
Chapter 448 Encountered Interception 1

Chapter 448 Encounter Interception Part One
After the trade fair ended, Fang Yunyu and Yi Tian returned to Tianyi City by the same route. This distance is not far away. According to the escape speed of Jindanqi cultivation base, it takes about half a day to reach the outer island chain defense formation. entrance.If it wasn't for Fang Yunyu who was in front of him, if it was Yi Tian, ​​he would be able to move forward in less than an hour.

Along the way, the two of them are now very relaxed, and after everyone took what they needed and exchanged for their favorite treasures at the trade fair, they were also in a particularly cheerful mood.

After flying for less than two hours, Yi Tian suddenly frowned, and realized that several people were fighting a hundred miles away.At the same time as Wanlihaijiang pretends to be a decoration, it also controls the spiritual consciousness within the scope of the Jindan stage, so as to save it from being noticed by those high-ranking monks and causing trouble.

But at the same time, he also prevented himself from discovering the situation in advance, so that it would cause some adverse effects.

After realizing something was wrong right now, Yi Tian said directly: "Fang Daoyou, there seems to be some fighting ahead, how about we take a detour?"

Fang Yunyu is also a fearful person, alchemists are all Taiping monks who are most opposed to these beatings and killings, so immediately after listening to it, he directly expressed his position and followed Yi Tian's instructions.

The two turned directly in the air to bypass the battle ahead, but they didn't expect that the other party flew straight towards their own direction.

In his spiritual consciousness, he sensed that there were two people running away in front of him, and five monks of the same level were chasing after him.The directions of the seven people were all coming in their own direction, it seemed that the other party was determined to drag them into the water.

In this way, Yi Tian's face was like sinking water, and it was not easy to deal with this kind of thing being implicated.And if it weren't for the burden in front of him, he might have run away long ago.

In desperation, Fang Yunyu and Fang Yunyu had to change direction and fly towards the venue.But it is obvious that the other party seems to have used some secret method to increase the speed by as much as [-]%, but Fang Yunyu's escape speed is not flattering. A monk's escape technique in the middle stage of Jindan makes him worse than himself in the late stage of foundation establishment.

After flying for a while, there was no way to escape, so Yi Tian suggested that the two of them should just wait in the air and see what the other party had planned.

Fang Yunyu wanted to run away, but seeing Yi Tian's angry face, he lost his mind.I am a Taiping monk who has not practiced the evasion technique well enough. In this case, Laodan is even more dangerous, so I have to accompany him in the air.

Not long after, I saw two flashes of light in front of me, coming towards me.Yi Tian opened his consciousness and directly cast a spell of thousands of miles of sound transmission and asked, "Is the fellow Taoist on the opposite side in trouble?"

The other party didn't answer first and flew straight to a distance of more than ten feet before stopping. When the two saw that it was Lan Haiping and her entourage, their faces were pale as if their spiritual power had been exhausted.Before they could catch their breath, they saw five Golden Core cultivators coming to encircle them from behind.

At the same time, the leader shouted, "Lan Haiping, do you think you can escape?"

After hearing this, Lan Haiping just took out a few pills and put them in his mouth, chewed them and swallowed them quickly, and then his face turned from white to red.Later, Lan Haiping didn't answer the other party's words, turned his head and said directly to Yi Tian and the two: "Please do your best, fellow daoist, as long as you wait for the reinforcements from Tianyi City to arrive, I will be very grateful."

I scanned the five chasing people with my spiritual sense, and the cultivation bases were basically around the middle stage of Golden Core, and the one at the head was in the late Golden Core stage.It seems that it should be almost the same as Lan Haiping, but the fact that they didn't catch the two girls under the ambushes on the way also showed that Lan Haiping did have real skills.

Fang Yunyu's face was pale, but it was helpless to be dragged into the water by the person in front of him. In his heart, he greeted the eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors, but he dared not say much due to the power.

On the contrary, Yi Tian said: "It's okay for everyone to be a part of Tianyi City. It is what people in my generation should do to help each other when we see injustice."

The words made the two people in front of them feel a lot of relief, but Fang Yunyu on the side opened his eyes and looked at Yi Tian for a while, as if he wanted to get to know him again.

After some delay, I saw that the other five were already close at hand, and the fierce-looking villain at the head said again: "Lan Haiping, do you think you can get out of trouble with two helpers? People have never missed before, and the little girl stopped running and obediently caught her with her arms tied, which would have saved a lot of pain."

That last sentence was actually spoken to Lan Haiping's entourage, and now Yi Tiandao also began to focus his consciousness on the girl in palace costume.At first, I just thought that her bone age was not high and her cultivation base was not slow, but after what the giant shark thief said, she realized that they were going to kidnap her this time.

Thinking deeply about this girl's background, it should not be simple, and judging from the expression on Lan Haiping's face, their real identities should be reversed, this girl is the master.

After a pause, he asked: "Fellow Daoist Lan, we can help, but please tell the truth, we can't let us find someone to kill us for no reason."

After hearing this, Lan Haiping simply said, "She is called Ziyuan, and she is from the Gate of Heaven's Will just like me."

Fang Yunyu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he rushed to say: "The two fellow Taoists are obliged to face difficulties." Then he turned to the five people in front of him and shouted: "Don't think that you are many people, think If you want to touch Fellow Daoist Lan, you have to step over the corpses of Fellow Daoist Yi and me."

These words made everyone present listen to how fake or fake it was, especially Yi Tian's face twitched unnaturally. Ziyuan's identity has a lot of background.

As an outsider, I must not be aware of the stakes, but Fang Yunyu, as an authentic old fritters, must know the stakes.

I only heard a few giant shark thieves on the opposite side yelling: "Don't be stubborn, boy, I will let you kneel down and call grandpa in a while, and capture them directly before the guardians of Tianyi City arrive. The buyer is still waiting."

A lot of information was revealed in just one sentence. It seems that Lan Haiping is planning to delay tactics, as long as he can hold out until the reinforcements arrive.Facing the opponent, five people, four mid-stage Golden Cores and one late Golden Core are not difficult to deal with.Then Yi Tian said: "Friend Lan, you deal with the leader, you two hold one up, and I deal with the two."

The leader of the giant shark bandit laughed and said: "What a boy, you have a good tone, you two and three, you go up and teach this kid how to behave." After speaking, he rushed forward with a few brothers like hungry tigers.

Lan Haiping still had a look of embarrassment in her heart. According to her previous presupposition, she would let the other three fight one-on-one, and deal with two by herself. She didn't want to kill but just delay.

Fortunately, the original imbalance of strength is now getting worse, but the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. Seeing the five villains on the opposite side making a move like this, he turned to Ziyuan and said, "Be careful yourself, if you can't do it, go first."

Ziyuan replied with a serious face: "Sister Lan, what should you do? If you fish it in their hands, you will lose your reputation."

Lan Haiping's face changed several times, but he replied: "Life is the most important thing, and it's only meaningful to survive." After finishing speaking, he took out a three-foot green blade and sacrificed spells to attack the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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