
Chapter 461

Chapter 461

In the main hall in the center of the island, Yi Tian revived Qi Yu's divine sense in the Yunxiao Pavilion because he carved the murals on the stone wall.

Looking at the phantom in front of him, Qi Yu's figure was condensed. Yi Tian first stepped forward to salute as a junior, and then asked, "I don't know if Senior Qi knows where Wuxiazi, the ancestor of our school Lihuo, is now." place?"

Qi Yu thought for a while and replied: "My master has already ascended to the spirit world, and Senior Wuxia stayed in this world to establish a sect. He came from the spirit world and will return to the spirit world after he is done. Why are you here? Why would the descendants of the Li Huo Sect know about this?"

Sighing, Yi Tian replied helplessly: "Senior Qi doesn't know, the vicissitudes of the world are no longer what they were 5000 years ago."

After hearing this, Qi Yu knew that there must be some accidents and hurriedly asked: "So what happened?"

Then Yi Tian slowly turned the Tianlan Continent upside down after the two great powers descended from the realm 3000 years ago, the Lihuo Sect fell apart, the rise of the Southern Border Ming Dynasty, and the Zhongzhou Qianling Sect's hegemony came out one by one.

It took about an hour to tell all these futures and past events. After hearing this, Qi Yu's face changed several times, and then he sighed and said: "The world is really impermanent. Who would have thought that Senior Wuxia is so good, and he will end up like this in the end. .You were very prosperous from the Fire Sect, but you couldn't change the laws of the world. The flowers bloom and fall just like my Yunxiao Pavilion."

Hearing this, Yi Tiancai realized that it seemed that the Yunxiao Pavilion seemed to have disappeared in the end, and he couldn't help showing regret: "The younger generation also found Yunxiao in a forbidden cave in a submarine crater in the depths of the South China Sea. Pavilion's clues, and after finding the entire 'Arrogance of the Clouds' at will, and then coming to the sea area of ​​the Ten Thousand Islands from the one-way teleportation array," and then took out the jade slip with the 'Arrogance of the Clouds' engraved on it.

Qi Yu looked at the thing in front of him, but his face was excited, and then his face returned to normal: "This thing was written by me, and it was hidden in that crater. Now I am just a wisp of spiritual thoughts and souls looking at these things. I have no obsessions anymore, so treat it as a gift to Xiaoyou Yi."

After taking the things back, Yi Tian turned to ask: "I don't know what other wishes the seniors have, but as long as the juniors can do what they can, they will definitely do whatever they want."

After thinking for a while, Qi Yu said: "I, Yunxiao Pavilion, had a good relationship with your Lihuo Sect, but now that your sect is falling apart, how can you help me revive Yunxiao Pavilion?"

Yi Tian asked inexplicably: "Excuse me, I don't know if Yunxiao Pavilion still exists in the sea area of ​​Wandao, how can I find the rest?"

After hearing this, Qi Yu said solemnly: "If you are willing, Xiaoyou Yi, you can promise me one thing, and then I will tell you the whole process, and I will give you a great opportunity."

Yi Tian didn't respond directly, and thought for a while before saying: "Senior's good intentions are appreciated, but if this matter is to be fettered in the next life or hinder my cultivation, then it is unnecessary."

"It doesn't matter, I just want you to kill all the disciples of Yunxiao Pavilion and form a new sect," Qi Yu said.

Hearing this, he was taken aback for a moment, it seemed that something appalling must have happened, so that the Yunxiao Pavilion Master would make such a decision.

Yi Tian didn't care about this, so he replied: "It's not difficult, the junior can agree to find the existing Yunxiao Pavilion disciples within the scope of his strength, and after eradicating them all, he will establish a new sect. However, "

Qi Yu said displeased, "What worries do you have?"

"I want to know why senior and Yunxiao Pavilion disciples have such deep hatred?"

Qi Yu said angrily: "Back then, I had two disciples called Pei Qing and Qin Wei. I thought I could make the sect flourish in this sea area of ​​Wandao, but I didn't expect these two people to be dissatisfied with the status quo and want to return to Tianlan Continent at any moment. At that time, my cultivation base was still able to suppress the two of them. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Later, the two colluded to plot against me when I retreated and attacked the sky. In the end, I became depressed and left only this A trace of spiritual consciousness is given to this mural."

Yi Tian was puzzled after hearing this and asked: "Why didn't the two senior disciples take this place into their own?"

"That's when I used up the last bit of my spiritual power to open the sect's great formation, and with the support of the seabed spiritual veins, it can last for a long time. And those two traitors didn't trust each other. Fortunately, they turned against each other on the spot after killing their masters, so that they can survive for a long time." Let me have a chance to escape with a sliver of divine sense." Qi Yu said.

"It's been such a long time since that happened. I'm afraid they have already returned to reincarnation long ago, and there is no such thing as Yunxiao Pavilion in the Wandao sea area. How should I find it?"

"It's simple. You have a complete set of formulas from 'Yun Xiao Ao Jue' to the late Yuan Ying stage. As long as you comprehend them, you will naturally find their descendants."

Although the two factions are on good terms, they are now in a similar situation. Although Qi Yu's request is a bit unbelievable, but after thinking about it for a long time, there is nothing to refute.Next, I can only lead the topic elsewhere to ask about the re-establishment of the sect.

Regarding this point, Qi Yu seemed extremely cautious and said: "Unfortunately, there is such a traitor in the sect, and I will trouble Xiaoyou Yi to find a reliable person with a gentle temperament to pass on my tradition."

This matter is not too difficult, and it can be done together with eradicating the remnants of the traitor.

Immediately Qi Yu said, "There is also a secret place called 'Yunxiao City' in Bi Pavilion in the ten thousand miles of sea area. It was originally set up for the disciples of the sect to practice. There is a pool in the Yunxiao Pavilion in the center, and there is a pool in it. Master found a seven-treasure golden lotus on the Tianlan Continent. You can take out one of its roots, and the white jade lotus root can be used as medicine or taken raw, so it is easy for you to break through the bottleneck of the Nascent Soul in the middle stage."

Hearing this, how could Yi Tian not understand that this secret place must be the 'Wandao Tianyu City', which is the Yunxiao City that Qi Yu said in his mouth.Didn't it mean that only those who hold the Xuanyu Token can enter? Ziyuan once said that nearly 30 people entered each time. After all these years, I don't know how many good things are left.

Yi Tian directly listed all the news he knew about the 'Wandao Tianyu City' one by one, but Qi Yu just smiled and replied: "Then the access control of Yunxiao City is 30 yuan, every time After the monk enters, the access control jade card will be sent to various places in the Wandao sea area to wait for the disciples to go to practice and search next time. And the seven treasure golden lotus in the main hall only blooms once in a thousand years. If you want to pick the lotus root, you have to wait until it blooms. .”

Yi Tian listened to the news about picking the golden lotus for a long time, thinking that Qi Yu also wanted to keep the secret realm of Yunxiao City for a long time, so he had no choice but to agree to take only one lotus root.

(End of this chapter)

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