
Chapter 473

Chapter 473

In the crypt palace, He Tianxiong and Yi Tian surrounded the female corpse who ran out of the crystal coffin and wanted to know her next plan.He Yiming, who was caught by him, was obviously a little bit slack.

There was a 'whoosh' and then a red light flashed, and I saw the blood ring in He Tianxiong's hand once again sacrificed and hit the female corpse directly.

With a bang, the two of them were surprised to see that the female corpse had abandoned He Yiming and put her hands on the blood ring. At this time, her complexion was obviously much rosier than before.

But the faces of the two were extremely serious, and Yi Tian quickly went through the secrets of the Yin Corpse Sect in his mind before he said: "He Daoyou, this female corpse is absorbing Yang Qi and preparing to return it. Your son is just exhausted of Yang Qi That's all, as long as you recuperate and practice for a period of time afterwards, you can replenish your Yang Qi."

At this time, Yi Tian first wanted to stabilize He Tianxiong, and estimated that if he faced the female corpse alone, the outcome would be unknown, so it would be better if he didn't pull her back now.

After hearing Yi Tian's words, He Tianxiong directly scanned his son on the side with his spiritual sense, and found that it was just as Yi Tian said, that he just passed out due to the collapse of Yang Qi.

Then raised the blood ring and Yi Tiancheng's horns with both hands to attack the female corpse.

Unexpectedly, the female corpse didn't care and opened her mouth to Yi Tian and asked: "My seat, Cui Zhenzhen, has been trapped here for many years, but thank you benefactors for releasing me."

Yi Tian sneered and replied, "Then is this how you repay your benefactor?"

There was a burst of refreshing laughter, and Cui Zhenzhen said humorously: "Benefactor has done a good deed to the end, and the servant's family is almost yang to repay the yang. I wonder if the two of you can give alms?"

After hearing this, He Tianxiong just turned black and said in a solemn voice: "Don't give a fart," and then stopped talking.In his hand, he raised the blood ring one after another and struck towards the female corpse.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't lag behind, he manipulated the Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel with both hands to directly attack Cui Zhenzhen's wings.

There were only three loud bangs of 'Kang Bang Bang', and the female corpse relied on the strength of her physical body to forcibly connect three spiritual weapons.And when the gusts of evil wind spit out from her mouth hung on the spiritual weapon, the magic power was weakened by three points.

When the two saw it, they hurriedly withdrew their spells, and after the spirit weapon flew back, they saw that the spirit light on it seemed to have dimmed a lot.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenzhen didn't continue to make a move, but asked Yi Tian after looking him up and down, "It seems that this little brother is able to use the Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel, which seems to have a relationship with Na Luo Que."

After hearing Luo Que's name at first glance, Yi Tian's face changed several times, and then he asked in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you, and how do you know about 3000 years?"

Cui Zhenzhen didn't speak directly, but turned his head to look at the blood ring in He Tianxiong's hand, and said, "I never thought that the little Blood Fiend Sect would have such disciples now. This Yunxiao Pavilion is really useless, to let these little sects go." Bigger."

This is the first time I heard someone mention Yunxiao Pavilion since I came to Wandao waters. Yi Tian's expression changed immediately, and he said to Cui Zhenzhen: "The inheritance of Yunxiao Pavilion was broken as early as 2000 years ago. There are only Tianyi City and Xuesha Cave in the waters of the island."

He Tianxiong couldn't help frowning when he heard this, Yi Tian's words seemed a bit misleading, but it's inconvenient to say anything more at this time.Obviously, what Cui Zhenzhen said about Yi Tian who was on the side also knew a little bit, even better than himself, who was born and raised in the Wandao sea area.

No more talking at the moment, just winked with Angel Yi, and the two of them cast spells again to outflank them.

Cui Zhenzhen saw the menacing attack of the two spells, but without fear, he stretched out his hands and vowed to deal with them directly.

After having the previous experience, Yi Tian didn't dare to face it head-on anymore. It was obvious that the real strength of this female corpse was far above his own, but it hadn't recovered after breaking out of the crystal coffin.

Thinking of the crystal coffin, Yi Tian couldn't help scanning the surrounding restrictions with his divine sense, only to see those white flames still wrapped around the coffin below.

Immediately, I couldn't help but feel moved, since the female corpse can be imprisoned by the crystal coffin and those white flames, then these must be its nemesis.

Then while manipulating the spiritual weapon, he turned around and teleported to the coffin in the middle, and stretched out his hand to collect all the surrounding white flames in his hand.

Unexpectedly, Cui Zhenzhen's eyes were a bit frightening when Cui Zhenzhen saw her actions.She screamed and asked, "How could you charge Nanming Lihuo so easily? By the way, you must be that person's disciple?"

After speaking, he ignored the attack of the two and fled away, his speed was three points faster than Yi Tianlai.

After holding the white flame in his hand, Yi Tian was also confused for a while, thinking in his heart, "Is this the restriction of Nanming Lihuo? How can He Yiming break it with such a small power."And I didn't see any abnormalities in it when I kept it in my hand. '

After the female corpse left, the atmosphere in the whole scene immediately relaxed, and He Tianxiong also saw the value of the white flame, and asked: "Fellow Daoists cannot monopolize the entrance to Baoshan, will Nanming leave a ray of flames with me. "

Yi Tian looked at the other party's expression and knew that he wanted to leave a way out, and then he didn't refuse, but just flicked a finger with a flick of his finger.

Unexpectedly, the white Nanming Lihuo suddenly froze in the air, and when He Tianxiong stepped forward to subdue it with the Bleeding Shakung, he didn't move at all.

Suddenly there was a sound of "sisi" from the red blood evil package, Yi Tian glanced at the corner of his mouth and smiled, it turned out that Nanming Lihuo burned all the blood evil energy surrounding him.

Then I saw He Tianxiong's expression tense, and then he directly cried out in pain: "Yi Daoyou, I don't want Nanming Lihuo, please take it back quickly."

Seeing that his howling sound like killing a pig did not seem to be fake, Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "He Daoyou, what's wrong with you?"

"This Nanming Lihuo can burn the consciousness," said He Tianxiong, and even a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Overjoyed, Yi Tiancai finally confirmed that this white flame was really Nanming Lihuo left by Lihuo Patriarch.After retracting the ray of flames with one move of the hand, he made another seal with his hands and sent the Nanming Lihuo directly into the Niwan Palace.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian quickly walked to the center, opened the crystal coffin board, and checked all the patterns engraved on it.

It turned out that the coffin was surrounded by formations inscribed in the spiritual world. With the blessing of these formations, Nanming Lihuo was able to trap the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen in the crystal coffin for thousands of years.

Thinking about it, this seemed to be God's will. I kept digging out the relics left by the ancestor Lihuo, as if I had my own destiny.

Then I thought about myself, the young suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, would soon become a veritable suzerain. With the Lihuo Patriarch's natal real fire as a guide, then I had to be good at using my own natal real fire.

(End of this chapter)

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