
Chapter 447 Trade Fair

Chapter 447 Trade Fair

A hundred miles away from the boundary of Wandao Twin Stars above the vast sea, Yi Tian and Fang Yunyu flew towards a small island in the due east one after the other.

At this time, Fang Yunyu, who was leading the way, turned around and said, "This is here, we can go down."

Yi Tian, ​​who was following behind, dealt with it boredly: "Okay, let's get off when we arrive."

Three days ago in the Qingfeng Pavilion, he exchanged the black ink gall with Fang Yunyu, the sixth-level treasure, and the price he paid was a small piece of dragon horn.But this is always a level 20 treasure for level [-], which really made Fang Yunyu happy for a while, and now he paid [-] spirit stones after delivering the black ink gall to make up for the difference.

But Yi Tian knew in his heart that the 20 spirit stones would be nothing more than a drop in the bucket if he calculated it carefully, but being able to meet a fifth-level alchemist would be a way for him to come here for the first time.

After declining Lingshi to make up the difference, Fang Yunyu also felt that he had taken advantage of a lot, so he chatted with Yi Tian for a while.After learning that the other party still needed to collect some materials, Fang Yunyu proposed to take Yi Tian to an exchange meeting.

In this kind of occasion where things are exchanged for things, whether you can find what you like depends entirely on luck and skill.Yi Tian also can't deny this. If he wants to collect treasures quickly, he must enter a certain local force to have a chance to get in touch.

As for the Nascent Soul Gathering, Yi Tian is very yearning for it. Unfortunately, as an outsider like himself, he hastily entered the Wanli Sea Territory, and it is impossible to have a fellow to guide him. Right now, he has to retreat and start with the Golden Core Stage monks.

The two came to the small island and hovered for a while, then jumped down. This trading place can be regarded as hidden, in the woods on the island.

After entering the meeting place, he saw that many monks had arrived first, Fang Yunyu was friendly with them, leaving Yi Tian alone, he went forward and greeted everyone.

After attending Dong Ao's Nascent Soul Gathering, Yi Tian lost interest in the Gathering of Golden Core Cultivators. If it wasn't for collecting the Five Elements Spirit Core and refining a Zixiao Lamp for the Zongmen as a backup, he wouldn't have come here to suffer.

Half a day later, it seemed that almost all the visitors had arrived, so a host came forward to announce the start of exchange.No
I have heard from Fang Yunyu before that this kind of fair will have two parts, and after the transaction, there will be a technical exchange.It is usually divided into alchemy and refining, and sometimes there are exchanges of talismans or formations, but the number of occurrences is relatively small.

Everyone was about to start trading, when suddenly two more people came from the secluded place, an old woman in the late stage of Golden Core and a young girl in the middle stage of Golden Core.

Some people stopped their words when they saw the old woman, and they all stepped forward to salute, Yi Tianxin said: "Finally, a powerful character has come, judging from the fluctuation of spiritual power around her, it should be the Dzogchen in the late stage of Golden Core I'm in a state," but it can be seen that her behavior seems to be that the girl's identity is not simple.

At this time, I only heard Fang Yunyu who was on the side saying in a low voice: "Why is this old guy here? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have participated."

Seeing his depressed face, Yi Tian lowered his head and asked via voice transmission: "Who is this fellow Daoist Fang, and why are you so afraid of her?"

Fang Yunyu said with a helpless face: "That old man is called Lan Haidie, nicknamed 'Liu Qing Qu Zhuo', and she is the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianyi City. But she handles any disputes over precious materials and elixirs in Tianyi City , the main reason is that this person's method of identification is unique, even if you want to pass it off as a good one, you can't escape her eyes."

After hearing this, Yi Tiancai realized that the fifth-level alchemist in front of him must have been planted in the hands of the blue sea butterfly, so he behaved like this.

He also sneered at the moment, such shoddy methods can be found everywhere, at least the character of the Fang Da alchemist in front of him is worthy of discussion.

After everyone saluted one by one, Fang Yunyu also bit the bullet and walked forward to talk to Lan Haidie, but the other party didn't seem to pay much attention to him, but selectively ignored it.

After that, Fang Yunyu walked back to his original position with an embarrassed face and smiled awkwardly towards everyone behind him.

Yi Tian didn't want to be too conspicuous, so he stood where he was and didn't go forward.That Lan Haidie just glanced at Yi Tianhou and frowned, then turned his gaze elsewhere.But the girl beside her stared at Yi Tian for a long time before following Lan Haidie.

Thinking about the appearance of such a person in front of him, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly, anyway, there is no one here who can fight, as long as he doesn't mess with himself, other things are easy to handle.

With the host's words sounding, the exchange session was finally kicked off.The first few groups of people went up and took out the materials that they declared they wanted to exchange, but before that, they all went to the blue sea butterfly to inspect the goods.

But as long as she nodded her head, it was worth the money, but some of them were shoddy, and in the end, the blue sea butterfly's identification technique found subtle flaws.

It didn't take long for Fang Yunyu to debate, and he walked up slowly and took out a bottle of elixir, and asked Lan Haidie to taste it first, and then opened the treasure he wanted to exchange for when it was correct.

It will be Yi Tian's turn later, and there is really no need for this trade fair except for the Five Elements Spiritual Core.Going forward, he took out five dragon scales and said directly: "Five dragon scales can be exchanged for the five-element spirit core. Only one piece of each attribute can be exchanged, and at least a fifth-level intermediate spirit core is required."

This is the first time at this trade fair that this has not been tasted by Lan Haidie. The face of Lan Haidie standing not far away is not very good-looking at this time. Sweep the five dragon scales.

Then she came forward and said to Yi Tian: "The things are not fake, they are all genuine, and the level has reached level seven. There are three spiritual cores of earth, gold, and water here in Pingdao. Can you exchange three pieces with fellow Taoists?" .”

Yi Tian didn't answer and directly manipulated the three dragon scales to the opponent's hands. Lan Haidie put away the dragon scales and took out three one-inch-sized spirit cores, yellow, white, and blue, and handed them to Yi Tian.

Afterwards, everyone around became restless, and the treasure that could get into the blue sea butterfly eyes of "retaining clarity and removing turbidity" was definitely not a Xibei product.

All of a sudden, everyone began to search for the wood and fire spirit cores in their luggage that could be exchanged for the remaining two dragon scales.

After a while of commotion, they only exchanged for one fire-type spiritual core. If the other wood-type cores were not of insufficient level or damaged, they were all rejected by Yi Tian one by one.

In the end, the girl next to the blue sea butterfly stepped forward and took out an emerald green spirit core to exchange.

Yi Tian scanned the spirit core, and it was obviously a little bigger. It should be a spirit core of a wood-type monster at the beginning of the sixth level, so he took advantage of it by exchanging a piece of dragon scale.

After thinking about it, I had to take out another dragon scale and exchange two for one so that everyone would not suffer.

Lan Haidie's eyes lit up when he saw this, but then he just smiled and said nothing.

The entire trade fair lasted for an hour and then entered the next discussion session. Everyone present gathered together to express their opinions.Only Yi Tian and Lan Haidie stood there alone, looking out of place.

Two hours later, when the discussion was over, everyone bid farewell and scattered back in all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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