
466 Dark Alliance 2

Chapter 466 Dark Alliance II

In terms of strength, Kong Mingzi is not the strongest in the Loose Cultivation Alliance, but his specialty lies in his special escapism, and no one in the Loose Cultivation Alliance can compete with him in escapism.

It was precisely because of this that there were quite a few elders in the alliance supporting him behind his back, but when he proposed to join forces with the Blood Fiend Cave, there were very few supporters.The key point is that Tianyi City has ruled the order of the Wandao sea area for thousands of years. Although the Blood Fiend Cave is a new top force, and there is a faint tendency to fight against Tianyi City, the background is still not enough.

When Yi Tian was calculating Kong Mingzi, he had already considered his strengths, and the reason why he didn't use the eight-door golden lock formation was to limit his room for maneuvering.In terms of strength, Kong Mingzi will not be his opponent after hundreds of years of training, as long as he can trap him, the next thing will be easy.

In fact, as expected, when he landed on the island and was entangled by vines, it was doomed that this duel must end in defeat.Under the entanglement of many vines, Kong Mingzi Kong has a body of escapism, but he can no longer use it.

By the time the vines below wrapped Kong Mingzi like a zongzi, Yi Tian had already put away the spiral shield in front of him, sacrificed the Taiyuan sword in his hand, and directly used a shocking sword.

This time, it seemed as if he was hitting a fixed target, a cyan sword light flashed and then slashed directly at Kong Mingzi on the island.Wherever Jian Guang went, those vines seemed to have eyes and avoided them one after another so that the power of this move could be fully utilized.

The golden light defense around Na Kong Mingzi's body became dim after withstood many spell attacks, and then it was completely broken in less than a breath when facing this fatal blow.

At this time, Kong Mingzi also knew that he was at a critical moment, and immediately the spiritual power in his body exploded and poured desperately into the sword-shaped pendant.

For a moment, a strong spiritual pressure burst out from his body, temporarily blocking the stabbing Taiyuan sword.Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, had a panoramic view of the situation. Seeing that the opponent was relying on the sword pendant to resist his attack, he just twitched his mouth in contempt, then connected the seal with both hands, and then pointed to the area and clicked a few points.

In an instant, several wooden vines emerged from the ground and stabbed directly at Kong Mingzi's position, and a few more broke through the ground from his feet and entangled him firmly on the ground so that he could not move.

At this time, Kong Mingzi shouted loudly: "Fellow Daoist, I have surrendered, please raise your hands high, I can tell you the secret of Mizong Hai's treasure."

The person outside the big formation frowned when he heard this, and only the top brass in the Loose Cultivation Alliance could know the news, that this Kong Mingzi was actually used in exchange for his own life at the last moment.Regarding this, he just turned his head away helplessly, no matter how he reached this state, it would be useless.

And Yi Tian stopped in the air with a disdainful smile and said: "You are just meat on the chopping board now, you can flatten and round it as I like, so you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." The flash of spiritual light was originally caught by the sword pendant and then stuck on Kong Mingzi's protective shield, but now he was blessed with spiritual power and began to stab inward quickly.

There was only the sound of a weapon breaking from below, followed by Kong Mingzi's screams.In order to prevent him from exploding himself, Yuanying Yi Tian also teleported to his back, then stretched out his left hand, a purple flame attached to his hand, and directly broke Kong Mingzi's protective shield like cutting tofu, and then grabbed his neck high lift.

A quarter of an hour later, the entire eight-door golden lock array was slowly withdrawn. After Yi Tian flew out of the array, he bowed his hands to the cultivator in the air and said, "I'm under Yi Tian, ​​I'm sorry to disturb you this time, Fellow Daoist!" It's a sin to be so inconvenient."

The person on the opposite side hastily returned the salute: "Lu Haichuan of the Loose Cultivation Alliance is being polite."

After hearing this, Yi Tian nodded and replied: "I heard before that Fellow Daoist intends to make friends with Tianyi City, so I would like to be a fellow Daoist to build a line for you."

After hearing this, Lu Haichuan also showed a little joy on his face and said: "I, the Loose Cultivator Alliance, had this intention early in the morning, but I just lacked a guide to burn the incense. If I rashly approached it, I would not be able to get the attention of Tianyi City."

"This matter is easy," Yi Tian asked after thinking for a while, "I don't know if there are a lot of elders in the Loose Cultivation Alliance who are attached to Tianyi City?"

Lu Haichuan said with a worried face: "To be honest, there are only two monks who want to attach themselves to Tianyi City, and the only elder who is optimistic about the Blood Fiend Cave is Kong Mingzi. As for the others, they are all in a neutral state."

In this way, Yi Tian immediately passed the situation of the Loose Cultivation Alliance in his mind. The leader of such a loose organization is the Presbyterian Church, but the people in it are not of the same mind, so there are many internal differences.

Now I happen to be able to hook up with Zi Yuan, it seems that her status in Tianyi City is not simple, otherwise the third palace lord, Lan Bing, would not have personally driven the flying boat to the Mizong Sea to find someone.

After thinking about it, he took out a jade slip, and then quickly left a letter and threw the jade slip to Lu Haichuan, saying: "If fellow Taoists want to connect with Tianyi City, then take this jade slip and take a trip in person. This letter is handed over to Lan Bing, the lord of the third palace, who believes that she will listen to you for the sake of saving Ziyuan."

After Lu Haichuan took the jade slip, he stretched his consciousness in and scanned it. Later, he cupped his hands to Yitian with a happy face and said, "This time, thank you fellow daoist for the introduction. In this way, as long as Tianyi City is willing to accept it, I, the Loose Cultivator Alliance, will accept it." You can also rely on something, and you won’t be in a dilemma anymore.”

"What about today?" Yi Tian asked, changing the subject.

Lu Haichuan was also a cunning one, and suddenly replied with a solemn face: "Kong Mingzi is stubborn, he refused to listen to dissuasion and insisted on cooperating with that blood evil cave, and we have been eradicated by you and me together."

"What Fellow Daoist said is that for the sake of the future of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, there is no choice but to make a bad plan." After speaking, Yi Tian directly took out a storage bracelet, and took out all the belongings in Kong Mingzi's storage ring and put it away into it.

In the end, he still didn't forget to take out the blank jade slips and put a copy of his practice classics in it. After these, he threw the storage bracelet to Lu Haichuan and said: "Fellow Taoist, you can't treat too much after a hard work. Please take care of the rest in the Loose Cultivation Alliance."

Lu Haichuan also used people's short hands to eat people's soft mouths. During the fight, he just sat on the wall and closed the door, but now he can get a share of the action.After checking the contents of the storage bracelet with his spiritual sense, his face was filled with joy, and his brows were filled with joy.The fusion of human and sword skills that Kong Mingzi relies on most is also in it, and it seems that the other party is also full of sincerity.

Then he smiled and replied: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, Kong Mingzi is stubborn, and it is only natural for you and me to kill him together. As for the alliance, there is no need to worry, the old man will come forward to deal with him Here is the contact letter from Tianyi City, I believe the other elders will make a decision."

"Okay, then I'll be troubled," Yi Tian said after bowing his hands, "I still have some important things to do, so I'm sorry."

"It's okay, fellow daoist, do as you please."

(End of this chapter)

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