
Chapter 452

Chapter 452

The main island where Tianyi City is located is only partially open to the outside world, and monks who come and go can stop at any corner of Tianyi City under the premise of observing the rules.However, those areas that were closed, including the Deputy Island, were designated by the Lord of Heaven's Will, and it was stipulated that monks below the Nascent Soul stage were not allowed to trespass without permission, and those who violated it would be directly suppressed by the Law Enforcement Hall of Heaven's Will.

It seemed extraordinarily quiet on the vice island, but today the quiet scene was broken.

A medium-sized flying boat was docking next to the pier of Vice Island at this time, and the flying boat was flying a red blood flame flag.Needless to say, it was the Blood Fiend Cave that sent people to visit the Lord of Heaven's Will.

At this moment in the main hall of Tianyi City, the four Nascent Soul cultivators were sitting around discussing something. The first palace lord Zi Wushang and the third palace lord Lan Bing had a look of awe on their faces, and they just listened silently, while the second palace lord At this time, Huang Wanting was chatting and laughing with the cultivator opposite him more like the Lord of Providence.

The visitor turned out to be He Tianxiong, one of the two mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators in the Blood Fiend Grotto, and behind him stood a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator in his early twenties. His expression was arrogant, except for the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him. No one was taken seriously.

After the four Nascent Soul monks exchanged greetings for a while, He Tianxiong said to Zi Wushang: "Brother Su Wendao has a thousand catties, and his cultivation base is so good in the middle stage of the golden core, which is just right for my son. This time, I came here specially to propose a marriage. Er Yiming is now three hundred years old and has just reached the peak of his cultivation in the middle stage of the Golden Core, he is supposed to be a good match for Brother Zi's daughter, what do you guys think?"

The expressions of the other three palace lords present were different. Lan Bing just said "Oh" without expressing his opinion, but Huang Wanting echoed with a smile: "It's such a good thing that I, Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto will be able to work together in the future. It is indeed the best choice to firmly control the Ten Thousand Islands sea area from the south to the north."

Sitting on the main seat, Zi Wushang had no expression on his face, but he despised his junior sister Huang Wanting in his heart. In order to be able to fight against him, he even did not hesitate to lure wolves into the room.

It wasn't her daughter who got married, but she was eager to show her favor.Then Zi Wushang replied slowly: "I'm afraid that my daughter's stubbornness is not suitable for the role of a good wife and mother. I'm afraid she has neglected my good nephew. How about I teach her a little bit more when her personality changes in the future? "

After hearing these words, He Tianxiong didn't intend to force him anymore, he just echoed a few words with a smile.But He Yiming who was standing behind had a flash of light in his eyes, and then smiled disdainfully.

While the four Nascent Soul cultivators were chatting, suddenly the jade badge on Lan Bing's waist flickered, and then she hastily immersed herself in the content of the message.

After ten breaths, I saw that the expression on her face changed a few times, and after she sighed lightly, her lips moved slightly and communicated with Zi Wushang who was sitting on the main seat.

At this time, He Tianxiong looked like he was holding the wisdom beads, sipping the tea in front of him leisurely, as if he wanted to continue the discussion on the topic just now.

But then his jade token also flashed, and it seemed that there was some urgent news.He Tianxiong didn't care about other things and directly scanned it with his divine sense, then his face didn't change much, he just stood up and said to the three palace masters: "I'm busy with academic affairs, I just remembered that there are still some things that I have to deal with in the future. I have disturbed you again, and I hope you will forgive me."

Huang Wanting was taken aback when she heard that, and then Zi Wushang said indifferently: "You Daoist He is busy with business, so there is no need to stay any longer, Junior Sister Huang, please take me to see you off."

After finishing speaking, she got up with a solemn expression, turned her head and walked towards the inner hall, Lan Bing also hurriedly stood up, saluted He Tianxiong, and then followed.

After the two of them walked to the inner hall, Zi Wushang opened a sound-proof barrier and hurriedly asked, "Is what Junior Sister Lan said accurate?"

