
450 Battle Royale 1

Chapter 450 Battle Royale One
On the surface of the sea, Yi Tian saw that he hadn't completely dealt with all the opponents after one move, and then said: "Since you were able to receive my one move, it means that your life should not be lost, and I will not make any more moves."

The leader of the giant shark pirates was relieved after hearing this, and then turned around without looking back, and fled in embarrassment towards the opposite direction of Tianyi City.

Turning his head, Yi Tian stretched out his arms and directly hugged Ziyuan's waist, and then he chose a direction with a flash of inspiration, and then flew towards the deep sea with a few teleports.

After looking at it, Lan Haidie showed deep worry in his eyes, and then took out a communication jade tablet and reported everything that happened here.Then they took Fang Yunyu and the two of them to detour and headed straight towards Tianyi City.

Although the beauty is in his arms, Yi Tian is not happy at all now, after solving the giant shark thief, he can clearly feel that the two souls of the Nascent Soul stage monks have locked him firmly.

When they flew away with Ziyuan, the two senses seemed to be aware of their intentions, and they even dispatched one to chase him directly, while the other surrounded him all the way.

It stands to reason that if Bidunshu himself is comparable to a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but now that he is in a panic in this strange land, and with a burden around him, it is very difficult to get rid of the pursuit of these two people.

Looking at the girl Yi Tian in his arms, he said directly via voice transmission: "Do you have any nearby charts? I'll have a look before making any plans."

Ziyuan blushed and unnaturally took out a pink jade slip and handed it over.Yi Tian glanced at the jade slip, then reached out and took it, put it on his forehead and read it.

According to the location of the sea chart, it seems that the direction the two are traveling is getting farther and farther away from the city of Tianyi. Although the ten thousand miles of sea area is vast, only seven or eight out of ten islands have been discovered, and there are still some marked islands. The monk went to explore.Even in the depths of the Wanli Sea, there is a place called Mizong Sea that few monks enter.

After checking the sea area, it was only three thousand miles away from him. If he rushed there now, the outflanking Nascent Soul cultivator would be lost.

To be honest, Yi Tian doesn't want to face two monks of the same level at the same time, and he doesn't know the exact strength of the other party. If it is a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the situation will be even worse. Find Nascent Soul cultivator desperately.

Ziyuan in her arms looked shy at this time, looked at Yi Tian's appearance but didn't dare to say anything, so she lowered her head and scanned the direction of the nearby sea area.After flying for a certain distance, Ziyuan recognized that it was heading for the Mizong Sea and hurriedly asked: "Senior, do you want to go to the Mizong Sea? Those are the four most dangerous places in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea."

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I am also helpless. You must know that the people who ambushed you this time are definitely prepared. If you want to survive, you have to die and survive. Besides, you are facing two Under the pursuit of the Nascent Soul cultivator, can we choose a more favorable escape route?" Ziyuan was speechless after her words.

In fact, it has been seen before that this Ziyuan is used to being pampered, and it should not be simple to bring a bodyguard when going out.But this time she was facing a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, and she couldn't help being willful.

After hearing Yi Tian's words, Ziyuan knew that there was nothing she could do, so she didn't dare to say any more, she just pursed her lips and turned her head away to ignore it.

Knowing the direction of travel of the two of them is naturally impossible to hide from the opponent's pursuers, but after flying for a few hours, the outflanking person seemed to follow the wrong direction, and then adjusted and flew towards the Mizong Sea again.

Under the two phases, the two chasing soldiers at the back were misled and diverted a little distance. After half a day, Yi Tian roughly figured out that his spiritual consciousness could only find out the location of a Nascent Soul cultivator, which was about three feet away from him. About a hundred miles away.It took less than half an hour to show at this speed, and I haven't found another one yet.

Then, intentionally or unintentionally, he speeded up. Unexpectedly, the person behind seemed determined to catch him, and he was always catching up with all his strength. The distance between the two was narrowed by dozens of nautical miles.

So Yi Tian thought about it for a while, then took out the chart to confirm again, found a deserted island not far away, and then deflected and flew towards it.

It didn't take a while to come to the sky above the deserted island, go around the island, and then take out a phantom disk to activate it with spiritual power, and then go directly to the center of the island.At this time, after being chased by the opponent for most of the day, it was already late at night, and it was a good time for the psychedelic formation to set up the formation.

After the formation plate was submerged, he loosened his hands and said to Ziyuan, "Hide on the island now, this is the token of the formation to conceal your aura. Don't come out no matter what happens in the sky later."

Seeing Yi Tian's dignified expression, Ziyuan also guessed something, but said with a worried expression: "Senior Yi, please be careful, I wish you a good hand, and Ziyuan is waiting on the island."

Yi Tian replied disapprovingly: "Go ahead, am I still old? I'm less than three hundred years old this year."

Hearing these words, Ziyuan's eyes flashed a bright light, and after nodding, she sneaked into the maze below with the token in her hand and hid.

About half an hour later, the chasing cultivator found Yi Tian's position, and the two of them looked at each other as soon as they met.He saw that the other party was dressed as a middle-aged monk, and the clothes he wore were the same as those of the Jusha Pirates, so they should be in the same group.

The man flew up to look at Yi Tianhou and said bluntly: "I walk in hundreds of rivers, this Taoist friend is a stranger, I don't know which side it is from, does it have anything to do with my giant shark thief?"

Seeing the other party, he also wanted to find out first, but Yi Tian replied indifferently: "If you don't change your name, you don't change your surname. I'm going to practice Yitian casually. I don't know why fellow practitioners are chasing me so hard?"

"Fellow Daoist is really good at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Do you want to leave after injuring five of my disciples?" Xing Baichuan said angrily.

"That's because they have blind eyes and are not real gold, but the purpose of this trip is not simple, right?"

"Hmph, as long as you hand over that girl, we can cancel our direct affairs."

Yi Tian jokingly replied: "What if I say no?"

As soon as the words were finished, the two of them had no intention of going on, so they shot directly. What Xing Baichuan offered was a bright white steel fork, with the spiritual power fluctuating on it, and taking advantage of the environment of the sea, there was a faint water dragon Roll-like array.

When he first came here, Yi Tian already found that his fire spells were inferior in the sea area of ​​Wandao, especially when fighting on the sea surface, the full water vapor reduced the power of the spells by [-]%.

Fortunately, there are still wood-type spells and Nayao swordsmanship that can be used. Facing such an opponent, he either doesn't make a move, and when he makes a move, he must go all out.Stretching out his right hand, he directly sacrificed the Taiyuan Sword, and then under the urging of his own spiritual power, he unleashed the 'Shocking Sword', one of the three best swordsmanship skills.

Immediately, the Taiyuan sword in Yi Tian's hand was covered with a thin layer of cyan aura, and then the sword body became larger rapidly when it was visible to the naked eye, until it extended to more than one foot long before it stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian's figure flashed, and an overwhelming spiritual pressure surged up, and the opponent did not show any weakness, and directly raised the steel fork in his hand to face the blue lightsaber.

After the two rays of light slammed in the air, they saw a staggered two spiritual weapons flying towards the positions where both sides were standing in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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