
Chapter 463

Chapter 463

The news of the treasure appearing in the Demon Sea quickly spread beyond the Mizong Sea. At first, there were groups of monks who came to hunt for the treasure, but several groups of people did not come out after going deep into it. After the elder entered, the remaining natal lamp was quickly extinguished.

In this way, even if there are temptations in the sea of ​​demons, it will be difficult to convince people. Everyone knows in their hearts that the treasure may be real, but it must be revealed.

Seeing such a thing, the elder Kong Mingzi of the Loose Cultivation Alliance couldn't sit still anymore, and no one would listen to him fooling around anymore.After observing the Blood Fiend Cave for this period of time, He Tianxiong had given up his mind. This time, he lost his wife and lost his army. If the marriage failed, it would be because he lacked a black jade token.

After several discussions, the two still gave up the idea of ​​rushing into the Demon Sea, and finally the matter was left alone.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was staying in the Yunxiao Pavilion, was studying the "Yunxiao Ao Jue" attentively. The first half was all about exercises, but the latter part contained some abstracts of alchemy and a piece of beast breeding.

This animal breeding technique explains how to raise spirit beasts in the sea, which makes Yi Tian's eyes shine.It's not that I want to raise a spiritual pet again, but it said a lot about the habits of sea beasts and related countermeasures.

For example, the situation of the sea monster dragon I encountered before is clearly written in it. The double-headed dragon of ice and fire likes to be quiet, and is good at living in places where water and fire blend.

Although I didn't follow the above method at the time, I still cleaned it up by relying on the power of the catastrophe.

From the outside, there is a text that says there is a thousand-year-old dragon tortoise in the abyss of the deep sea. The back is as hard as a stone, the head is like a half-dragon, with horns and barbs on the tail. It can be tamed and used by the sect.There is also a map of the range of its activities. Yi Tian used it for comparison, and immediately a few drops of sweat lay on his forehead. The marked sea area is the area of ​​the Demon Sea on the current chart.

And it says it is used by the sect, it seems that it has already been subdued by Qi Yu and has become the spiritual pet of the array.Not to mention getting rid of these, but there is always some means of manipulation left, otherwise how could the descendants of Yunxiao Pavilion control such a powerful sea overlord.

After putting away the jade slip, he took out the token of the head of the sect and looked at it again and again. There seemed to be a thin slit on the side of the token. After gently breaking it open with his hands, a whistle fell out of it.

Reaching out to pick up the whistle, he took a closer look at the shape, which is very ordinary. It must be a spiritual weapon if it can be hidden in the Zongmen token.

Although he didn't know how to use this thing, Yitian still decided to try it after thinking about it for a while.

Wipe it clean, put it in your mouth and blow it gently, and suddenly a loud whistle pierced the sky, and the carriage was above the island.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement, which disappointed Yi Tian.Suddenly the whole hall began to shake violently, and the sect's protective formation on that day became flickering.

So Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and then rushed out of the hall and looked up at the sky, and the light film disappeared after a burst of intense flickering.

Not long after I was happy, I heard a low-pitched cry mixed with a bit of Longwei sounding from a section of the island.After flying into the sky in a hurry, he searched for the source of the sound, and suddenly a dragon-headed turtle protruded not far from the southern tip of the island, glared at Yi Tian in the sky, and then shouted: "You Who is it and why is it in the hinterland of the sect?"

Glancing at the dragon tortoise in front of him, it was about three squares in size, with a dragon-like head instead of a dragon, and barbed tails. This shape fit the description in the book very well.

Seeing this, Yi Tian laughed and said: "I am the acting suzerain of Yunxiao Pavilion, since you are the spirit beast of the Zhenpai, why didn't you come forward to pay respects when you saw me?"

The dragon turtle said disdainfully: "Yunxiao Pavilion has been torn apart thousands of years ago, why do you little doll order me?"

If I had known that these township spirit beasts had been unruly for a long time without being taught by the people of the sect, Yi Tian didn't get angry after hearing this, and directly took out the suzerain's token of Yunxiao Pavilion, and then took out the whistle and put it in He blew in his mouth.

After three whistles, a light flashed on the forehead of the dragon tortoise, and then a phantom appeared on the token.Yi Tian scanned it with his spiritual sense, thinking that it was a trace of spirit that Qi Yu extracted from the body of the dragon turtle.Then, the spiritual power was quietly injected into the token and directly restrained the phantom of the dragon turtle.

At this time, seeing the proud Dragon Turtle below, he was stunned for an instant, and then hurriedly shouted: "Sect Master, please be merciful. I have been guarding the ancestral land with all my heart for thousands of years, and I have never had the heart of rebellion."

Seeing that this method worked, Yi Tian didn't mean that he was too powerful, so he put the whistle into the token and put it away together, and then asked condescendingly: "You have done your best to guard the treasured land of the sect for thousands of years. After the death of the suzerain Qi Yu, the Yunxiao Pavilion was torn apart, and I simply got the guidance of Qi Yu's remnant soul, and vowed to rebuild the rivers and mountains."

The dragon tortoise said with a hint of sadness in his eyes: "When will the suzerain give me back my freedom?"

Yi Tian would not be able to answer this question for a while. After measuring the difference in cultivation between himself and the other party, he realized that the Dragon Turtle in front of him also had the appearance of a late Nascent Soul cultivation. If he hadn't had a whistle in his hand And grab a trace of his soul in the token, I'm afraid it will be swallowed by him at this time.

After a while, he came up with a compromise and said: "Yunxiao Pavilion is still in the process of reorganization. I will give you freedom after I find a good successor for Qi Yu, and then move the sect to another place."

After hearing that, Long Gui didn't object, but nodded in agreement and said: "Please take the oath on behalf of the head, so that I can feel at ease."

I didn't expect these spirit beasts sent by the psychic town to be so intelligent. There are two prerequisites for this matter. If it is to be done, it will take hundreds of years or thousands of years.After a thousand years, my own cultivation will definitely be able to surpass it, and it will not be up to me to pinch it flat and round it.

After thinking about it, he swore on those two things and calmed Long Gui down.

After getting the exact response, Dragon Turtle slowly dived back into the water, and before leaving, he still said to Yi Tian: "I will strictly guard the thousands of sea miles near the Zongmen to prevent those good-natured people from getting close. Please rest assured, headmaster."

Hearing this, Yi Tian realized that the most dangerous creature in the Demon Sea is the dragon turtle. There must be such a soul pet comparable to the late-stage monk of the baby baby in the secret of Yunxiao Pavilion in this sea. People will not notice it. .

Even someone as cultivated as himself would feel powerless in front of it.

After dealing with the matter of Long Guiyi, Yi Tian slowly fell down and waited until the sect on the island before taking out a token and marking a formula to activate the guardian formation again, and just like this, the island disappeared again. In the white mist.

(End of this chapter)

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