
Chapter 475

Chapter 475

The straight-line distance from the Lost Sea to the Southern Islands is several thousand nautical miles.Fortunately, Nascent Soul cultivator's flying speed is extremely fast, even if he brings more people by his side, the speed will not drop too much.

After Yi Tian, ​​He Tianxiong and his son came out of the Tomb Islands, they rushed towards the Zongmen area of ​​the Corpse Royal Sect non-stop.

In the entire Wandao sea area, most of the southern islands under the jurisdiction of the Xuesha Grotto gather some demon cultivators or evil cultivators.They occupy a side of the sea and establish a sect here, but they also know the importance.

There is still a lot of respect for the blood demon cave of the southern overlord, but many of these sects have emerged some new Nascent Soul monks one after another for a hundred years, so the rule of the blood demon cave is stronger than that of hundreds of years ago. That's not enough.

This time, the three of them had ulterior motives in setting their target on the Zongmen territory of the Royal Corpse Sect. Based on the fact that the flying female corpse kept saying that it wanted to return the yang, He Tianxiong thought that since the other party continued to be yang, the basis should be to find those people who are more yang. The place is right.

Yi Tian expressed his own opinion on this, because the female corpse was trapped in the crystal coffin for a long time, and her own yin energy was too strong. If she wanted to return her yang energy, she had to absorb the yang energy of a monk of the same level or at least the golden core stage.

The most important thing is that before she has enough yang qi, she still needs to stay in a place where yin accumulates and use the favorable geographical conditions to fully integrate the yin and yang qi in her body.

Although He Tianxiong couldn't be completely convinced, he still believed it to some extent.

In fact, these are the descriptions that Yi Tian saw in the classics of the Yin Corpse Sect in the early years.Presumably, the techniques of these corpse-refining sects are all similar, and at the end of the practice, they still make themselves into corpse-refining.

It's as if Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse, must have been a descendant of the corpse refining line back then, so Patriarch Lihuo captured him and suppressed him in the crystal coffin.

Presumably He Tianxiong is more anxious than himself right now, the flying female corpse can win one against two, but when she recovers her cultivation, she will be even more imposing, and then she will have to find a few more helpers to subdue her.

The three of them spent nearly two days non-stop rushing to the sky over the island where the Corpse Guards were located in the southern sea area.

He Tianxiong replied that he also took out the driver of the master of the Great Sect on his site, and shouted directly above the main hall of the Royal Corpse Sect, "Master Xie Zongren of the Royal Corpse Sect, hurry up and meet the fight."

Not long after, I saw a Golden Core cultivator in the hall below hurriedly flying forward, looked at He Tianxiong and his son in the air, and then saw a strange Nascent Soul cultivator standing aside.Not daring to be careless, Zongren Xie hastily stepped forward to He Tianxiong, raised his hands and saluted: "My subordinates, Zongren Xie, don't know that the Sect Master of the previous sect is here to welcome you."

He Tianxiong waved his hands in response, and then said: "Let's go down and talk," and then the four of them all descended to the main hall of the Corpse Guard Sect.

Along the way, Xie Zongren led the three of them slowly into the palace of the Corpse Guarding Sect. Yi Tian carefully observed the environment here, and it was indeed rich in Yin Qi that was suitable for practicing Corpse Dao Kung Fu.

And along the way, he stretched out his spiritual sense to investigate the whole island and found that behind the main hall of the Royal Corpse Sect, there is a place where Yin Qi gathers in a radius of three miles.Spiritual consciousness can't be extended in to fully explore it.

Then he said to He Tianxiong through a private voice transmission: "Friend He Dao, I found that this island is very suitable for refining corpses, especially the place where Yin accumulates."

He Tianxiong also silently moved his lips a few times and replied through voice transmission: "Does Yi Daoyou think it is possible that the female corpse will be hidden in it?"

"The possibility is very high, but I wonder if it is convenient to search that place?" Yi Tian continued.

