
451 Battle Royale 2

Chapter 451 Battle Royale II

After half a day, an assault boat was heading towards the Lost Sea at high speed on the clear sea, and inside the cabin, Zi Yuan was flying with full force.

Although the speed of the assault boat under the control of the Golden Core cultivator was slightly slower than that of the Nascent Soul cultivator flying away with all his strength, there was nothing he could do now.Yi Tian designed to deal with the Nascent Soul cultivator who was the giant shark thief last night. Originally, he had the idea of ​​a quick battle, so he used the second of the three unique skills of Yao Jianshu that he had cultivated as soon as he came up.

When fighting, he missed the other party's spiritual weapon, and the result is self-evident. Of course, Zhongzhou Qianlingzong's suppressing skills are not fake, and after many years of immersion, he has realized the true meaning of it. The third stance of "Blazing All Beings" has not yet been practiced properly, but this shocking sword can be regarded as a unique skill that can be used.

With one move, the cultivator on the opposite side was split in half together with the defensive spirit weapon on the spot. As soon as Yuanying escaped, he was caught by the vine and wood wrapping spell and was directly put into a jade bottle. A talisman.

And Yi Tian himself was attacked by the steel fork, although he had a spiral fire shield to protect himself, but that shock shocked him enough.

After cleaning up these things, he didn't dare to stay any longer. Although there was a Nascent Soul cultivator behind him, although he hadn't caught up yet, I believed that this person in front of him would definitely leave a tracking mark.

In this way, he didn't dare to stay in the same place. After cleaning up, he directly contacted Ziyuan through the control array jade token, and then took out the assault boat to let him control and continue to move forward in the direction of the Lost Zonghai.

After sitting cross-legged in the cabin for a long time and clearing away all the dark wounds in his body, Yi Tian finally let out a mouthful of stale air, and then looked up at Zi Yuan who was manipulating the flying boat.I saw that she seemed to be carefully controlling the flying boat, but her spiritual sense swept over her body no less than dozens of times.

I'm afraid she saw all the fights in the air before, but now I really don't know if she is secretly happy, scared or helpless.

After the dull atmosphere in the cabin lasted for a while, it was Yi Tian who asked first: "You saw the fight between me and that person yesterday, do you have anything to say in your heart?"

Ziyuan turned her head and just stared at Yi Tian for a while, then turned her head away, and fell silent.

Seeing this, Yi Tian just smiled, and then continued to ask: "Who are you, and why did someone come to kidnap you?"

"Didn't you know my name a long time ago, and Sister Lan also told you that I live in Tianyi City," Ziyuan laughed.

After being choked by her, Yi Tian sighed, and then said: "Are you fooling me, a casual cultivator from outside, don't forget that my cultivation base is three levels higher than yours."

"So what? I'm still suspecting that a Nascent Soul cultivator like you suddenly appeared in the Golden Core cultivator's gathering without any good intentions."

This made Yi Tian a little bit embarrassed, originally he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but in their mouths he turned into a man with ulterior motives.

It's not interesting to argue with Ziyuan, but the status of someone who can instruct Lan Haidie is not low.Even if he doesn't say it, he will know about it sooner or later.

After thinking about it, he ignored Ziyuan's opinion, and with a wave of his hand, he set up a light film to cover his whole body.Then he took out the jade bottle that sealed the Nascent Soul, gently opened the talisman on the mouth of the bottle with his fingers, and then cast a spell to grab the Nascent Soul out.

At this time, the Nascent Soul looked extremely weak without the protection of the main body, and was held in the palm of Yi Tian's hand and could not move.To deal with such a Nascent Soul body, Yi Tian directly made a seal on his chest, and then hit the Nascent Soul's forehead with a spell, and began to search for the soul directly.

A quarter of an hour later, the white light film in the cabin was untied, and Yi Tian, ​​with a smirk on his face, was looking up and down at Miss Ziyuan in front of him.

From the intermittent information obtained from the soul search, it was learned that the surname of the Lord of Heaven's Will was Zi and his name was Wushang, so Zi Yuan's identity was almost revealed.

On the contrary, if people don't want to show it, then I just pretend to be confused. Anyway, it is more convenient to speak in my current identity.

However, there are still a few pieces of information that make Yi Tian feel worried. It is not a good thing that he was involved in the open and secret struggles of the Zongmen forces when he first arrived here.

These giant shark robbers are obviously pirates and bandits, but secretly they are indeed a branch of the Blood Fiend Cave. No wonder they know the Blood Fiend Five Elements Formation.

Directly eradicating the Giant Shark Pirates by himself is tantamount to secretly offending the Blood Fiend Cave. If you want to go to the Wanli Sea Area in the future, you have to take it easy.It is said that there are two monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul in this blood evil cave. As long as any one of them breaks through to the later stage, it is bound to set off a battle in the ten thousand islands sea area.

And although there are three Nascent Soul mid-stage monks in Tianyi City, according to the information obtained from the soul search, in addition to Zi Wushang and Lan Bing, the master of the third hall, Huang Wanting, the master of the second hall, is unique. family fight.

This fortress was breached from the inside. If Tianyi City had not split into two factions, the forces that came to the Blood Fiend Cave would have been wiped out early in the morning, and it would be their turn to occupy the big island in the southern sea.

After taking out the chart, Yi Tian looked at the sea area that is only one or two hundred miles away from the Mizong Sea. Once he got there, he would be out of the control of Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave.

To say that in the sea area of ​​Ten Thousand Islands, only the Mizong Sea is the most mysterious, and it is the only place where neither of the two major forces has fully penetrated.

Ziyuan had already noticed Yi Tian's thoughts while driving the assault boat. Seeing that she was getting farther and farther away from home, she felt uneasy, and the speed of controlling the flying boat gradually slowed down.

Yi Tianzhi didn't want to say much in her mind, but just urged her to move forward.After the flying boat flew straight for about an hour, a sense of uneasiness suddenly emerged in my heart. After opening my spiritual sense, it extended to a distance of about [-] miles, and found that the flying boat with the blood evil cave was also speeding towards the direction of the lost sea. .

At this speed, he would be intercepted by the opponent before entering the Mizong Sea. Yi Tian immediately stood up and said to Ziyuan, "The pursuers from the Blood Fiend Cave are here again. Now let me control the flying boat, and we will go straight into the Mizong Sea." the sea, hoping to get in before they intercept."

After hearing this, Ziyuan's originally relaxed face immediately turned sad, seeing Yi Tian like this, let go of the control, and then said: "I hope I didn't follow the wrong person, I hope you can wait for me to get out of this endless pursuit."

As a result, after the manipulation, Yi Tian just nodded and replied: "You and I have lived a long life, and I was able to take you out of danger only because of what Lan Haiping said at the time. I believe that we can treat each other honestly after that." As soon as it was injected into the control panel of the flying boat, the speed boat that was driving rapidly in the air seemed to be fully powered, and the speed of the whole boat more than doubled.

But Yitian's face was not happy, because his spiritual sense detected that the spaceship five hundred miles away was also heading towards the Mizong Sea with all its strength, especially the speed of the assault boat.

(End of this chapter)

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