
Chapter 479

Chapter 479
After reading the Five Elements Thunder Tribulation above the volcanic island, the Five Elements Real Fire on the Five Vulcan Fans can be considered to be truly stable.Yi Tian was always passive after being interrupted by Lan Feng for a while.

Fortunately, it's not a problem now, after a few spells delayed the opponent, Yi Tian took advantage of the gap and hurried back to the place where the five Vulcan fans crossed the catastrophe.

After the blue tribulation thunder passed, the five real fires could be regarded as blending together in the spiritual weapon.Looking at the precious fan in his hand, Yi Tian was delighted for no reason.

The attributes of these five Vulcan fans are compatible with the skills I have practiced, and the flames bred on them have extracted a trace of my own true fire for sacrifice, so holding it in my hand feels like a part of my body
Others need blood to recognize the owner to use this spiritual weapon, but I have even skipped this step.

Holding the fan in his right hand, he glanced at it, and saw seven kinds of tail feathers in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple colors. On the black hibiscus wooden fan handle, "Seven Birds and Five Vulcan Fans" were engraved in spiritual characters. typeface.

I couldn't help being surprised at the moment, I didn't engrave a few words on it back then.Fortunately, I can also recognize some spiritual texts, otherwise I don't even recognize my own spiritual weapons, which is ridiculous.

Put these aside in advance, there is still Lan Feng to take care of.Turning his head to look at Lan Feng Yi Tian, ​​who was not far from the island, a smile appeared on his face.

He was just about to test the power of the spirit weapon, and this Lan Feng was definitely a good target right now.

After a flash of red light, Yi Tian came not far from Lan Feng, and then he twitched the mana in his hand and poured it into the fan, and then slapped it in the direction of Lan Feng.

All I saw was five-color flames flying out of the fan and flying towards Lan Feng with the howling wind.

And Lan Feng in front of him, seeing that he couldn't dodge in time, directly waved his trident again with both hands to mobilize the water vapor around him to form a water wall one foot long and three feet thick in front of him, then he turned his head and went down, regardless of the result in front of him. Drill into the sea.

As soon as the five-color flame touched the water wall, it cut a foot-sized hole, and under Yi Tian's control, it directly hit Lan Feng who was fleeing downward.

After hearing a scream, Lan Feng was blown away ten feet away, and the trident on his hands was fused directly by the five-color divine flames.Then he hit the body and pierced the left flank, exposing a charred black hole.

At this time, Lan Feng no longer had the vigor he had just now, he was seriously injured in one blow, and now he has no choice but to go back to Daohai.

And Yi Tian who was in the air was also secretly happy. This divine fan has just passed through the robbery. Although it is already a seventh-level spiritual weapon, it has not been nourished by spiritual power in the body.

In time, as long as his own cultivation level improves, Wuhushen Fan may be able to advance to Lingbao after fully absorbing his spiritual power.

After flipping his hand to put away the precious fan, Yi Tian put his hands on his body and sacrificed a blue true flame armor, and then flew straight towards Lan Feng with full escapism.

After being hit hard by the blow, Lan Feng also plunged into the sea in a hurry. He thought it was all right, but suddenly there was a 'swish' sound in his ears, and with his spiritual sense, it turned out that Yi Tian chased him down.

This rhythm is to kill them all, Lan Feng gritted his teeth, turned around and waved his hands, casting the natal spell of the Naga clan.

Immediately, the surrounding water gathered to form several small whirlpools, and then pointed to Yi Tian who was chasing behind, those whirlpools split the water and hit Yi Tian.

The True Flame Armor with Sunny Yin True Fire also inherits its characteristics, Yi Tian just looked at the whistling water column sneeringly, and the blue flame on his body became stronger again by three points, forming an ice flame field within a foot around him.

In the past, whenever the water column approached the Bingyan field, it was directly frozen into ice cubes. Not long after, Yi Tian caught up with Lan Feng, and then shot several times in his hand again, and dozens of nanmuzi shot out.

Lan Feng relied on his own instinct to dodge back and forth in the water, and at the same time he needed to use spiritual power to quickly heal the wound on his left flank.Unexpectedly, the newly grown granulation could not fill the wound on the left flank for a long time.

It turned out that after being hit by the real fire of the five elements, a layer of residual divine flame was attached to the wound to prevent the growth of spiritual power. As a result, Lan Feng had no choice but to endure the pain and swim desperately into the deep sea.

Yi Tian absolutely didn't mind beating the dog in the water, not to mention that Lan Feng in front of him was an old opponent many years ago.Back then, I had no intention of releasing him from the undersea prison, so I should understand this grievance even by myself.

After the continuous ejection, two seeds finally hit Lan Feng's back, Yi Tian was overjoyed and directly changed the way of sealing with his hands.However, two thumb-thick vines grew from the wound pierced by Nan Muzi at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then grew thicker and thicker, extending to all around his body and binding his hands tightly. .

Now Lan Feng could only slide his tail in the water, but his speed suddenly slowed down a lot.

Originally, Yi Tian was not good at sneaking in the water, and he needed to use all his energy to keep up with Lan Feng's swimming speed.Now that the other party has gained the Tao, he has suddenly become a fish belly at the mercy of others.

Yi Tian was not polite when he saw it, he took out the Taiyuan sword and sacrificed it in his hand, then chanted something in his mouth and shot at Lan Feng.

About half a mile away, the Taiyuan Sword approached in an instant, and after a flash of white light, he saw a hole in the back of Lan Feng's head in front of him, and he seemed to be dead.

An hour later, Yi Tian fished Lan Feng's body directly ashore and repaired it on the beach of the volcanic island.

After searching Lan Feng's body, he found only a delicate shell, a one-inch conch pendant and a trident broken in two, but nothing else.

Many years ago, I saw that the sea people stored all the items in the shell. Yi Tianyi reached out to take the shell, erased the original imprint on it, and directly went in with his spiritual sense to have a look. It was full of sea shells. The special product of the ethnic group and more than a catty of creamy black jade paste.

This can be regarded as making a small fortune. The special products of the sea clan, especially those coral pearls are all five-level treasures, and there are some minerals unique to the seabed that make Yi Tian's eyes shine.

These things are not commonly found on land, and can only be found in the deep sea.

Right now, Yi Tian put away all these things, even if he didn't need them to exchange for treasure materials in the future.

After transferring all the contents of the shell to his storage ring, Yi Tian picked up the conch pendant to take a closer look, only to see a flash of spiritual power on the surface of the conch, thinking that it must be something extraordinary.

Not knowing the purpose of this conch for the time being, Yi Tian can only put it away first, and find someone to look at it later when he has a chance.

As for the two broken tridents, the material is actually black forged iron in the sea. Unfortunately, the level of the sea clan's crafting is limited, and it is a waste to take good materials.After tidying up all these, Yi Tian turned his head and flew towards the crater. With so many treasures in his hand, he had to refine them into spirit weapons before they could be exchanged.

(End of this chapter)

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