
Chapter 464

Chapter 464

It has been seven or eight years since the Loan Cultivation Alliance released the news that there are treasures in the sea of ​​the Demon Realm. At the beginning of the period, a large number of treasure hunters gathered in this sea area.But after the people who entered in the first two years gradually lost contact, the number of people here also decreased sharply in the next few years. Everyone realized that this might be another scam, so they started to doubt the credibility of such rumors .

The initiator of the matter, Kong Mingzi of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, also put himself in an awkward position. On the one hand, he had a private agreement with He Tianxiong of the Blood Fiend Cave, and on the other hand, he accepted the order from the Loose Cultivation Alliance.

In desperation, he had no choice but to send his confidant disciples to conduct fixed-point surveillance around Moyuhai, and he had to return to the headquarters to report.

Seven or eight years after the Demon Sea has been calm like this, a bright light flashed in the sky at noon one day. If it had been in the dark night, that flash of light would definitely have been noticed by all the watchers on the border of more than a thousand nautical miles away. arrive.

It's a pity that under the sunlight at noon and the reflection of the waves on the sea, the monks who were squatting did not realize that someone had run back from the Demon Sea.

In that flash of light was Yi Tian who had been running into the Demon Realm to avoid the limelight for many years. This time, it took him seven or eight years to finally comprehend the 'Arrogance of the Clouds' thoroughly. But there are thousands of ways, and the classics that have been passed down for thousands of years have more or less merits.

Ever since I arrived in Demon Sea, I found that the fire-earth two-system skills I practiced were greatly reduced in the environment with strong water vapor. Fortunately, I still have the Yao Sword Technique and Wood-system spells that can stand up for a while.This time, after comprehending the 'Arrogance of the Clouds', it can be regarded as gaining, at least this exercise can be activated by using the two systems of water and wood.

Moreover, this set of exercises will have some feelings for fellow students, Yi Tian just uses them as a minor exercise to prove his major exercise.It is recorded in the classics that after running this Yunxiaoaojue, if someone within a hundred miles nearby uses the same technique, they can sense each other.

In the Yunxiao Pavilion, he once promised Qi Yu to clean up the house for him, but he kept this matter in his heart, after all, he was also a person who kept his promises.

Except for the Demon Sea, Yi Tian spread out his consciousness and scanned the surrounding area of ​​[-] nautical miles, and found that there were actually three gathering points of monks here.There are at least two or three people in each place, and they seem to be newly moved casual cultivators.

Back then when I entered the Demon Sea, I didn't have this kind of scene. It was because this sea area was still uninhabited.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Yi Tian frowned in the sky, and then made a seal with his hands on his chest to cast a concealment spell, and then flew towards the stronghold with the strongest cultivation.

Tang Feili, as Kong Mingzi's most unhappy Jindan disciple, was dispatched to the surrounding area of ​​the Demon Sea as the chief supervisor of the observation post. Although he seemed to be doing things for the master, he felt irritable after staying here for a long time. Only then can we survive.

That day, he was meditating and practicing in the small island cave where he set up an observation post. Suddenly, he felt flustered for no reason, and then he became dizzy and fell down against the wall.

The outside of the cave is still covered by an invisible barrier, and those disciples in the foundation establishment period will not disturb his meditation.If the servants were allowed to see what happened in the cave, they would probably run away immediately.

At this time, Tang Diarrhea was placed in a cross-legged posture like a puppet being manipulated by someone, and behind him was Yi Tian who had sneaked into the place quietly, stretching out his right hand to sacrifice a few spiritual threads to control the puppet in front of him. puppet.

A quarter of an hour later, through a simple soul search, Yi Tiancai learned what had happened in the past few years since he took refuge in the Demon Sea.Originally, Kong Mingzi didn't want to pursue it further, but because of He Tianxiong's face, he could only pretend.

But Tang Leili's memory mentioned that Kong Mingzi would keep in touch with him from time to time to inquire about the recent situation around Moyuhai, and would come to inspect it every few years.

The most recent contact was half a year ago. In the communication, it was mentioned that he would visit Moyuhai again in the near future, and he had to make preparations for his arrival.

This is really what I wanted, I wanted to find Kong Mingzi's bad luck for a long time, but I didn't expect such a good thing to happen at this juncture.

After sorting out his thoughts, he casually threw a fireball and directly burned the Tang leprosy in front of him to ashes, and turned his head to meditate.It is not very easy to deal with Kong Mingzi, the opponent is a swordsman who is good at speed, since he tried the escape last time, he is absolutely not sure that he can get any advantage in speed.

The best strategy is to introduce it into Tang Leili's cave, which limits the room for him to use his escapism.Ke Yitian then shook his head and directly rejected this method.According to Tang Diarrhea's memory, Kong Mingzi would never come in every time he came, and if he invites rashly, he will definitely arouse his suspicion.

If I just leave like this, I will definitely find that things have changed when Kong Mingzi comes, and I will probably still think of myself.

It seems that it is not easy to count Kong Mingzi this time, and then he took out the storage ring and looked inside, Yi Tian smiled, and then slowly disappeared.

Half a month later, it was time for Elder Kong Mingzi of the Loose Cultivation Alliance to inspect the observation post. During this time, the disciples were conscientiously following the rules.But Director Tang, who has always been punctual, seems to be still practicing in the cave at this time, and has no intention of coming out to greet him.

Not long after, a ray of light flashed above the sea in the distance and approached the island rapidly. After ten breaths, two rays of light stopped over the island.Then the two divine thoughts scanned the island below, and then only heard Kong Mingzi angrily say in the air: "Why hasn't Tang Manilei come out to see me?"

When the disciples heard the words containing the spiritual pressure of the Nascent Soul stage monks, they were so shocked that they lay on the ground and dared not move, but the restrictions on the cave on the island did not change at all.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was lurking on the side, also frowned secretly and complained in his heart. He originally thought of plotting against Kong Mingzi, but now suddenly there was an extra one.It looks like Nascent Soul cultivator.But later Yi Tian's face stretched out, luckily the one next to him was not He Tianxiong, judging by the spiritual pressure fluctuations in the sky, he should be a monk who had just entered the Nascent Soul stage, so even if it was a dangerous move, it would be too late. Not bad.

Later, after seeing the two of them descending from the clouds, Kong Mingzi walked to the entrance of the cave with an angry expression on his face, and stretched out his hand to directly break the restriction with a spell.After showing the entrance of the cave, he walked in with big strides, but the other Nascent Soul cultivator just stood not far outside the cave, watching Kong Mingzi's many movements with a look of indifference.

How could Yi Tian let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, besides, this time he was supposed to deal with Kong Mingzi, as for that person's proficiency, the unexpected situation can be temporarily put aside.

When Kong Mingzi entered the cave, Yi Tian hurriedly formed a seal on his chest and pointed towards the cave door.Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual power came out of the cave, causing the whole island to tremble, and there were continuous roaring sounds from the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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