
Chapter 457 Habitat

Chapter 457 Habitat

The Izumo is the main battleship of Tianyi City. It can be used to transport supplies in normal times, and it can also be used as a sky fortress to support in wartime.This time, Zi Wushang actually mobilized a ship and sent the Blue Ice host to search for Ziyuan in the Lost Sea Area.

Although Zi Wushang couldn't keep his promise in Tianyi City, after all, there was Huang Wanting, the second city lord, who was in the way, but things like mobilizing battleships could bypass her.

This time Yi Tian just watched the Izumo battleship opposite from a distance, and then let Ziyuan board the ship by himself.The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and when he gets on the boat, he is the meat on the chopping board and let the other party rub it flat and round it.

And even though he saved Ziyuan, he didn't intend to have anything to do with Tianyi City, so it's better to stop this matter.

After Ziyuan boarded the boat, a soft voice came from the opposite side: "Lanbing, Tianyi City, thank you Daoist Yi for your help. If you don't give up, please board the boat together. I can also represent the city lord and show the friendship of the landlord."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just twitched his mouth and replied: "I'm used to the wild clouds and wild cranes, so I won't bother you anymore. I believe there is no need to make a move now that fellow Taoist Lan Ziyuan protects you. Let's just leave it alone." After finishing speaking, he turned and turned towards Mi Fly in the direction of the sea area.

At this time in the cabin, Ziyuan and Lan Bing were sitting face to face and talking about what happened during this period of time. Ziyuan's face changed when she heard that Yi Tian was unwilling to board the ship, and then tears flickered in her eyes.

Seeing this, Lan Bing had no choice but to comfort her and said: "Yuan'er don't need to be sad, I think this person is also a kind-hearted person, and if he can help, it can be regarded as a good relationship. In the future, as long as you succeed in your magical skills, you will definitely be able to meet again. "

After hearing this, Ziyuan turned her worries into joy and said, "I know that his cultivation level is far from his, and I will work harder to cultivate in the future. I also hope that Aunt Lan will not tell my father about these trivial matters."

Seeing Zi Yuan's pleading face, Lan Bing nodded helplessly.

After entrusting Ziyuan to Lan Bing, Yi Tiancai felt that he had nothing to worry about, and he felt much better without a restraint around him, and he didn't need to run away with deliberate thoughts to worry about protecting people.

This time on the Neon Island, it wasn't that I didn't get nothing. In addition to the 'Skinny Black Jade Paste', I even got an entry key to the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City'.Since there are treasures that make the Yuanying cultivator's heart beat, I decided not to miss this trip.

It is a chance for a cultivator to compete with the heavens for fate, and being able to get this chance shows that it is also destined.

Letting go of the things in front of me, the most important thing now is to find a place to take a good rest, this run is not enough.The person who was chasing after him must have the secret method to escape, so he made himself so embarrassed.

After leaving the Izumo's survey area, I took out the sea chart and took a closer look. There are four large islands in this lost sea area, three of which are occupied by the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and there is an island called Jinguangmen. Comprehension sect.

Although he didn't intend to disturb them, but this time the Loose Cultivation Alliance's trick made him feel very uncomfortable, and this account can be settled slowly.

Apart from these large islands, there are hundreds of small and medium-sized islands where people can hide. As long as they find a small spiritual vein, they can dig a cave by themselves.

Now it is nothing more than waiting for the opening of the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City' 20 years later, but before that, we can make some preparations.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian directly chose a direction away from Neon Island and flew directly. Here, he had to temporarily avoid the sight of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, so he had to hide in a remote place.

The most dangerous place in this Lost Sea is the Demon Sea in the southwest. I heard that very few people who entered that sea area came out alive.Moreover, that place is covered by thick fog on weekdays, and the line of sight is only three or four miles away, and the detection distance of the divine sense is roughly this.

After thinking about it carefully, Yi Tian chose a deserted island on the outskirts of the Demon Sea as a temporary shelter. If he wants to come here, he will not be disturbed by too many people, which is good for his own self-cultivation.

Then, he flew directly along the sea chart towards the inaccessible sea area, quietly spreading his spiritual consciousness along the way, but avoided as much as possible wherever he found monks.If you can't avoid it, you have to fly high in the sky, trying not to give the eyes and ears of the Loose Cultivation Alliance a chance to discover it.

Three days later, after flying non-stop, they finally arrived at the boundary of the surrounding islands of the Demon Sea. From the air, the junction of the two sea areas was very obvious, with blue water on one side and jet black water on the other.There is a thin layer of white mist on the sea level on the side of the Demon Sea. The fog gets thicker as you go in. Basically, the consciousness can only extend for thirty or forty miles before being cut off by the fog.

Turning his head and scanning the many islands in the sea area below, he found that there were several small spiritual veins running through them, and several islands were full of vitality.

After surveying the meeting, Yi Tian directly chose an island with the most spiritual energy, flew to the sky to find the intersection node of the leylines, and then directly sacrificed the Taiyuan sword and began digging directly into the rocks.

Under the blessing of aura, the Taiyuan sword cut through the hard rock as easily as cutting tofu. After a while, a strong aura came out from the depths of the cave.

After Yi Tian was overjoyed, he took out a sleepy formation plate and set up a large formation towards the center of the island, and placed the formation eye of the formation plate in the cave.As long as it relies on the continuous spiritual power of this spiritual vein, the operation of the large formation can be maintained.

Immediately after setting up several protective restrictions on the periphery of the cave mansion, he dived into the cave.

After coming to sit on the ground, he took out the creamy black jade paste, and saw a layer of light shining on the black plaster.Gently broke off a small piece with your hands and put it next to your nose to smell it, and found a faint fragrance.

This thing has not yet been recorded in the panacea of ​​elixir, and its efficacy has not yet been known. For the time being, it is only known that it is the essence brewed from black jade branches.

And the black jade branch is also a unique spiritual plant in the Lost Sea Area, most of which are controlled by the Loose Cultivation Alliance and the Golden Light Gate, and a small number of them are lost and transplanted by caring people.

The newly opened cave is quite big, with a space of more than ten feet, Yi Tian directly summoned Fat Dog and Qingyu from the Beast Sac.After the two beasts showed their bodies, they looked lazy for a while, but suddenly they seemed to smell something delicious, and their eyes brightened as they stared at the creamy black jade ointment.

Now Yi Tian knew that this precious material has a fatal attraction to monsters, especially compared to attracting monster fragrance.Then he first took out the one or two plasters he had collected and refined outside, broke apart two portions and threw them to them respectively.

Immediately, the two beasts stretched out their heads without giving way to each other, and opened their mouths, and swallowed the half-broken fat black jade ointment.After eating, he still looked at the big piece in Yi Tian's hand with unsatisfied interest, and his mouth was dripping with saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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