He Tianxiong frowned, he knew that this place should be the forbidden area of ​​the Zongmen of the Corpse Guard Sect.But if he went to search recklessly, it would be okay if he found it, but if he couldn't find it, it would be troublesome to give people an excuse.

Seeing that he hesitated a little, Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth and said through voice transmission: "There will be endless troubles after letting the tiger go back to the mountain, fellow Taoist, reflect on yourself."

After hearing this, He Tianxiong's eyes revealed a look of determination, and then he chatted with Xie Zongren.After sitting in the main hall of the Imperial Corpse Sect and listening to the other party's report, He Tianxiong suddenly said indifferently: "I have recently refined a spiritual weapon, and I want to borrow a share of evil energy. I wonder if Sect Master Xie can let it I will go to the forbidden area of ​​the noble sect to collect Yin evil energy once."

The Xie Zongren frowned when he heard this, and then gradually relaxed, and then replied: "Sect Master He's request, I will definitely agree to it, but the forbidden area is set by the ancestors and has nothing to do with the foundation of the sect. How about being accompanied by me?"

He Tianxiong nodded to Yi Tian and said, "If that's the case, then Yi Daoyou and my son Yiming will wait here for a while, and come when the old man and Xie Zongzhu go."

This can be regarded as the best result. It will not hurt the harmony and preserve the power of the Blood Fiend Cave.Yi Tian also knew that if he wanted to go into the forbidden area of ​​the corpse guard sect to investigate at this time, it would be tantamount to making excuses.So keep quiet for the time being, saving He Tianxiong's face.

Then silently sat cross-legged in the hall waiting for the news of He Tianxiong's investigation. As for He Yiming, he also imitated sitting on the sidelines and meditating.This trip to the Tomb Islands had seriously injured his vitality, and it would be worrying if he didn't hurry up to repair the lost Yuanyang Qi.

About an hour later, he saw He Tianxiong coming out from the back of the hall accompanied by Mr. Xie Zongren. He had an extra jade bottle in his hand, presumably he had collected enough evil spirit energy.

Now that the matter has been finished, the three of them have no reason to bother them any more. Later, He Tianxiong and Yi Tian resigned from Xie Zongren and left the territory of the Royal Corpse Sect.

A moment later, He Tianxiong and Yi Tian were talking about something in the air, hundreds of miles away from the Royal Corpse Sect.I only heard He Tianxiong say: "Since I entered the forbidden area of ​​the corpse guard sect, I searched it thoroughly. Although my spiritual sense can't completely search every corner. But if I think about it, I won't miss anything, but I haven't found the woman's corpse." trace."

Yi Tian, ​​who was on the side, bowed his head and pondered for a while after hearing this, and could only reply: "Since the female corpse is not here, fellow Taoists should always be on guard. Since we have confronted the female corpse, the other side will definitely not let us go."

He Yiming, who was standing beside him, had a look of embarrassment at his words, and He Tianxiong nodded and replied, "That's true, so we are on the same front, fellow Daoist Yi, and I hope that we can join forces next time if we have the opportunity Scourge."

Yi Tian also heard the worry in He Tianxiong's words. It was true. When they joined forces in the tomb, they couldn't do anything to each other. Now it seems that one-on-one must escape, and two-on-one can have a chance of winning.Later, the two left the communication method and went their separate ways.

But what the three of them didn't know was that after the visitors had left, the Xie Zongren of the Imperial Corpse Sect hurried back to the Zongmen's restricted area, made a few prints on a stone wall, and a passage was revealed inside, and walked into the secret room Then I saw the female corpse Cui Zhenzhen sitting there cross-legged.

Xie Zongren hastily knelt down and said tremblingly: "Report to Patriarch, those three people have already left."

After Cui Zhenzhen opened his eyes, he said with a pear smile on his face: "Pay attention to He Tianxiong in the Blood Fiend Cave, and don't mess with the other monk. As long as I give this seat a period of time to recover, my Corpse Sect can regain control of this ten thousand island waters."

(End of this chapter)

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