
Chapter 449 Encountered Interception 2

Chapter 449

The nine Golden Core cultivators on the sea fought four against five, and the sudden fluctuation of spiritual power turned the nearby sea upside down.

The sound of attacks from the spells of both sides resounded through the waters of nearly a hundred miles, and even more so, they emitted bright and dazzling flashes.If it is more than three hundred miles away at night, it can be seen.

The Giant Shark Pirates felt something was wrong as soon as they fought, Zi Yuan and Fang Yunyu were strictly guarded and rarely attacked, but they were eager to get off for a while.Lan Haiping's strength was already higher than that of the Giant Shark Pirates, and he immediately gained the upper hand after fighting with them.

The weirdest thing on the scene was Yi Tian, ​​who was confronting the second and third child. He was clearly the weakest Jindan early-stage monk, but he relied on the continuous fireball talisman and vine-wrapping spells in his hands to drag the other two alive. The person was almost entangled by the vine several times.

After nine people fought in the sky for about a quarter of an hour, the leader of the giant shark pirates saw that something was wrong and shouted directly: "Brothers, we can't procrastinate any longer." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw him struggling to block the spell of the blue sea butterfly, and finally flew directly to the periphery He swung the steel knife spirit weapon in his hand and muttered words in his mouth.

His other four brothers did the same, abandoned their opponents, flew to the outside and took out the steel thorns, flying swords and other spiritual weapons, then bit their ten fingers and smeared blood on the spiritual weapons.

In less than ten breaths, the five people echoed each other in the air and formed a blood mist array with a radius of [-] feet, completely covering themselves, and then the surrounding blood mist began to gradually shrink towards the center.

The three of Lan Haidie gathered in the air as if facing a formidable enemy and shouted: "When did you giant shark pirates get involved with the Blood Fiend Cave, and you actually know the Blood Fiend Five Element Formation?"

An erratic voice came out from the blood mist: "It doesn't matter if you want to know, as long as you just grab it with your hands."

Seeing each other like this, Lan Haiping and the three also sacrificed all the spiritual weapons they could take out for defense and put them in front of them as if they were facing a big enemy.

As a master of the formation, Yi Tian took a closer look at the formation in front of him, and secretly praised the wonder of this formation: "The five people in charge of the formation in the blood fiend five elements formation are all wrapped in blood mist. I can find their exact location, and the spiritual consciousness seems to be restricted by the formation and cannot be extended."

After being gradually compressed by the opponent, Lan Haiping made the first move, taking out a blue jade ring the size of a palm in his hand, and after being infused with spiritual energy, it stretched out against the wind and became the size of a foot.Then he said "go", and the jade ring turned into a blue aura and plunged directly into the blood mist ten feet away.

After three breaths, there was only a noise coming from the blood mist, and then the jade ring flew back, but the light on it seemed to be eroded by the blood mist, and the spiritual pressure was no longer as strong as before.

At this time, I only heard the voice of the leader of the giant shark pirates coming from the snow fog: "Lan Haidie, this blood fog cannot be broken by your cultivation level. Surrounded by my five brothers, there is absolutely no chance of escape." of."

Lan Haidie spat and said: "What are you proud of? Just wait for the reinforcements from Tianyi City to arrive and you will be ready to capture them with nothing."

"Oh, that's right, why hasn't your reinforcements arrived yet?" A sarcastic voice came.

"What," Lan Haidie said in shock, "You guys still have accomplices, playing tricks near Tianyi City is really reckless."

"We are planning ahead. Do you know how much time we have prepared for today's round? How could we easily let you run away. Although there are two more brats who don't know what to do in the middle, it doesn't matter. It will be useless after a while. To become a miner." Another sneer came from the blood mist five-element formation.

Right now, Yunyu was so frightened that he spoke incoherently and said, "You Daoist Yi, I have caused you misfortune this time, but at least I will have a companion when mining in the future."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just sneered, and replied to the other party: "You should go alone for this mining, I'm not interested." Shooting at the five directions of the blood mist at the same time.

For a moment, five strings of fireballs submerged into the blood mist at the same time, and then Yi Tian yelled "Explosion", and in an instant there were continuous explosions in the blood mist.

After the sound, the surrounding blood mist suddenly thinned a lot and gradually revealed the figures of the five giant shark pirates. Only five embarrassed monks looked at Yi Tian with incredible eyes.

Before she could say anything, she saw Lan Haidie took the lead. Although she had many doubts about Yi Tian's identity and strength, this did not affect the opportunity to attack the opponent.

For a while, Ziyuan and Fang Yunyu also saw the right time, they both cast spells at the same time, and Lan Haidie sacrificed spells and attacked together.

The three of them seemed to have made an agreement, and all their spells were stealthily attacking a giant shark. After a flash, they saw that the attacked person was hit by three spells in an instant, and then he lost his footing in the air and almost fell into the sea. .

After such a fixed point was broken, the blood mist array was broken immediately after one person was missing, and the blood mist in the sky gradually dispersed to expose the sea level.

The face of the leader of the giant shark thief suddenly became extremely ugly, and then he stared at Yi Tian and said: "Do you really want to fight us forever like this, senior?"

As soon as the words were finished, even Ziyuan and Fang Yunyu looked at Yi Tian beside them with surprise on their faces, and then there were joyful smiles on their faces.

Lan Haidie went up to salute and said: "Thank you senior for your action, this great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by Tianyi City."

After Yi Tian heard this, he didn't speak directly, but just stood in the air and stared at the sea level not far away for a while, with a glint of blue light in his eyes, he cast his pupil technique and looked into the distance.

Before that, I had faintly felt that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator sweeping his consciousness towards this place from time to time, and it seemed that he must be the accomplice of the giant shark thief.And since the other party has understood his strength and can say such a thing, it seems that he must have something to hold.

Sure enough, after three breaths, Yi Tian's face changed several times, and he turned to Lan Haidie and said, "There is a cultivator at the early stage of Nascent Soul rushing here, and another one stops you on the way back to Tianyi City. It’s up to you to decide whether to go or stay, I can’t take you with me.”

Without even thinking about it, Lan Haidie pushed Ziyuan and handed it to Yi Tiandao: "Senior, please take Miss with me, I have my own way to get out of trouble."

Fang Yunyu wanted to speak at this time, but after seeing Lan Haidie's wink, he didn't dare to speak anymore, and just looked at the few people with a sour face.

Yi Tian stretched out his finger and flicked lightly at the four people around him, and in an instant the four flames flashed, and three of the four people fell headlong into the sea.Only the leader of the Giant Shark Pirates defended against this move with a blood fog shield in front of him, but at this moment his face was completely pale, as if his spiritual power had been exhausted in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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