
Chapter 460

Chapter 460

I don't know how long it took Yi Tian to wake up from the coma. After opening his eyes, he turned around, got up from the ground and looked around, only to find that he seemed to be on that island at this time.

I didn't feel any discomfort after running the aura around my body. I looked up at the sky and there was a thin film of light covering my head.Even using a little escapism to fly into the air did not see any hindrance.

But after flying up for a while, once he got close to the forbidden distance of ten feet, he would feel an invisible force pushing him back.He bowed his head and thought in his heart, "This is obviously an unknown relic. It seems that the restriction above this is definitely not something that I can break through with my current level of cultivation." '

Stretching out the consciousness in the air can directly cover the entire island, and after scanning it, a smile appeared on his face.This place seems to be isolated from the outside world, but after all, it is a man-made formation. Although I don't know how powerful this formation is, these formations must have been set up on the island.

Moreover, looking down from the air, the entire island is only seven or eight miles in radius. There is a temple in the middle of the island, which seems to be the place where the owner of the island once lived.Right now, I am in the due west of the island. After taking out Luo Geng, I tried it and found that it is not affected by this restriction.

Once you have a goal and a direction, it will be easy to handle, and it is fate to come, Yi Tian slowly fell to the ground and then strode towards the direction of the palace.

The prohibition on this island is really powerful. To be honest, I have never seen such a formation before. Considering my own situation for now, it is better not to fly recklessly, otherwise triggering the prohibition of the formation at will is enough for me to drink one pot.

And if you want to get out of trouble, you must find those formations and foundations, and you can do a field survey along the way.

It is only three or four miles away from the edge of the island to the central area. Although there is no road in it, it is not difficult for me.

After walking for a while, I saw a pillar as thick as a bucket erected on the rock in the depths of the dense forest, and some formation inscriptions were carved on it.Although Yi Tian has done some research on the current formation, he went through it in his mind, but he couldn't find the matching inscription of the formation.

Flipping his hands, he took out a blank jade slip, scanned the pillar in front of him with his spiritual sense, and then directly rubbed down the patterns of the patterns on it.

Suddenly remembering these formation patterns, as if I had seen them somewhere recently, I reached out to take out the mysterious jade token and compared the patterns on it with the ones on the stone pillar, and it turned out to be very consistent.

This time it was sucked into the formation for no reason, thanks to this mysterious jade order, if it wasn't for it, I'm afraid it would still be searching for a place to stay outside.

But this is obviously that the entry token of the 'Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City' can still be used here, so it is not difficult to connect the two.This small island is definitely related to Wandao Tianyu City, and it should be the gate control set up by the same person.

Now Yi Tian is more interested in the owner of this island. These stone pillar formations seem to be old, but they are not from the spiritual world of the upper realm. Then who else can display such great supernatural powers? In the Lost Sea Area, there is a formation that separates a barrier and sets up the Demon Sea.

Pull your fingers and think about those powerful people who will definitely not have the mind to spend such a big price on such a boring thing. Now the only thing that can be thought of is the master of the Yunxiao Pavilion 5000 years ago.

After getting the answer in his heart, Yi Tian didn't panic. After packing up the things in front of him, he speeded up and walked towards the center of the island.

After less than half an hour, I came to the outside of the hall. I looked at the couplet written in medieval characters on the main entrance, "A wonderful place on the top of Tianlan, a good family on a blessed island", and a plaque hanging in the middle reads "Yunxiao Pavilion" has three huge characters.

After seeing it, Yi Tian couldn't help smiling, and after all this, this place is actually the hidden place of Yunxiao Pavilion. At the same time, he couldn't help but think that the "Ten Thousand Islands Tianyu City" must be inextricably related to Yunxiao Pavilion.

After pushing open the stone gate, he slowly walked into the hall, quickly used his spiritual sense to go through the surrounding things, and found that this place is not too big, but the space of three miles, in addition to the front lobby, there are several people behind. Hundreds of wing rooms and a practice field with a radius of one and a half miles.

Walking to the top of the main hall, I glanced and saw a five-foot mural painted on Qiangshang facing the gate. There were three people sitting face to face as if they were talking about something.

Open your eyes and take a closer look at the appearance of the two people in the painting. The person on the left is actually the Lihuo Patriarch of the Lihuo Sect, that is, the great power in the upper realm.Presumably the one on the right should be the master of the Yunxiao Pavilion at that time, and behind him there was a young monk standing by and serving with a flagon.

In the lower right corner of the mural, there is a vertical column of text that reads "Qi Shanyun worships the Taoist priest without flaws".

It was the first time that he had evidence to prove that his ancestor of the Lihuo Sect was named 'Wuxiazi', which made him happy.On weekdays, he is only known as Patriarch Li Huo, but it is impossible to verify the real name of the master.

After thinking about it for a while, since I am the only one here, I am not in a hurry to search for other places. The painting in front of me is very meaningful to my sect.Immediately, he took out a blank jade slip and prepared to completely rub down the painting.

After stretching out the index finger of his right hand, he directly sacrificed a trace of flame, and then used his spiritual thoughts to control the fire to start painting on the jade slips.It didn't take a moment to expand the whole painting, and then he held it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and then frowned involuntarily.

It is reasonable to say that the painting on the jade slip should be exactly the same as the one on the stone wall under the engraving of the divine consciousness, but the eyes of the waiter behind the master of the Yunxiao Pavilion are always a little different.

Upon closer inspection, the ones on the stone wall are even more vivid, while the characters in his own jade slips seem to lack that bit of spirituality.

So Yi Tianxin had doubts, and then concentrated his consciousness on the eyes of the servant on the right side of the stone mural, and suddenly felt as if he was recognized.

Then I saw the waiter on the right side of the stone wall said to himself as if he had come alive: "Who are you and how did you come here?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian was startled, and couldn't help but think that there is still something in it.It's just that he didn't know whether the other party was keeping a god or a ghost, and he calmed down before replying: "I don't know which senior from Yunxiao Pavilion is your Excellency? I'm being polite to Li Huozong Yitian."

The man nodded and replied: "Since it's Li Huozong Taoist friend, Qi Yu is being polite."

Yi Tian then asked: "I don't know where Senior Qi is now, has he ascended to the spirit world?"

Qi Yu's complexion changed, and then he sighed and said, "What you see is just a ray of divine sense that I left in this world. My real body has long since fallen."

(End of this chapter)

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