
Chapter 474

Chapter 474

In the entire tomb, only Yi Tian and the other three were left after the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen fled.

Now that Nanming Lihuo has been collected in his hands, Yi Tian can be considered to have gained a lot.He didn't bother to argue with He Tianxiong and his son about the remaining things.

But the runes inscribed around the crystal coffin made his eyes shine.The Nanming Lihuo handed down by the ancestors of Lihuo is so powerful, but this crystal coffin can survive thousands of years under its blessing, there must be something extraordinary about it.

After scanning the coffin with his spiritual sense, he guessed that it was the combined effect of the material and the runes.While He Tianxiong was helping his son He Yiming push the palace to pass the blood, he directly took out a blank jade slip and recorded the runes inscribed on the crystal coffin first.

It was half an hour later that He Yiming opened his eyes, his whole body seemed to be hollowed out, and his face turned slightly rosy after taking a few Buyuan Pills.

After He Yiming got better, he stood up, walked to the side of the crystal coffin and glanced inside.I saw a red ribbon and a jade hairpin stored inside, needless to say, this must be the thing that Cui Zhenzhen was buried with.

At that moment, He Yiming held these two things in his hands with one finger, and then turned to look at He Tianxiong, who also asked directly, "Friend Daoist Yi, how do you think the spirit weapons inside should be distributed?"

Yi Tian secretly despised the old fox now that he knew how powerful he was, so he became so polite, and said with a look of disdain on his face: "Let's give all these funeral objects to your son, it can be regarded as a small compensation for him. "

To be honest, I didn't take these funerary objects in my heart, since Cui Zhenzhen, the female corpse, had already escaped, and if I took her things, I don't know when I would bring them back.

Even though I was not afraid of her, I didn't have the reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days. Rather than holding it myself, I would give it to He's father and son as a favor. Anyway, they will take the blame.

Then Yi Tian scanned the coffin and there was actually a layer of red carpet inside, and its material looked like a whole piece of silk.After thinking about it, let's do it to the end. With one finger, he directly took out the red carpet and handed it to He Yiming, and then said: "Nephew He Xian's piece of silk will belong to you, anyway, I will also use it." not."

He Yiming didn't refuse anyone who came, and after scanning it with his divine sense, he realized that it was also a sixth-level spiritual weapon, so he put it in his pocket.

He Tianxiong, who was on the side, only showed a little surprise in his eyes, then recovered his solemnity, and turned to smile at Yi Tian: "Thank you, fellow Daoist Yi, for your generosity."

Then He Tianxiong didn't take his time to search around the palace, and actually let him find a place to store the elixir.It's a pity that these elixirs have already lost their aura after thousands of years of wind erosion, and they turned into a puddle of powder as soon as they came into contact with the air.

But He Tianxiong didn't get nothing at all, at least he found a Jade Slip Pill Recipe.After holding it in his hand and looking at it, his face showed a little joy.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the middle of the main hall, also discovered He Tianxiong's harvest, and then quietly asked through voice transmission: "Can you make a copy of this jade slip, fellow Daoist He?"

After hearing this, He Tianxiong nodded without hesitation, then threw the jade slip over with a flip of his hand.

I saw Yi Tian pointed at the jade slip and opened it in the air, then scanned it with his spiritual sense, and then took out a blank jade slip to quickly engrave the contents on it.In the end, he compared the two prescriptions, and after confirming that they were correct, he reached out and handed the one in the air back to He Tianxiong.

Although this expedition is planned together, they are still wary of each other.Besides, with the matter that He Jianhai of the Jinguangmen was bewitched, Yi Tian was 1 wary of He Tianxiong in front of him.

Seeing Yi Tian being so cautious and He Tianxiong just pouted, everyone tacitly put away the jade slip and continued to search.

Knowing that after an hour, there would be nothing of value to be found in the entire hall, the three of them sat down and took out some elixirs and began to recover their aura.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged at the side later, asked, "He Daoyou, do you know if there are any sects in the Wandao waters that specialize in cultivating corpses?"

After thinking about it, He Tianxiong knew that Yi Tian had something to say, but the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen who escaped from here was a hidden danger.Since Yi Tian asked this question, he no longer concealed it and said: "There is indeed a sect in the sea area of ​​Wandao that specializes in cultivating corpses, and it is called the 'Reserving Corpse Sect'."

"I don't know how the cultivators in that sect are doing?" Yi Tian continued to ask.

He Tianxiong replied: "The suzerain is a late Jindan cultivator, but he has a golden armor refining corpse in his hand."

After saying one sentence, He Tianxiong's face suddenly changed several times, and he patted his forehead immediately and said, "Does Fellow Daoist Yi mean that the female corpse may find a place to recover her cultivation?"

"It's not a possibility, but a certainty. I believe that the gathering place that can provide a large amount of Yin Corpse Qi in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea is only the hinterland of the corpse sect that the Taoist said," Yi Tian said with a worried face.

After hearing this, He Tianxiong immediately stood up, and then said sharply: "We'll go to the Corpse Guard Sect to investigate without further ado."

Seeing the unprecedented seriousness on his face, He Yiming who was at the side could only bite the bullet and complied with the sentence "It's all up to the father to make the decision."

But Yi Tian laughed straight in his heart, probably because He Yiming was afraid after Cui Zhenzhen absorbed part of his yang energy, but He Tianxiong couldn't help him to behave like this.

On the contrary, Cui Zhenzhen, the female corpse, is indeed a serious threat. Who knows how many people can stop her after she recovers her strength.

After concluding with He Tianxiong, the three of them returned by the same route, and then planned to go directly to the Royal Corpse Sect to find clues.

In the end, Yi Tian was not polite, and directly put all the crystal coffin into the storage ring.Since this thing can carry the Nanminghuo and trap Cui Zhenzhen for a thousand years, it is still somewhat useful.

It didn't take long for the three of them to return to the original entrance. He Tianxiong took out the chart and looked at the location after using the escape technique to fly into the air.After pointing to a certain direction, he rolled his hands and flew towards there with his son He Yiming.

Yi Tian, ​​who was behind, also hurriedly followed, keeping a distance of about one mile from the two in front and flying away, and at the same time, he really rearranged the series of things in his heart.

First of all, I learned from the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen that she must know many things about Yunxiao Pavilion, and also recognized the spiritual weapon Sun Moon Tonghui Wheel used by Asura Almighty Luo Que.

When she collected Nanming Lihuo, she recognized that she was the descendant of the ancestor Lihuo. She must have known something about those powerful people back then.

This is also the only remaining clue that can be pursued so far. If she is allowed to escape, there may be another bloody storm in the Ten Thousand Islands Sea after many years.

(End of this chapter)

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