
Chapter 462 Searching for Ruins

Chapter 462 Searching for Ruins

After agreeing to Qi Yu, he saw that his spiritual thoughts remaining on the murals became weaker and weaker, and disappeared in front of his eyes after a while.After he completely disappeared, Yi Tian remembered that he hadn't asked how to get out of trouble, but there was nothing in front of him, so he had no choice but to bow to Qi Yu in the painting three times, and then got up and walked to the back wing go.

After walking through a few corners, I realized that there are really enough buildings here, and there are too many rooms left for those disciples. Maybe what Qi Yu didn't expect was that in the end, these rooms only used the two rooms above the head. Then it was all vacant.

After slowly passing the wing room, you come to the elixir room in the backyard, facing the elixir room is the medicine garden.It has been seriously weathered for thousands of years, and the elixir furnace in the elixir room is already rusty, and the elixir that was once refined has already evaporated. It can be weathered into powder with a slight blow. up.

Fortunately, the jade box storing the alchemy book was still placed on the table, Yi Tian walked forward in two or three steps, stretched out his hand to shake off the dust on it.After opening the lid, I found a volume of well-preserved alchemy slips inside. Although I don't practice alchemy often, these medieval alchemy recipes are of great reference value.

After putting away the things, he left the alchemy room and began to search the next room.Facing the gate of the alchemy room is the medicine garden. Compared to it, the spiritual plants in these medicine gardens can live for thousands of years without any problem as long as they are nourished by the spiritual veins.

After walking into the medicine garden, I could smell a fresh fragrance. Now it is overgrown with weeds, but it can be seen that it was still well taken care of back then.The neatly laid out spiritual planting soil on the ground is the best proof.

After pulling away some weeds, you can see that the whole medicine garden is divided into two large areas and several small areas. Each large area has a spiritual plant. Looking at the year, it is estimated to be 4000 years old. As for those small areas There are still a lot of fragmentary medicinal materials inside.

This can be regarded as the biggest harvest in Yunxiao Pavilion. Among them is a ginseng plant from that year. Now it has grown as thick as a baby's arm. It can be used as the main medicine for refining Jieying Pill, even for yourself Eating it raw can enhance your cultivation.

Seeing such a treasure, Yi Tian was not polite, which would damage the properties of the medicine, so he took out several large spiritual plant pots from the spiritual plant bag and transplanted the two spiritual medicines here directly.

After testing these two spiritual plants, think about what Qi Yu said before, the Seven Treasure Golden Lotus in the 'Wandao Tianyu City' must be a high-level treasure that is no less than this kind of spiritual plant.Although I don't know why he said that he only let himself take a lotus root, it must be very meaningful.

Since the birth of the baby, my own cultivation can be regarded as smooth sailing, until I encountered a bottleneck before breaking through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.According to Qi Yu's words, the opportunity for this breakthrough is the white jade lotus root.

After breaking through the natural moat and becoming a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator, I believe that it will be easy to do the next thing in the Wandao waters.And if you calculate the time in the early [-]s and achieve the mid-Yuanying stage, it will surpass Zhongzhou Lihuozong Lu Jinyuan by a lot. After meeting at that time, you will be more confident to subdue him.

It took about two hours to get things in the medicine garden in order, and now my spirit plant bag is eighty-nine percent full.In addition to two 4000-year-old spiritual plants, there are also some hundred-year-old medicinal materials. In the end, all the spiritual plant cultivation soil was used up, and the rest had to be placed in a jade box and pasted with talismans for preservation.

After leaving the medicine garden, the next thing to visit is the refining room, but this time Yi Tian was greatly disappointed. Compared with the Fire Sect, Yunxiao Pavilion's refining skills still have a relatively large distance. These refining rooms are basically No decent spirit weapon was left behind.Instead, they found a sealed jade box in the warehouse, with the three words 'Kang Longgu' written on it.

Speaking of Dragon Bone's own storage ring, there is even a two-headed dragon skeleton. Although it is the residue left after shaving the flesh, this skeleton should be kept for great use.

I had thought of refining Yunxiaoyu's car before, and this skeleton was just used as a girder, saving myself the need to find other materials.

After opening the jade box, Yi Tiancai realized that he had really misjudged. The 'Hydragon Dragon Bone' seemed to be only half a foot short, but the remnants of dragon power on it were definitely three points stronger than the monster dragon bone in his hand.

This section of keel must have been a peak seventh-level or even eighth-level dragon, as long as you find some titanium concentrate and Tianlan red crystal, plus the complete Lilong soul, you can refine it with the strongest attack power among the ten Lihuo soldiers. I bought the 'Flame Dragon Sword', and immediately put it away and put it together with those high-level treasures.

After turning around and sweeping the entire Yunxiao Pavilion ruins, Yi Tian was surprised to find that he didn't find the formation plate of the big formation, even if he got more things here, it would be useless if he couldn't get out.

Recalling that after I entered this place, I only saw the cornerstone pillar once on the way here, and I didn't find any other traces of the formation after that.

Standing in the main hall, Yi Tian looked at the painting on the stone wall again, and after sweeping back and forth several times with his spiritual sense, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.After a while, he walked up slowly and stroked the inscription on the mural with his hand, then poured spiritual power into it directly through the palm of his hand.

I only saw a few words gradually glowing under the infusion of spiritual power, and then stretched out my hand to press it, and the place was dented by an inch.There was only a 'snap' in the hall, and then a floor tile was raised on the ground in the middle.

After three breaths, when the inside rose to a height of more than one foot, Yi Tian saw Ange under the square floor tiles, and inside was a token the size of a palm, with the marks of several clouds engraved on it.

It seems that this is the token of the head of Yunxiao Pavilion, with this one, it should be possible to break out from here.

He reached out to take out the token and held it in his hand for a closer look, the front was engraved with the Zongmen logo of Yunxiao Pavilion and the reverse was the general summary of Yunxiao Ao Jue.

I had obtained the Zongmen classics of Yunxiao Pavilion before, but without this general summary, it would not be easy to understand it thoroughly.

And Qi Yu said before that if he wanted to get out of trouble, he had to find a way in Yunxiao Ao Jue, so it saved a lot of trouble.

This place can be regarded as very leisurely, so Yi Tian sat down on the ground and took out the basic classics and began to read.Afterwards, he began to focus on three purposes, and began to strengthen the real fire, practice the swordsmanship and comprehend the proud art of the sky.

This kind of distraction practice continued for a while, and at the same time, news began to circulate in the Lost Sea Area that there was a hidden treasure of the ancestors in the Demon Sea, which attracted some adventurers to go deep. explore.

But the source of the news turned out to be the dictation of Kong Mingzi, the elder of the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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