
Chapter 478 Encountering an Old Enemy

Chapter 478 Encountering an Old Enemy

A small episode did not make Yi Tian feel anything, but now he is thinking about how to refine the Five Vulcan fans.

All the materials have been collected, but the refining process does not need to be done before.If you want to get a seventh-level treasure, if you refine it into a sixth-level spiritual weapon, it will definitely not be considered a success.

But I have never directly refined a seventh-level spiritual weapon before, and just based on this, I feel that I must be fully prepared.

After returning to the crater, Yi Tian sat cross-legged to recover his spiritual power, but in his mind he made an in-depth simulation of the refining technique and process.

It wasn't until seven days later that the whole person's energy and spirit reached a state of saturation, that he took out the tail feathers of the seven spiritual birds in an orderly manner.

Then he spit out a cloud of five-element real fire to envelop it, and started the preliminary real fire condensing according to the refining steps of the Five Vulcan Fan recorded in Lihuo Ten Soldiers.

This process seems simple, but Yitian knows that this is the most basic step of refining, and the next step of refining can only be continued after Lingyu has completely absorbed the real fire.But this process is extremely proud, and it cannot be completed overnight.

He took out a piece of hibiscus tree branch with his left hand, saw that it was full of fire and spiritual power, nodded, then touched the Xuanyang fire on the tip of his left finger to refine the handle of the fan.

The whole process took more than ten days, during which you can see the light of the five elements shining in the crater from time to time.

For a moment, the spiritual light leaked out through the misty phantom array.Simply, there are no living creatures or people wandering around within a few hundred miles.

After the aura of the Five Elements stopped shining, the surrounding area of ​​the volcanic island returned to tranquility.In this way, after ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the thunderclouds in the sky began to gather at noon, and it looked like a thunderbolt that broke through the pill and became a baby.

Looking from a distance, the calamity cloud covered a radius of a hundred miles, and there was a mile-wide gap in the sky.The tribulation thunders are different, interspersed with five colors.

Immediately a red lightning struck down first, and Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting in the crater, raised his brows. This situation was unexpected to him at the time. The Five Elements Thunder Tribulation first started with the Fire Spirit Tribulation Thunder.

The arm-thick thunderbolt hit the spiritual weapon and was blocked by a layer of red flames. After absorbing the aftermath of the robbery thunder, the fire phoenix tail feathers on it became more spiritually powerful.

Next, yellow, white, and blue tribulation thunders fell in sequence, and the corresponding spiritual power on the surface would be further strengthened each time the Five Vulcan Fans survived the thunder calamity.

When the cyan thundercloud gathered that day, Yi Tian frowned for no reason, and within the range covered by his divine sense, he found a divine sense that was not weaker than his own and was rushing towards the volcanic island.

According to its speed, it should look like a Nascent Soul cultivator, and now Yi Tian couldn't help being angry, why would he cause some trouble here every time the spiritual weapon crosses the tribulation.

If someone interrupts the spiritual weapon to cross the catastrophe, I don't know when and when I will be able to get my wish again.

After showing helplessness on his face, Yi Tian flew out of the formation and greeted the monk who was fleeing.

Cultivator Nascent Soul's escaping speed is extremely fast, and Yi Tian is good at the technique of escaping, so he took advantage of the escaping monk head-on in half a moment.

After being separated for several miles, Yi Tian took a look, the person who came was actually an old acquaintance.He didn't expect to meet Lan Feng from the Bluescale Clan in this sea area of ​​Ten Thousand Islands.

After he took the opportunity to escape in the submarine crater last time, Yi Tian secretly decided that he must greet him next time he sees him.

Lan Feng escaped from the water, to be honest, he didn't perform as well in the air as he did in the water.Looking at Yi Tian in mid-air, Lan Feng opened his bloody mouth and shouted: "It's you again, you are lucky that you didn't kill you last time. I didn't expect you to come to the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Islands again. You won't be so lucky next time."

Yi Tian is not angry but happy, now he doesn't need to be on the bottom of the sea last time, his tricks can't be used.Now one is on the sea and the other is in the sky, and everyone has half of the geographical advantage. It is difficult to say who is more advantageous.

If it weren't for the spirit weapon behind him still passing through the tribulation, he would have shot it now.After thinking about it for a while, I still use the dragging formula to stabilize the other party before speaking.Then Yi Tian laughed and said: "Lan Feng, we are old acquaintances. I didn't expect to meet again in the Wandao waters this time. It seems that you are also here to participate in the Maritime Trade Fair of the Sanxiu Alliance. I advise you to hurry up." Leave quickly, so as not to be skinned and cramp by then."

Lan Feng laughed wildly and said: "You humans are very cunning, obviously someone is going through the catastrophe, and you are just delaying my time," he slammed his tail and dived into the sea.

Yi Tian didn't think he would let it go like this, it was all about this, and everyone knew that strengthening the opponent's strength was cruel to oneself.

Lan Feng was also determined to interfere with this matter. When he was young, he saw waves on the surface of the sea, forming a vortex as large as ten feet in a short time.Then the vortex turned faster and faster towards the position of the volcanic island.

Yi Tian didn't read the situation after seeing the situation, and then returned to the vicinity of the volcanic island after a few dodges. Seeing Lan Feng attacking with a waterspout, he had no fear on his face.

Stretching out his hand, he cut off a section of a small mountain on the volcanic island, and then said "Go," and directly threw a stone about twenty feet in size into the whirlpool. A huge wave more than ten feet high came.

A blue figure flashed out of the sea, and it was Lan Feng who set up the waves and attacked Yi Tian in the air.Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth, waiting for this moment, there is nothing he can do in the water, but the crap out of the water is easy to clean up.

Immediately, he flipped his right hand and directly cast out the Taiyuan Sword, cast a spell, and stabbed at Lan Feng.

Lan Feng didn't show any weakness either, he took out a blue trident and held a scroll in both hands, and sprayed a jet of water towards Yi Tian.

The two sides fought in the air for a while, and suddenly Yi Tian heard a sound of thunder from behind, and then the dazzling blue thunder light shone brightly all around.

Yi Tian happened to have his back facing the flashing light, and he was overjoyed and hurriedly cast the spell again with ten fingers in his hand, ejecting dozens of nanmuzi.

And Lan Feng, who was facing Jieyun, was blinded by the glare of the blue light.Simply close your eyes and use your spiritual sense to explore the surrounding situation.

Feeling that Yi Tian's spell was approaching quickly, Lan Feng was about to use the trident to form a three-foot-wide water wall in front of him, and the incoming nanmuzi were all taken away by the torrent after hitting the water wall. Can't hurt him half a point.

After three breaths, Lan Feng finally opened his eyes, and then shouted loudly: "Stinky boy, let me see where you are going." After speaking, he looked around and couldn't find Yi Tian's trace.

Looking up at the sky above the volcanic island, Yi Tianzheng was holding a one-foot-sized feather fan in his hand, but there was a satisfied smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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