behind the stone platform began to move, accompanied by the extremely noisy mechanism sound.Then I saw that the originally shining spirit world pattern gradually faded at this time, until the aura on it completely dissipated.

Without the blessing of the spirit world pattern on the stone wall, Yi Tian was able to open a passage with his own spells alone. After being overjoyed, he saw a hole suddenly opened on the wall behind the stone platform, revealing the dark inside. aisle.

Knowing that this must be the way out, he unhurriedly set up a flame to illuminate the way forward, and then walked in slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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