
Chapter 444

Chapter 444

Tens of thousands of miles to the south of the southern sea area, there is a large stretch of islands. It seems to be isolated from the mainland, but many fleets will come to trade across many seas.

Just like the Qibaozhai fleet that Yi Tian encountered in the depths of the South China Sea before, of course there are more than one comprehension fleets that come to do business, and Qibaozhai is one of the larger merchants.

In addition, some cultivation sects in southern Xinjiang also have sea trade, but Ming Wangdao, the largest sect in southern Xinjiang, doesn't like it, because the mainland is always rich in material.

But the products on these large islands are also unique. For example, the very good coral reef produced in an island shop that Yi Tian is now patronizing is definitely an auxiliary material that must be added in the refining of soft weapons.

Just like the leather whip used by Nangong Qianyun back then, if some of these coral reef jelly were added after refining it, the toughness and the spiritual power it could withstand would definitely be greatly enhanced.

A few days ago, Yi Tian finally found a way out from the secret room of the crater on the seabed, and a one-way teleportation array was set up in it.After spending several hours activating the teleportation array, he was teleported to a cave on an unknown island here.

After leaving the teleportation array, he flew straight into the air to survey the terrain. Besides the vast sea, there are countless islands clustered here.

After passing some uninhabited deserted islands in the high air, it is considered to find some inhabited places.The next step will be easy, as long as you follow the footsteps, you can find large towns, and then it is the area of ​​the cultivation world.

In order to avoid confusion, after entering the town this time, Yi Tian directly suppressed his cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, so as to prevent the prying eyes of those young people and facilitate his own collection of materials and information.

Once you get through it, you can figure out where you are. This is within the range of Wandao sea area.The local comprehension community doesn't know that there is a larger land beyond this vast sea, and those low-level monks have never left this sea area of ​​ten thousand islands by birth.

It's just that they don't want to, but they are ignorant. Fortunately, those monks who established the foundation revealed some useful information.Among the ten thousand islands, the three islands are the largest, and two of them are located in the middle and north of the sea.

The monks here call it Wandao Double Star, and the largest cultivation base here, Tianyi City, is located there.

I heard from those local monks that Tianyi City has been handed down for several generations, and the current Yicheng City Lord succeeded in 300 years. It is said that the city lord's cultivation base has already reached the Nascent Soul Stage.

There is another island farther away at the southeast end of the Wandao sea area, and its area is slightly smaller.On that island, there is a large cultivation sect called 'Blood Fiend Cave' that rules the nearby islands in the thousands of miles of sea.

Yi Tian sneered at this, these large sect forces don't have Nascent Soul stage monks in charge, otherwise how could they suppress the ten thousand li sea area.

Presumably the cultivator sitting in the bloody cave must be at least the same level as himself or higher.I don't have to worry about this, I'm just passing by anyway, as long as I find a suitable chart after resupply, I can set off and return to southern Xinjiang.

Although he was sent to such a far place this time, he did not lose his way after all.Moreover, he had also left a message with Elder Wen Xin before, saying that he was entangled in some trivial matters, and it might take decades before he could return to Ming Wangdao.

In this way, there is no rush to rush back, and it is not too late to have a deep understanding of this thousand-mile sea area first.

As they gradually approached the Ten Thousand Islands Double Star in the north, the number of monks flying to and fro in the sky gradually increased, and after a little inquiring, one could learn that the destination of most of them was Tianyi City.

In this way, Yi Tian also followed the direction of many monks and flew straight towards the Wandao double star.It is also helpless to suppress the cultivation base in those remote places in the late stage of foundation establishment. If the real cultivation base is revealed as soon as it comes up, I am afraid that the local monks will be frightened.

If you let them notify Tianyi City in private, it will definitely hinder your follow-up actions.

Fortunately, there was an endless stream of monks on the way to Tianyi City, and many of them were in the Golden Core Stage.Immediately, Yi Tian didn't give up much, quietly let go of his suppressed cultivation, and went straight to the early stage of Golden Core.

Because there are almost no golden core stage monks that can be seen on the way, and there are few middle stage monks, and it is a good way to maintain this kind of cultivation and mix in the crowd.

After flying like this for three days, I finally saw a big black spot appearing on the sea level in the distance, and the island in front of it began to grow bigger and bigger as it approached.

According to his Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base, this distance is only about an hour, but according to the escape speed at the early stage of Jindan, it would take a day to enter the outer defensive circle of Wandao Double Star.

As soon as they entered the boundary of the defense circle, patrolling monks stepped forward and blocked them: "All monks who travel to and from Wandao Twin Stars need to register their nameplates at the entrance below, otherwise they will be regarded as intruders and killed on the spot."

Yi Tian sneered at those patrolling monks, if he was willing to raise his hand, he could kill them, but thinking about the purpose of coming here, he could only bear it temporarily.

After slowing down slowly, he scanned the nearby sea area with his spiritual sense, and easily found the islands that the patrolling monks were pointing at.After the cloud head falls, you can see the entrance that looks like a formation, and the monks who come and go are all lined up to register at the entrance.

There is a special channel for Jindan monks, and the guard at the gate of Tianyi City is a mid-Jindan monk.When Yi Tian stepped forward to register, he just glanced at it briefly, and then took out a jade card to inform him of all the information.

In the end, I didn’t forget to give instructions: “Fellow Taoist, you can enjoy the scenery here when you first come to Tianyi City, but there are a few places where you need to be careful not to enter at will, or if the Nascent Soul cultivator catches it and kills it, it’s no wonder others. "

Yi Tian pretended to be taught and replied: "Fellow Taoist, please speak bluntly, I will pay attention to it."

Then the guard on duty briefly talked about the general location and activity area of ​​Tianyi City.

It turns out that although the twin stars of the Ten Thousand Islands are all under the control of Tianyi City, the activities of the foreign monks are limited to the main island.Moreover, not all areas can be entered. There are still some small sects that have taken root on the main island, and these places cannot be entered casually.

As for the other island, all of them are the private territory of the Lord of Heaven's Will, ordinary monks must obtain the approval of the Lord of the City if they want to go there.Yi Tian was a little interested in this, the city lord of Tianyi was at least one level higher than his cultivation level, and he did not expect to occupy such a large area.

It seems that the scale of the spiritual veins on that island is not small, or the city lord has some ulterior secrets hidden there.

(End of this chapter)

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