
Chapter 467 Black Jade Branch

Chapter 467 Black Jade Branch

Three days later, Yi Tian was flying at high altitude in the Mizong Sea, and his target was still heading towards the Neon Island.

But when passing by Neon Island, he didn't mean to slow down at all. After flying over, Yi Tian slowly slowed down and checked the sea area below.

When I killed Kong Mingzi before, I got a very interesting piece of news during the soul search process. Most of the raw materials for refining the 'Fat Black Jade Paste', which are abundant in Mizong Island, are controlled by the Loose Cultivation Alliance. More than half of the [-]% of the total is occupied by the medium-sized sect Jinguangmen near Neon Island.

Speaking of this golden light gate, there are seven or eight golden core monks, and the master of the gate is a monk in the golden core Dzogchen realm.The area of ​​a series of island chains occupied by Jinguangmen is about [-] nautical miles, but there is an annual output of about three catties of 'Ningzhi Black Jade Paste' available on these islands.

On weekdays, Jinguangmen used these things as the main medicinal materials to exchange with the Sea Clan, so Yi Tian weighed them before hitting them.

I have already tried the effects of this 'Fat Black Jade Paste', as long as I have enough to keep my two spirit pets, I can break through to level six within a hundred years.

And I have made two plans. On the one hand, I will exchange things for things. If the other party is ignorant, then I have to take strong measures.

After sneaking into the hinterland of the Golden Light Gate from above the sea level, Yi Tian cast a concealment spell and climbed over the wall from the other side of the Golden Light Gate.

First, he found the residences of a few Foundation Establishment disciples and inquired about the news, and then used a dream-returning method to obtain the exact situation of this sect from a monk in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment.

A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian moved towards the forbidden area of ​​Jinguangmen. According to the information obtained, all the black jade branches growing on the island were controlled by the suzerain of Jinguangmen as private property.

Every ten years, the senior leaders of the sect will refine these black jade branches into medicine, and then obtain the required materials in exchange with the Sea Clan.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian reckoned that it would be quite difficult to directly ask him to exchange it, so he could only rely on his own cultivation to take advantage of the situation, and at worst he would just leave some high-level pills or precious materials as his own. redeemed.

After walking for a while and bypassing a few buildings, we came to a place with winding paths and secluded places, where there were fewer monks coming and going.Moreover, there are two late-stage foundation-building monks guarding the entrance of the passage. From the information collected earlier, we know that the forbidden area of ​​the Golden Light Gate is behind this path.

Immediately, Yi Tian cast his evasion technique and transformed himself into a breeze, flashed past the door, and after walking about half a mile along the path, he came to the mouth of a valley.Looking at the ban in front of him, he stretched out his hand and opened a two-foot gap, and then the person fell into it in a flash.

After entering the valley, I saw that the aura here is much stronger outside, but the valley is very quiet, and a thatched hut was built in the central area.Judging from the situation, it should be the retreating place of the suzerain of Jinguangmen. The surrounding hillsides are full of spiritual trees, and some branches seem to have fresh black jade branches.

Yi Tian didn't intend to do it directly, so he found a place to sit down, anyway, the time is not urgent, many black jade branches are not yet mature, it seems that we need to wait for a while.

Moreover, there should be a monk with the Golden Core Dzogchen in that thatched hut, so if he made a rash move, he would inevitably have some tricks, which he didn't want to see.

After waiting in the valley for a few days, Yi Tian sat cross-legged in one place, and no one could detect the concealment spell he cast anyway.Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that there was a little spiritual fluctuation in the restriction of the entire valley, and then he saw two monks walking slowly outside the valley.

After walking around the thatched hut door, a monk dressed in the costume of an elder from the Jinguangmen shouted, "Senior Brother, the young lord of the Blood Fiend Cave, He Yiming, is here to visit."

One sentence made Yi Tian suddenly happy. The Nascent Soul cultivator in the Blood Fiend Cave has chased him for so long, and now he has met their young suzerain. It will be a good time to settle accounts.

However, there must be something strange about such a major force in Xuesha Grotto sending people to Mizonghai to contact Jinguangmen.

I only heard voices coming from the thatched hut: "It turned out to be He Daoyou, the old man Jianhai is polite."

He Yiming said disdainfully: "He Jianhai, you are on the same level as me in terms of seniority, so don't rely on your old age to sell your old age."

Then the door of the thatched hut was opened, and a tall white-haired old man came out from the inside. Seeing He Yiming, he asked directly, "Why did the clan uncle send you here this time?"

He Yiming looked him up and down and said unceremoniously: "This time, Elder Kong Mingzi of the Loose Cultivation Alliance claimed that he died from an external body, but my father thought it was not the case at all. A Loose Cultivation Alliance wanted to seek refuge in Tianyi City. It will eliminate dissidents, and the two fathers suspect that the Nascent Soul cultivator who escaped into the Demon Realm Sea ten years ago has returned and seeks Kong Mingzi for revenge."

"What does Uncle Clan mean?" He Jianhai asked puzzled.

He Yiming flipped his hand and took out a token and handed it to the other party: "Father means to send you to investigate this matter strictly. First of all, we must find out the movement of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, and in addition, we must find out the real cause of Kong Mingzi's death."

He Jianhai nodded frequently after hearing this, and then replied respectfully: "But according to the order of my uncle, I will send people to the Loose Cultivation Alliance to find out the truth." After finishing speaking, he seemed hesitant to speak.

He Yiming sneered when he saw it, then took out a jade bottle and threw it to the other party, saying: "This is a 30-year antidote, you can keep it for yourself and use it slowly." After speaking, he turned around and strode back from the original path left.

After the two left, He Jianhai shook his head helplessly, then carefully put away the jade bottle, took out a messenger crane, wrote a few words on it, and then cast a spell and sent it out.

After finishing the work, he turned around and closed the door. After returning to his hut and sitting down, he took out the jade bottle with a look of helplessness and determination in his eyes.

Then he lifted the lid with his right hand and poured out a elixir, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and then his face showed a look of intoxication, and then his face changed several times, but he still didn't make up his mind to take it.

At this time, I only heard a voice from a dark corner in the room: "You still have self-knowledge. You know that this 'Tarsal bone Zhuoxin Pill' has all kinds of harm and no benefit, but you are determined to take it."

He Jianhai was startled when he heard it, and turned around suddenly to look at the source of the voice, and said sharply: "Which senior is visiting, please show up."

After three breaths, a hazy figure appeared on the opposite side, it was Yi Tian who sneaked into this place quietly.

Seeing He Jianhai's inconceivable expression, Yi Tian just shook his head and regretted, "I didn't expect the Golden Light Gate to be a nail buried in the Mizong Sea in the Xuesha Cave, but it seems that you are living a happy life." It’s not very smooth, it seems to be controlled by people everywhere.”

He Jianhai put away the jade bottle in his hand, then took out a spiritual weapon to protect his body and said, "Who are you, why did you sneak into my mansion without permission?"

"Rather than caring about my identity, Fellow Daoist, you might as well think about your future path. I see that you have been controlled by this 'Tanggu Zhuoxin Pill' for some years. Do you still want to buy and sell for He Tianxiong for the rest of your life?"

"Stop talking nonsense, my uncle sent me here to contact the Loose Cultivation Alliance in order to fight against Tianyi City in the Blood Fiend Cave," He Jianhai retorted.

"Oh." Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help laughing, "If this is the case, why do you still use the 'Tarsus Zhuoxin Pill' to control you and so on? Your words are too pale and powerless."

The miserable expression on He Jianhai's face was completely revealed for a while, and there was nothing to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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