
Chapter 453

Chapter 453

The entire Ten Thousand Islands sea area is clearly divided into two large forces, Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave.

But in this unexplored three-point area, there is still a Lost Sea mixed in it.

It's not that the two factions are unwilling to incorporate it, but the fact is that the location of the Mizong Sea is especially a place jointly managed by the Wandao Sea and the Sea Clan.

And this is the only area where the Terran and the Sea Race can trade on an equal footing.

Although the Mizong Sea is only one-tenth of the Ten Thousand Islands area, all three religions and nine streams coexist here.

Often, the monks who are wanted in Tianyi City or the territory of the Blood Fiend Cave will choose to go to the Lost Sea to avoid the limelight.

It is also out of this consideration that Yi Tian took Ziyuan directly into the boundary of the Mizong Sea.

Three days ago, the divine sense detected a medium-sized airship that seemed to be aiming at him, trying to chase and intercept it outside the Lost Sea.

It's a pity that under his full control, the assault boat arrived an hour earlier than him, and then directly threw the opponent away after entering the Lost Sea Area.

When he arrived with Ziyuan Yitian for the first time, his heart trembled in panic. It was fine to be alone, but it was troublesome to have a burden around him.

And with Ziyuan's all-powerful appearance, she still doesn't know what troubles she will bring to herself along the way.

During his stay at the edge of the Lost Sea for a few days, Yi Tian found an uninhabited island and took Zi Yuan there to repair it.

During the period, she also handed over the jade slips that recorded the Thousand Faces Art to her. Unexpectedly, this little girl was so talented that she could master it in less than two days.

After learning thousands of faces, Ziyuan directly changed her appearance, from a girl in her twenties to a woman in her 30s.

All the clothes on his body were changed into ordinary Taoist robes, so that even Lan Haidie would not be able to recognize him standing in front of him.

On the contrary, Yi Tian just sneered at this, as long as he used the pupil technique, he could directly see through Ziyuan's disguise.

This spell is nothing more than deceiving the same level, and it is pediatrics for Nascent Soul monks.

After arriving at the Mizong Sea, Yi Tian took Ziyuan and began to slowly tour the scenery here. Along the way, Yi Tian suppressed his cultivation base at the late Jindan stage.

The two pretended to be Taoist companions traveling all over the world and began to search for local supplies in the Mizong Sea.

After several inquiries, I found out that there are several larger islands in the Lost Sea Area, and there are ashrams for Nascent Soul cultivators.

Even some small sects have occupied some islands as their sect's sphere of influence.

As for the trading center, the Neon Island in the center of the sea is the first to be promoted. Apart from the beautiful scenery, this island also has a special product called 'Natural Black Jade Paste'.

This thing is the favorite delicacy of sea beasts, but unfortunately the output is not large.

Usually one or two can be exchanged for a piece of five-level seafood treasure material, and if you want to exchange for six-level treasure material, you only need half a catty.

Originally, Yi Tian was not interested in this 'Natural Black Jade Paste', but after hearing Ziyuan's explanation, he realized that it was useless for the human race, but it was used by the monster race as a treasure.

It's a pity that this 'Fat Black Jade Paste' is only produced on many islands in the Lost Sea, and it needs subsequent refining.

Hearing this, Yi Tian went through the panacea of ​​the elixir directly in his mind, but he didn't find the description of the 'fatty black jade ointment' in it.

But according to Ziyuan, any monster with any congenital deficiencies can use the 'Ning Zhi Black Jade Paste' to make up for the foundation.

This made Yi Tian couldn't help but think of Fat Dog, Chi Yanju and Miss Qingyu in his spirit beast bag.

I know my own spiritual beast flaws in my heart, Fat Dog has a big tongue, even after becoming a fifth-level spiritual pet, he still can't speak clearly.

Chi Yanju is also a guy with congenital deficiencies. He should have wanted it to pull a cart, but after nearly 200 years of cultivation, he has always been stuck at the peak of the fourth level and failed to break through the fifth level.

Maybe now is another opportunity, and besides, this thing is not a necessity for the human race, so it won't be too difficult to get it.

Do it when you think about it, and after adjusting yourself to the best state, Yi Tian took Ziyuan and quietly bypassed many islands and headed for the Neon Island.

During the period, they didn't encounter any obstacles, and the two were flying at high altitude relying on the appearance of Jindan cultivation.

But when you meet low-level monks, you just jump over them, and when you meet those of the same level, you just wait and see from a distance, and then everyone keeps a distance and flies past.

After two days of uninterrupted flight, I finally arrived at Neon Island. Speaking of the largest trade center on the Lost Sea, its scale is no smaller than Tianyi City.

In fact, the entire island was built like a simple fortress, and a ten-foot-high stone wall was erected around the island, but there was no formation defense.

The order of the entire Neon Island is maintained by the Loose Cultivator Alliance, and the investigation of the monks who come and go is relatively loose.

But for some reason, three days ago, the whole island started posting wanted notices, and the portrait on the notices looked like a 20-year-old girl.

Moreover, the Loan Cultivation Alliance actually gave out a bonus of 2000 million spirit stones for the first time. Those who provide information can get a reward of one million spirit stones, but they need to have photo stones as proof.

At this moment, all the monks on the island began to boil, and there were so many rewards for just providing information, so those three religions and nine talents dispatched one after another and began to inspect.

All of a sudden, it brought the monks on the islands within a range of nearly a thousand nautical miles to work.

Standing on the street of Neon Island, Yi Tian looked up at the wanted list, glanced at the greedy eyes of the monks passing by on the street, and then glanced at the middle-aged beautiful woman behind her. Zi Yuan jokingly said via voice transmission: "Miss, I didn't expect you to be a real person. You have millions of spirit stones just for providing information. Do you think we want to make a fortune from him?"

Ziyuan looked at the list with no interest, and then spat out a voice transmission and replied: "Senior Yi was joking, if you think the little girl is worth the price, why don't you just tie me up and send me to the Loose Cultivation Alliance?" Aren't spirit stones better?"

"Actually, I have such an idea, 2000 million is too much is not interesting, but it is not bad to get millions with Huaying graphics," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Ziyuan's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she hurriedly asked, "Ji Jiangan is released, what should we do next?"

Yi Tian didn't hide it from her, and she had to fully cooperate in this matter.Instead of hiding murderous intentions everywhere like this, it's better to play tricks, divert attention, and get an extra spirit stone, so why not do it.

Afterwards, the two passed a sound transmission, and Ziyuan showed a satisfied smile on her face after hearing it, and then simply replied, "Senior is careful, so the little girl will act out with senior."

After seven days, the Loose Cultivator Alliance ushered in a series of monks who came to provide news, about four of them, and the lowest level of cultivation was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment.Several people were holding photo stones in their hands. After opening them, a purple figure could be seen flying across the island, and the appearance of that person was indistinguishable from the appearance on the wanted list.

The picture stones of several people were obviously taken from different angles in the same area, so the Loose Cultivation Alliance is convinced that Ziyuan has indeed come to Mizong Sea.Of course, Yi Tian was mixed among the monks who came to receive the bounty, and conveniently corrupted a million spirit stones from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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