Lan Bing quickly replied: "Hai Die is my absolute confidant, so what she said is naturally believable."

With a 'snap', Zi Wushang slapped a table in front of him into powder with his right hand, and then said angrily: "I didn't expect that bitch Huang Wanting to collude with Xueshaku and draw attention to Yuan'er. I'm not optimistic about the marriage, if I didn't take the overall situation into consideration, I would have gone crazy."

"Senior brother, calm down. I guessed that Senior Sister Huang and He Tianxiong in the blood evil cave had planned it long ago. Fortunately, an inexplicable Nascent Soul cultivator suddenly came to rescue Yuan'er. Hearing what Hai Die said, this person seems to be a casual cultivator. For the present plan, we must first find their whereabouts," Lan Bing echoed.

Zi Wushang pondered for a while, then said: "From now on, the elites of the Law Enforcement Hall of Tianyi City will be dispatched to search for Yuan'er's whereabouts. I expect that He Tianxiong is also jumping on his feet in anger, and all his mistakes will be lost. Destiny is in my hands, I predict that he will always be overwhelmed by me in the Blood Fiend Cave."

Seeing that senior brother has never been so angry before, Lan Bing knows that the Blood Fiend Cave has offended his Ni Lin, and it is bound to become the fuse of the dispute between the two factions. Thinking that the sea area of ​​Wandao has been calm for so long, it will change. .

"Brother doesn't know how to deal with the Jusha Pirates. I heard from Hai Die that the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Jusha Pirates is chasing and killing Yuan'er."

After thinking for a while, Zi Wushang continued: "Ask Lan Haidie to issue a warrant from Tianyi City to capture all the participants this time."

"Such a big fanfare is just to scare the snake, and it will lose the opportunity," Lan Haidie said doubtfully.

The corner of Zi Wushang's mouth twitched and he said decisively: "Of course it's more than that. The Giant Shark Pirates were originally a branch of the Blood Fiend Cave. Others don't know why I don't know, but they will solve all the blood fiend caves that can't take action in the open. You You can personally lead the team to the headquarters of the Jusha Pirates, and take advantage of the Nascent Soul cultivator’s return before he returns, and since the Blood Fiend Cave wants to play tricks with me, then we will start from here.”

After Lan Bing took the order, he hurriedly retreated. Zi Wushang knew that it would take some time to gather the troops, but he could only rely on her for this matter, and he couldn't deal with the little giant shark thief himself.

But right now there is a more important matter to be resolved, Zi Wushang hurried to the vice island alone.

In half a quarter of an hour, he came out of the forbidden area, and then took out an access control key and typed the Dao formula at the gate of the forbidden area.After three breaths, a gap opened in the white forbidden area, Zi Wushang jumped into it with a single movement of his foot when he saw it.

This forbidden cave is normal, except for the strong aura, it looks like a normal dwelling.At this time, there was a woman in a palace costume sitting in the hall inside the cave. Her cultivation seemed to be that of a monk in the early Yuanying stage, but she had a magic talisman on her body that seemed to imprison her mana.

After entering the cave, Zi Wushang saw a flash of inspiration in the eyes of the woman in front of him, and then it dimmed again.

Going forward, sat at the table, poured himself a cup, pointed at the woman and released the restraint on the woman, and said: "Yun Yan, Yuan'er was plotted by the Blood Fiend Cave, but fortunately a casual cultivator rescued her. Now the two are missing. Are you her mother, can you find out her whereabouts?"

The woman named Yun Yan seemed to frown upon hearing this, but she returned to normal after three breaths, then stretched out her right index finger and lightly dripped a drop of blood to change a talisman in the air, muttering in her mouth: "With blood As a matchmaker, looking for traces of people."

Shaoqing's talisman fell to the ground, and the words 'Mizong Sea' appeared.

Seeing this, Zi Wushang smiled and said: "Yunyan, your Tianyunmen secret technique is really good, after I find Ziyuan, I will let her come to reunite with you." The mana was sealed again.

(End of this chapter)

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