
Chapter 458

Chapter 458

The appearance of Miss Zi Yuan has become the most sought-after news in Mi Zong Hai in the past two years. Some good-natured people like to add jealousy here, and spread rumors that Zi Yuan from Tianyi City came to Mi Zong Hai to escape marriage.

Afterwards, various unfavorable rumors appeared, but after the negotiations between the people from Tianyi City and the Sanxiu Alliance, these rumors should not die down.

And after that, the Loose Cultivator Alliance publicly stated that it would not intervene in the direct disputes between Tianyi City and Xuesha Grotto.

In fact, these things have nothing to do with Yi Tian. After two years of repairing in the cave, there is a headache in front of him.Fat Dog and Qingyu put on two ounces of fat and black jade paste respectively, and then went back to sleep in the animal sac.For them, their cultivation base can gradually increase during sleep, who said that these are the talents of monsters.

Apart from the two of them, the Red Flame Horse is the most troublesome. Originally, it was only a fourth-level intermediate.After repairing its foundation many years ago, its cultivation has not increased much.

But Chi Yanju didn't intend to go back to the animal sac after eating about two taels of fat black jade ointment a year ago, and kept running around in the cave all day long.This time, Yi Tian's Qingxiu was also disturbed by it, so he had no choice but to put it on the island outside the cave for free-range breeding.

Now the whole island was turned upside down, Chi Yanju had never been so free since he followed Yi Tianyi, so he walked all over the island.It also left a long series of flame footprints, and even caused a fire.

This directly alarmed Yi Tian, ​​who was cultivating in the cave, and he had no choice but to put out the mountain fire and ground Chi Yanju directly.

The Chi Yanju staying in the cave mansion was messing around at first, but fortunately it stopped after half a year.Lie on one side and dozed off.

As Yi Tian manipulated Zixiaozhan to strengthen the spiritual fire, the sparks that splashed out were absorbed by the Chi Yanju without exception.Over time, the hair on the red flame horse's body began to change a little, and the originally fiery red horse's mane even revealed a faint purple light.

Yi Tian didn't realize it at first, but later he discovered that there was a tuft of purple mane growing on the back of the Red Flame Horse. Looking closely, the flame on its body was somewhat similar to his own Thunder Flame Purple Flame.

But the good times don't last long. Recently, Chi Yanju has started to become restless again, and the flames circulating on it will often get out of control and splash everywhere in the cave.

Looking at this, Yi Tian felt mixed feelings, finally Chi Yanju had a chance to advance to level five, but after this sudden change, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

It's useless to think too much, this catastrophe is inevitable, it's better to face it early, if it accumulates for too long, it will make the power of the thunder too strong and it may be difficult to pass.

So Yi Tian had no choice but to briefly talk to Chi Yanju about the essentials of crossing the catastrophe, and then he opened the cave door and took it to an open space on the island.After Chi Yanju stepped out of the cave, there seemed to be a sense between the sky and the earth, and then the sky quickly gathered Jieyun and moved towards the small island.

Not long after the thundercloud formed, a red lightning bolt aroused in the void and fell directly towards the red flame horse below.

Thanks to Yi Tian's previous guidance, Chi Yanju also knew that this was inevitable and had to be passed by himself.After a flash of flames all over its body, flames burst out from the four hooves of its feet to completely protect itself.

After the crisp sound of 'bang', Chi Yanju's standing body swayed under the tribulation thunder, and then straightened up again after bending his feet.

Hearing the wind, the second tribulation thunder came again, and before the Chi Yanju recovered completely, he actively fell down.This time, the four that had been chopped off directly fell to the ground.

After a long time, the thunderclouds in the sky dissipated, Chi Yanju struggled to get up from the ground and shook his body, then a burst of flame seeped from his forehead and completely enveloped himself.

The flame continued to burn for nearly half a quarter of an hour before it was considered to be extinguished, and Yi Tian didn't dare to interrupt the evolution of the red flame horse.After the fire was completely extinguished, a three-inch long horn grew out of its forehead, and its four hooves were surrounded by layers of fire, and its whole body seemed to grow in a circle.

After shaking his head, Chi Yanju happily circled around in the air for a few times, and then he came down to Yi Tian's side and opened his mouth, saying: "Thank you, Master, for your support. Chi Yan will serve you wholeheartedly in the future."

After hearing some fluent words, Yi Tian felt relieved. Before that, he was still afraid that Chi Yanju would turn into a big tongue like a fat dog, but fortunately, it is still normal now.

At least the Red Flame Horse looks normal on the surface, apart from the horns growing on its forehead, the tuft of purple mane on the horse's back is the most conspicuous.Moreover, Yi Tian touched it with his hands and found that there was a faint power of thunder and lightning on the cluster of purple mane. This can be regarded as a mutation that occurred after the Chi Yanju absorbed his own real fire.

One turned around and got on the horse behind Yi Tian's feet and said "go", and the Chiyan horse who sat down also knew how to carry Yi Tian to the sky and took off into the air to circle around.

Although the speed is far inferior to his own escape speed, it is much faster than that of a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator.The speed can be equal to the escape speed of the Jindan late-stage monks, no wonder it is a spirit beast that is good at speed.In this way, Yi Tian thought in his heart that Chi Yanju could be used for transportation after he reached level six, and Yun Xiaoyu should also be planning.

After walking around on the red flame horse, a feeling of uneasiness suddenly came to my heart, and I was surprised only after I dispersed my spiritual sense to investigate.Four hundred miles away from the sea, there are two very powerful spiritual pressures flying towards him rapidly.

One of them is exactly the pursuer detected earlier, the person behind should be his accomplice, and his cultivation level is still higher than this person.

In retrospect, it should be Jieyun who led them here, and then stretched out his hand and punched a few restrictions on the cave door below, and the cave door was hidden in the rocks in an instant.

Then he patted the spirit beast sac on his waist, and the Chiyan horse turned into a red light and flew in. In less than three breaths, Yi Tian packed up the head and tail, turned around and flew towards the direction of the Demon Sea.

Within such an extreme distance, if I run to the inner sea area, I will definitely be chased and intercepted by them. Even so, it is better to die and survive. Anyway, after arriving in the Demon Sea, everyone is in the same situation if their consciousness is not developed, and the chance of escape is very small. It's even bigger.

The two who flew from a distance were He Tianxiong and Kong Mingzi. The two had joined forces to pursue and failed before, but after the casual repair alliance made a public statement, they had to cooperate secretly.

However, He Tianxiong did not chase after Ziyuan this time, but the Xuanyu Token. If he lost such an important thing, he would definitely lose one of his companions in the "Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City" 20 years later. personnel, which is a great disadvantage to future exploration.

The two of them flew through many places in the Mizong Sea but did not find any traces. Fortunately, they saw a robbery cloud descending around the Moyu Sea from thousands of miles away. They came to search with the idea of ​​trying their luck, but they did not expect It's time for the Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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